WPPlugins AtoZ

Powered by WPPro AtoZ Host

Donate to WP Plugins A to Z

Alternate Donation Options

If your a plugin Developer who would like to support the show with a Premium License Donation for a Contest Giveaway please go here to submit.

We understand that not everyone has a bit of spare change to donate and there are those of you who really should not go without coffee (you know who you are, lol).  There are other ways you can show your appreciation and support for the show, what we do and help to keep the show unbiased and not needing to rely on advertising income.   (The reasons we wish to do this were discussed in Episode #309.)

Below are other ways you, the listener, can help the show stay plugged in, move forward, improve and  be some of what you and we are hoping for it to be.

  • Share the show with all the people you know through your social media platforms of choice. (Don’t see your platform listed? Let us know.)
  • Help edit the show notes.  This takes time, something we are short on with putting our time into actually producing the show.
  • Creating any graphics that we may need. (Credit will be given to you for your work and a link to your site if the graphic is used.)
  • Submit names and links to plugins you’d like to see reviewed on the show.
  • Submit your own review of a plugin we’ve reviewed and have it read on the show.
  • Help create new pages as needed for the WP Plugins site.
  • Create training videos to be posted to the site.
  • Comment on the show notes.
  • Review links in the show notes and website for accuracy, and relevance.
  • Keep listening and downloading the show!

Please contact us here to help in this manner.

Book an Interview on WPPluginsAtoZ

If Your a Plugin/Theme Developer or WP Community Member

Book your interview now.