WPPlugins AtoZ

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WordPress Plugins A to Z Episode 326 User Emulation, Dating Sites, Abandoned Cart Chatbots

It's Episode 326 and we've got plugins for System and Server Monitoring, User Emulation, Dating Sites, Abandoned Cart Chatbots and CF7-Zapier Integration. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

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It's Episode 326 and we've got plugins for System and Server Monitoring, User Emulation, Dating Sites, Abandoned Cart Chatbots and CF7-Zapier Integration. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!It’s Episode 326 and we’ve got plugins for System and Server Monitoring, User Emulation, Dating Sites, Abandoned Cart Chatbots and CF7-Zapier Integration. It’s all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!


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Benefits – Benefits – Benefits

Having a review done by us or having an interview helps the traffic to the developers website. As was bought to our attention recently when we did an interview and reviewed a plugin for a developer who sent us snap shots of their traffic before and after the shows and the traffic stayed so there are great benefits to being reviewed by WP Plugins A to Z. Submit Your Plugin Here.

All the show notes can be found at: WPPluginsAtoZ.com

Make sure you subscribe and review the show at:

Stitcher Radio, Google Play and in the iTunes Store.
Check out our Training Videos, Screencasts and Watch Us Live on YouTube every Monday morning at 10amPST

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Today we are reviewing our usual allotment of six great plugins.


And first up I have A request from Kent Smith for a status plugin similar to the status page created by Woocommerce, and I found a couple and the first one is.

Server Status


Requires: or higher
Compatible up to:
Released:01 January 1970
Last Updated:01 January 1970
(0 star out of 5)

The Lowdown:
This is the first of 2 plugins I found that will help you figure out what is happening on a site.
This is a simple page of most stats for your server including php versions, memory allocation and more. All information is displayed in a widget on your dashboard and can help with the occasional issue you might be having or in case you are just taking over a site get a quick glimpse of what is happening.

Rating 3 Dragons

Fast User Switching

By TikWeb (tikweb.dk) in Denmark

Requires:5.2 or higher
Compatible up to:6.5.5
Released:24 September 2017
Last Updated:30 January 2025
(4.1 star out of 5)

Allow only administrators to impersonate any site user. Choose user to impersonate, by clicking new “Impersonate” link in the user list. To return to your own user, just log out. A log out link is available in the black top menu, top right, profile submenu.Za

When you impersonate a user, you will be effectively logged in as that user, and acquire the same rights – very convenient for testing rights for users. Also practical for consultants, bureaus and copy-writers who need to create and edit content for customers.

Rating: 4 out of 5

This show is Sponsored by the following People and or businesses

John Overall.com WordPress & Web Services

Is it time to update your website, moving to a new host, or simply sorting out your long neglected plugins? I can help you with all that and more JohnOverall.com web services can help you sort your WordPress problems from finding that perfect plugin to helping you move to a new hosting provider or even providing Quality WordPress hosting.
With 20yrs. Exp on-line and over 8 years dedicated to WordPress JohnOverall.com Provides all your web service needs from hosting to WordPress development, repairs and https://wpmalwareremoval.com/.

Visit my website JohnOverall.com, Call 818-850-7729 or send an email to john@wppro.ca


Anyone listening to this show has a passion for WordPress. Want to write about something unique within WordPress? I’m now the WordPress Editor for Smashing Magazine, one of the biggest web design resources online. I’m looking for folks to write great articles about WordPress. Get a lot of exposure to yourself and your work. Email marcus.couch at smashingmagazine.com and I’ll reply back with more info. It’s a great opportunity to contribute to the WordPress community, get exposure and get a few hundred bucks for the effort too.


Our next couple plugins for you are


Simple System Status


Requires:6.0 or higher
Compatible up to:6.0.9
Released:03 March 2015
Last Updated:07 May 2022
(5 star out of 5)

The Lowdown:
This plugin gives you a more complete pisture of your site and gets you almost everything that is produced in the WooCommerce status page.
It tells you the WordPress version, memory limits and use, time zone, permalink setting and more.
Tell you the theme information
lists all plugins the must use one, the active ones and the inactive ones.
Server Info, PHP version, post limiists and memory liimits, checks fsock curl and soap.
tells you session info
and even give you a unique link for an external page to look at..

All in all pretty good

Rating 4 Dragons

Recover Abandoned Cart for WooCommerce

by ChatX.ai in Bucharest, Romania

Requires: or higher
Compatible up to:
Released:01 January 1970
Last Updated:01 January 1970
(0 star out of 5)

This plugin helps you recover more abandoned carts on your WooCommerce store, by using Facebook Messenger Chatbots.
You first have to set up an account at ChatX.AI. Then you can begin to track your store’s abandoned carts and the related Facebook users. After X number of hours from the cart abandonment, your customer will receive a message from your store’s Facebook page, reminding them of the products left in cart. The chatbot will try to convince him to finish the order. Here, you have some options like allowing the chatbot to use a discount coupon, or scarcity to be more convincing.

Rating: 5 out of 5


Listener Feedback / Audio Clips

We like listener feedback you can leave feedback via our contact page, Speakpipe or email us direct.

Show Donors

This Show is a Value for Value model meaning if you get any Value out of it please give some Value back and in that vein we would like to acknowledge those that have supported the show in the past week. All donations $50 and over are read out and their note is published here.
For all those who come in below $50 they will remain anonymous and we thank you very much.

This week’s Donor/’s are:

$50 from Jezweb Pty Ltd

This donation is on behalf of Kracka Surfcraft, https://www.krackasurfcraft.com.au/ which Jezweb recently rebuilt because the cms it was trapped in was nowhere near the flexibility of wordpress.

And a big thank you to our donors who came in under $50 and to those who have set up weekly subscriptions.
All these small subscriptions really help the show out.

Here are ways you can support the show:

Support the show with a weekly $2.50 subscription by going https://wppluginsatoz.com/donate/
This show is listener supported and we can use more than just money to help the show grow.
Visit WPPluginsAtoZ.com to learn how you can support the show in other ways.

You can also create a monthly donation at Patreon

Remember to support the show and earn producer credits for your support.

Our last couple plugins today are:


Rencontre – Dating Site


Requires:5.0 or higher
Compatible up to:6.7.2
Released:13 June 2014
Last Updated:04 February 2025
(3.9 star out of 5)

The Lowdown:
When looking for Plugins you never know what you will find and it seems there is something for everyone.
Because there are not enough Dating sites online yet you can add to the crazy with this plugin. It will help you build you own Dating site to offer services using WordPress. It allows for just about everything you want in a dataing site and includeds stats so you can track how it works.
Inital plugin will only create a free dating site but you can buy the premium addon for 35 Eros to add a membership section to the site.. Have fun.

Rating 3 Dragons


CF7 to Zapier


Requires:4.7 or higher
Compatible up to:6.8
Released:21 September 2017
Last Updated:12 January 2025
(5 star out of 5)

By Vizir Software studio in São Paulo, Brazil.

Contact Form 7 (CF7) is a awesome plugin used by 1+ million WordPress websites. Zapier is a awesome service to connect your apps and automate workflows!

Now you can join both: the best contact form plugin to WordPress and Zapier! Just activate and configure Zapier to receive data.

Rating: 4 out of 5


Closing out this Episode The Plugins we covered where:

John’s Plugins: Server Status – 3, Simple System Status – 4, Rencontre – Dating Site – 3

Marcus’ Plugins: Fast User Switching – 5, Recover Abandoned Cart for WooCommerce – 5, CF7 to Zapier – 4

Commercial / Promotions:

Be sure to check out the YouTube Screencast that goes up later and watch the add on part that has me doing a first impression of one of Marcus’s Plugin reviews from this show.

Note to developers who would like to support the show. If you would like to offer up a premium license to give away please go to WPPluginsAtoZ.com/PluginContest

We now have training videos up and on-line part of the WP Plugins network you can find them here at https://suportsam.dev.cc/category/public-wordpress-training-videos/ or here https://suportsam.dev.cc/category/members-wordpress-training-videos/ new videos being done weekly

For Those who watch us on YouTube there is an addon special piece:
John will take one of the plugins reviewed by the other in this show and do a quick online demonstration of the install and a two minute impression.

WordPress News and other interesting WordPress related posts:

For news and information that is related to WordPress be sure and subscribe to our Newsletter.

Just some reminders:

Remember to support the show at wppluginsatoz.com/donate

All the show notes can be found at: WPPluginsAtoZ.com

Make sure you subscribe and review the show at:

Stitcher Radio, Google Play and in the iTunes Store

Follow the show on Twitter @wppluginsatoz

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