
WPPlugins AtoZ

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WP Plugins A to Z Interview Show 6 with David Hehenberger from

Talking with David about the QuizCats plugin that was reviewed in Episode 276 of WordPress Plugins A to Z . How to create fantastic Quizzes and grow your emails and conversions.

Talking with David about the QuizCats plugin that was reviewed in Episode 276 of WordPress Plugins A to Z . How to create fantastic Quizzes and grow your emails and conversions.Interview with David Hehenberger from

Talking with David about the QuizCats plugin that was reviewed in Episode 276 of WordPress Plugins A to Z . How to create fantastic Quizzes and grow your emails and conversions.

This interview I discussed with David the benefits of his plugin Quiz Cats and how you can use it on your website to improve conversions and grow your email list. We talked a bit about his company and how they work and the other plugins that they offer and how they can help you in You WordPress website

In particular the QuizCat plugin can benefit you by offering up the ability to create unique quizzes that will hopefully go viral and you can even set them so that before they can get their answers they will need to enter their email address helping you to grow your email list.

Also when Talking to David on the show he has offered up an Elite license for QuizCats which gives you one year support on an unlimited number of websites as well as priority support for the plugin. It also includes the email list integration and the analytics for your quiz to see where and how it is used.

The contest will launch in in Episode 278 of WP Plugins A to Z

You can contact David here

And buy their plugin here

Premium Plugin

sent in by David Hehenberger

The  Lowdown:

Viral quizzes are definitely a thing and you should be able to create them on your own website. With this plugin you can create those crazy quizzes and collect emails addresses when your visitors want the results. It has integration for Mailchimp and Zapier. You can create unique quizzes tailored to your website focus, create personality quizzes and just have some fun. If you get real creative you might even have one go viral. It’s a pretty great plugin although I did have some issues in the MU environment but will contact the developer about them and get back to you on it.

Rating 4 Dragons.

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Reminder: If you’re a plugin developer and you’d like to appear on the show, you can schedule an interview, donate your plugin for an upcoming contest, or submit your plugin for review.






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