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WordPress Plugins A-Z #280 Disable Password Notifications, Intranet-Site Lockdown

It's Episode 280 and we've got plugins for Generating Pinterest Images, Click to Tweet, Disable Password Notifications, Site Lockdown and a great new way to respond to comments, privately.. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

It's Episode 280 and we've got plugins for Generating Pinterest Images, Click to Tweet, Disable Password Notifications, Site Lockdown and a great new way to respond to comments, privately.. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!It’s Episode 280 and we’ve got plugins for Generating Pinterest Images, Click to Tweet, Disable Password Notifications, Site Lockdown and a great new way to respond to comments, privately.. It’s all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

Thank Our Donors

We would like to thank our donors to the show, everyone who donates $50 or more will be acknowledged here with a mention and a link back to their page and all those below will be anonymous
$50 from Jeremy at Jezweb Pty Ltd.
Thank you John and Marcus for continuing with plugin reviews and now interviews! This donation is on behalf of COMO Leather Furniture, https://www.como.com.au who is a Jezweb WordPress with WooCommerce client in Newcastle, Australia.
Thanks to all donors who came in under $50
A big Thank You to all Pateron Donors your support is much appreciated.
You can now donate though Patreon at https://patreon.com/wppluginsatoz where you can donate on a monthly basis. As an incentive if you donate $40 a month you will gain access to the exclusive plugin tutorial videos on how to setup and use the plugins we review and use.

John’s Rant: What to rant about?

Don’t forget we are running a contest where we are giving away an Elite License for QuizCat Plugin that I reviewed in Episode 276 and I Interviewed David Hehenberger in this show here. The contest runs until American Thanksgiving day go to https://wppluginsatoz.com/quizcat to enter your email to win and then share it out for more opportunities to win.

WordPress News and other interesting WordPress related posts:

WordPress 4.7 is almost upon us and the news is starting to leak out about whats coming down the pike.
A Preview of the Custom CSS Editor Added to the Customizer in WordPress 4.7  https://wptavern.com/a-preview-of-the-custom-css-editor-added-to-the-customizer-in-wordpress-4-7

A Preview of the Custom CSS Editor Added to the Customizer in WordPress 4.7

https://wptavern.com/a-preview-of-the-custom-css-editor-added-to-the-customizer-in-wordpress-4-7WordPress 4.7 is a little more than a month away and is going to be packed with new features and improvements. In particular, five feature projects related to the customizer were approved for merge and will be part of the release. One of the feature projects is the custom CSS editor that enables users to make CSS changes to a theme without having to create a child theme.

In WordPress 4.7, there’s a new section in the customizer labeled Additional CSS. Clicking the label displays a blank pane with a short description of what users can do. Clicking the help icon displays a short explanation of what CSS is with a link to a help document on the Codex. The Additional CSS pane is more like a text area than an editor. Read original article here…. wptavern.com


Security is always important for your WordPress website this article 15 WordPress experts weigh in with their top WordPress security tips https://www.godaddy.com/garage/webpro/security/15-wordpress-experts-weigh-in-on-their-top-wordpress-security-tips/ talks about some thing you can do to improve your chances.

15 WordPress experts weigh in with their top WordPress security tips

https://www.godaddy.com/garage/webpro/security/15-wordpress-experts-weigh-in-on-their-top-wordpress-security-tips/Security is extremely important for WordPress website owners. Having a security plan in place allows you to protect the time and money spent in creating and maintaining your website. Unfortunately, not everyone has been sold on adopting their own security plan — and most of the time it falls on how the end user learns WordPress. Often website owners learn how to set up their site, how to use it, and how to market it, but nothing about security. This article rounds up some of the best WordPress security tips from WordPress experts.

These WordPress pros have presented at WordCamps, other social media and blogging conferences, and are active members in well-known WordPress-related communities and websites. They range from power users and bloggers to designers and developers, so their advice ranges from WordPress security tips for beginners to advanced users. Read original article here…. godaddy.com

How to Remove Website Malware

https://showwp.com/promotions/remove-website-malware-tips-tricks/These are the few points which you need to understand when aiming to get rid of internet malware from your website. Additionally, if you’re currently hacked, you could get Sucuri to cleanse your web site despite CMS or also can have service from 10 year experience developer for just $10 – Remove Malware from wordpress Service

When functioning to cleanse your website there are a variety of points you need to understand. I’ll cover it right into 4 crucial points:

Naturally, there typically aren’t numerous live scanners available on the marketplace that are really cost-free as well as going to offer you a record without asking to sign up or settlement of some kind: Read original article here…. showwp.com


And if your a plugin developer you will want to read this — WordPress Plugin Team Publishes Revamped Guidelines for Plugin Directory https://wptavern.com/wordpress-plugin-team-publishes-revamped-guidelines-for-plugin-directory Having read though this it is interesting in some of its points.

WordPress Plugin Team Publishes Revamped Guidelines for Plugin Directory

https://wptavern.com/wordpress-plugin-team-publishes-revamped-guidelines-for-plugin-directoryTwo months ago, revised guidelines for the WordPress Plugin Directory were opened up on GitHub for public feedback. This transparent and open process of updating the guidelines resulted in more than a dozen contributors submitting pull requests with improvements to the language and content. The revamped guidelines have now replaced the previous ones with language and expectations that are clearer and easier to understand.

“In addition to rewriting the guidelines, we took the time to codify the expectations of developers and cost of not abiding by the guidelines, as well as a reminder that we do remove plugins for security issues,” plugin team member Mika Epstein said in the announcement. “We are doing our best to be transparent of what we expect from you and, in return, what you can expect from us.” Read original article here…. wptavern.com


**WordPress Plugins Reviewed by John Overall**


sent in by Kevin Brent

The Lowdown:

This is a pretty good leads plugin for real estate agents or mortgage brokers that is easy to get set up. Install activate and add as a widget to a widget area and add the email you want leads sent to. It does have everything ready to go for you and there is no way to customize the questions that are displayed. This can make life pretty easy for you unless you need something more specific. You can easily control the look and feel of the widget in the settings.

I do feel the plugin could benefit from being able to customize the questions and also change from the default privacy policy and terms although they are pretty good. It could also benefit with being able to have the leads dumped direct to something like Zapier or Salesforce other than that this is a pretty good plugin.

Rating 5 Dragons.

Better Click To Tweet

The Lowdown:
It has become pretty popular to provide an easy way for visitors to websites to send out a tweet. This plugin allows you to craft the perfect Tweetable quote to send out by your visitors. It add a new button in the editor where you craft that perfect tweet and then place it where ever you want in the text as a block quote type of box. All your visitors need to do is click to send a tweet mo effort on their part. A great little plugin.
Rating 5 Dragons

WPAZ Intranet/Site Lockdown

Premium Plugin
sent by John Overall
The Lowdown:
Well it is finally here the first of many plugins to come from WP Plugins A to z. This plugin allows you to create an Intranet website or use it to simply lock down a site such as a dev site from everyone. It has features that allow IP address though and without them everyone must login. It prevents access to all files on the site expect for the login window. By adding gravity forms you can have people from a specific domain only register for an account meaning the must have an email form specified domains before they can create an account, then it sens out automated auth code. This plugin is now ready for primetime and only available at WP Plugins A to Z support site store.
For only $5 but if your listening to the show use code ******** and get it for free. This code will not be published if you listen to the show you can get it there or if you would like a code email john@wppro.ca and I’ll send it out. Discount good until Jan 1, 2017
And well since its is not perfection yet
Rating 4 Dragons

**WordPress Plugins Reviewed by Marcus Couch**

Grid Canvas – Pinterest Image Creator

Every time you create a blog post or a page, Grid Canvas will automatically detects all the images from the post and adds them to a grid layout. You can further do your own adjustments to make the image the way you like – you can add new images from the media library and drag each image to change its position. There are plenty of predefined grid layouts to choose from and there are more coming soon. You can also select the image size that is the most optimal for the different social networks – Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
When you are ready with your grid image design, the plugin will make a request to the Grid Canvas API to generate the image. The generated image is then stored in your Media Library and available for sharing on Pinterest, downloading or you can use it any other way.
Grid Canvas is still under development and it’s free to use while in beta. Once the plugin is officially released, the Grid Canvas service will be available as a paid product with a free trial. But I’d check it out now.
Rating: 4 out of 5

Disable Password Changed Notifications

by Pippin Williamson
Disables the notification email sent to side administrators when users change their passwords. There are no settings to configure.
Rating: 5 out of 5

WP Private Comment Notes

WP Private Comment Notes will let WordPress admins/moderators add and manage private notes for each comment left through the WordPress commenting system. Additionally, each note can be shared with the user who left the original comment.
Comment notes can come in handy when managing popular blogs. WP Private Comment Notes serves as a “note to self” tool for comment moderators, or a private method of communication with the commenter.
Rating: 5 out of 5

Plugins Overview:

John’s Plugins: wprequal – 5, Better Click To Tweet – 5, WPAZ Intranet/Site Lockdown – 4
Marcus’ Plugins: Grid Canvas – 4, Disable Password Changed Notifications – 5, Private Comment Notes – 4
Time to share this space with others, so currently I would like to let others know about a great resource for WordPress related site issues. You can check out https://www.wp-tonic.com/ this site is run by Jonathan and the website is full of great tips and useful information as well as a great podcast and WordPress show check them out.


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