
WPPlugins AtoZ

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WordPress Plugins A to Z Episode 347 Newsletters, Preloaded Widgets

It's Episode 347 and we've got plugins for Newsletters, Preloaded Widgets, Testing WordPress, Travel-based Categories, Memberships and Facebook Citywide Event Listings. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

It's Episode 347 and we've got plugins for Newsletters, Preloaded Widgets, Testing WordPress, Travel-based Categories, Memberships and Facebook Citywide Event Listings. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!It’s Episode 347 and we’ve got plugins for Newsletters, Preloaded Widgets, Testing WordPress, Travel-based Categories, Memberships and Facebook Citywide Event Listings. It’s all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

Get all the grisly Plugin details and full access to the complete show notes on our website! You can follow the show on Twitter at @wppluginsatoz, and join our Facebook at WordPressPluginsA2Z for the latest in WordPress Plugin related news - some we come across in-between shows, and some we talk about on our weekly show.

The WordPress Plugins A-Z Podcast can be found on iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher Radio and also on WordPress Radio. If you like what you hear on the show, we encourage you to share your enthusiasm with others that you know in the WordPress community and in social networks.
Share on Twitter: [bctt tweet="WP Plugins A to Z The Only #WordPress #Plugins #Podcast " username="wppluginsatoz"]
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Self Promotion

While we do enjoy bringing you the show week after week, we also make our living with WordPress and related promotional services. With that, we ask for a moment of your time for some self promotion. If you find these promotions of value, please share them with friends and colleagues.

Promotions from John Overall:
Has your  WordPress site broken? Do you have a question or two about its functionality? Have you recieved the white screen of death? This may be time for some Emergency WordPress Support. Contact me at or give me a quick call at 818-850-7729.

Promotions from Marcus Couch:
X² Marketing is your full-service digital marketing and brand development agency. Whether you are a solo entrepreneur, small business or enterprise level company; power up your marketing with X2. From WordPress to ClickFunnels, Landing Pages to Social Campaigns, SEO, Paid Ads, Infusionsoft management and more. Visit and get in touch with Marcus about your digital marketing needs.

My new and improved Membership Coach program is your go-to resource for all the Training, Advice, and Support needed to Develop and Grow a Profitable Membership Site. Be sure to head over to and get on the waiting list for the first sessions, launching soon. You can also follow @membershipcoach on twitter to get the latest release dates and news. Signups are now active and Pre-Launch Enrollment is open!



Benefits – Benefits – Benefits

Having a review done by us or having an interview helps the traffic to the developers website. As was bought to our attention recently when we did an interview and reviewed a plugin for a developer who sent us snap shots of their traffic before and after the shows and the traffic stayed so there are great benefits to being reviewed by WP Plugins A to Z. Submit Your Plugin Here.

All the show notes can be found at:

Make sure you subscribe and review the show at:

Stitcher Radio, Google Play and in the iTunes Store.
Check out our Training Videos, Screencasts and Watch Us Live on YouTube every first Monday of the month at 10am PST.

Follow the show on Twitter @wppluginsatoz
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Today we are reviewing our usual allotment of six great plugins.

And first up I have

Sent in by Yannick Chizzolini
Freemium Plugin

Jackmail Newsletters

Requires: or higher
Compatible up to:
Released:01 January 1970
Last Updated:01 January 1970
(0 star out of 5)

The Lowdown:
Are you looking for a new way to deal with your newsletters that give you the assurance of delivery like mailchimp and the ease of use WordPress provides. This may be the plugin for you. It works from within your WordPress dashboard to let you create and automate newsletters with a drag and drop interface and never leave WordPress dashboard. It send the emails though their vetted email servers thus insuring delivery unlike the hit and miss of using your webs server to send emails, even the best have issues from time to time. This is a freemuim service and the free service does have some limitations such as 100 emails a day but starting at only
$5 a month for 2000 emails it is quite affordable to send out your bulk emails.. Also have a listen to the interview I did with Yannick Chizzonini about this plugin.

Rating 5 Dragons


Widgets Bundle

Requires:4.8 or higher
Compatible up to:5.4.16
Released:09 March 2018
Last Updated:09 April 2020
(0 star out of 5)

Widgets Bundle comes powerpacked with 9 awesome widgets to power up your website and add more features to it which you always desired. It contains the following widgets:

  • Ads Widget – for having sponsored section on your website
  • Posts Widget – for displaying posts with thumbnails
  • Personal Widget – it’s like having an about me section
  • Instagram Widget – showcase those lovely photos from Instagram
  • Social Widget – display your social media links with icons
  • Subscribe Widget – do you use MailChimp as your newsletter service? If yes, then this widget let’s you have a beautiful subscribe form on the website
  • Video Widget – embed beautiful videos from YouTube, Vimeo, etc
  • Quote Widget – write quotes and show them in a beautiful format
  • Empty Widget – not so useless widget for adding an empty space between widgets

Rating: 4 out of 5

This show is brought to you by:

John WordPress & Web Services

Finding quality WordPress Hosting and support can be a challenge, well you can drop that stress by contacting web services. I can help you eliminate your WordPress stress. Solving your WordPress Emergency issues or doing the more day to day items such as finding that perfect plugin, helping you move to a new hosting provider or even provinding Quality WordPress hosting.
With 20yrs. Exp on-line and over 8 years dedicated to WordPress Provides all your web service needs from hosting to WordPress development, repairs and
Visit my website, Call 818-850-7729 or send an email to

Contest win a Premium Plugin License For:

I had moved the WP Plugins website to a new server and separated it from the Multi-site integration I had done and some mistakes happened and lost everything for the contest so we have had to restart it

We currently have a contest running until April 1, 2018 and we are giving away a premium license from for thier FV Player Pro plugin you can also check out the interview I did with Alec Kinnear here visit for to enter the contest.

Our next couple plugins for you are

Sent in by Almin Valyani
Premium Plugin

ARMember – Membership Plugin

The Lowdown:
Can you imagine a membership plugin for WordPress which is ridiculously easy to operate as well as has wide range of features as well as great in performance and also having great modern user interface. That is exactly what ARMember is.

ARMember membership plugin is complete membership system which will help you to build fully functional membership site.

ARmember Offers all type of membership plans, free plan, finite/infinite paid plans, Subscriptions with auto recurring payment facility.

It has unique membership setup wizard to configure plan selection, User signup, payment integration as together at one place.

ARMember also has builtin Form builder to create material style and spam free forms for SignUp/Registration, Login, Edit Profile, Forgot Password, Change Password etc.

ARMember membership plugin will allow you to add beautiful user profiles and directories to your website which is ideal for online communities.

Content Restriction is key part of any membership WordPress plugin. ARMember provides super easy interface that you can restrict any content of your site with just one click. And above all, you can restrict partial content of any page/post by placing just one shortcode.

Rating 4 Dragons



Requires:3.5.1 or higher
Compatible up to:4.9.26
Released:09 March 2018
Last Updated:09 March 2018
(0 star out of 5)

Wander is a comprehensive WordPress plugin designed for travel bloggers to help share their current location, their travels, and the countries they’ve visited. You essentially set up where you’ve visited, lived and want to go. You pick from the list of all the countries and then you have the option to associate a country with a post category, keeping all of your country based posts in one category. This also has a world map that gets shaded according to your responses in Visited/Lived-In/Wish selections. Then the reader can just click a country and see all the posts associated with that country/category relationship. It may get crazy with a category for each country, so you might just want to use the continent as the category.

Wander allows you to:
– Dynamically set your current location
– Set it once in your WordPress admin panel, and display it across multiple pages and posts
– Display a list of countries (and emoji flags) you’ve been to
– Display a map of countries you’ve been to
– Display a count of countries you’ve been to

Rating: 5 out of 5

Listener Feedback / Audio Clips

We like listener feedback you can leave feedback via our contact page, Speakpipe or email us direct.

4 Star Review
by elikqitie
USA on February 17, 2018
I love this show for the plugins and how they rate the plugin. Lots of information about plugins. Only part that is not clear is the names of some plugins. Sometimes I’ll search for the name they give on WordPress and I can’t find it.

Show Donors
This Show is a Value for Value model meaning if you get any Value out of it please give some Value back and in that vein we would like to acknowledge those that have supported the show in the past week. All donations $50 and over are read out and their note is published here.
For all those who come in below $50 they will remain anonymous and we thank you very much.

This week’s Donors are:

And a big thank you to our donors who came in under $50 and to those who have set up weekly subscriptions.
All these small subscriptions really help the show out.

Here are ways you can support the show:

Support the show with a weekly $2.50 subscription by going
This show is listener supported and we can use more than just money to help the show grow.
Visit to learn how you can support the show in other ways.

You can also create a monthly donation at Patreon

Remember to support the show at

Our last couple plugins today are:



Requires: or higher
Compatible up to:
Released:01 January 1970
Last Updated:01 January 1970
(0 star out of 5)

The Lowdown:
This is a site monitoring plugin that uses a third party to check and monitor your site. It does require an account at WPAutotests. Once setup it will automatically check you site and email you with any issues that are found.

Rating 4 Dragons


FB Events in City

Requires: or higher
Compatible up to:
Released:01 January 1970
Last Updated:01 January 1970
(0 star out of 5)

FB Events in City lets you engage your visitors by displaying the all Public events of a city from Facebook into your site using the simple shortcode. Shortcodes Example: . This is great for sites that want to display what’s going on in their town, or helps with filling content on sites with multiple cities on them. BUT – You need to be careful with this, because you may not be able to control what type of events show up on your website. It could be completely unrelated if you aren’t careful, but overall this seems to be a great plugin based on a really good idea.

Rating: 4 out of 5

Closing out this Episode The Plugins we covered where:

John’s Plugins: Jackmail Newsletters – 5, ARMember – Membership Plugin – 4, WPAutoTests – 4

Marcus’ Plugins: Widgets Bundle – 4, Wander – 5, FB Events in City – 4

Reminders / Commercial / Promotions:

Be sure to check out the YouTube Screencast that goes up later and watch the add on part that has john doing a first impression of one of Marcus’s Plugin reviews from this show.

Note to developers who would like to support the show. If you would like to offer up a premium license to give away please go to

We now have training videos up and on-line part of the WP Plugins network you can find them here at or here new videos being done weekly.

WordPress News and other interesting WordPress related posts:

For news and information that is related to WordPress be sure and subscribe to our Newsletter.

Just some reminders:

Remember to support the show at

All the show notes can be found at:
Make sure you subscribe and review the show at:

Stitcher Radio, Google Play and in the iTunes Store

Follow the show on Twitter @wppluginsatoz

Watch us Live, our Screencasts, Training Videos and Subscribe to us on YouTube

Subscribe to our Newsletter

Commercial / Promotions:

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Support WP Plugins A to Z

Be sure to check out the latest contest from WP Plugins A to Z with generous donations from Developers and other Businesses.

[bctt tweet="Enter to Win #Plugin licenses and More! WP Plugins A to Z #WordPress #Podcast " username="wppluginsatoz"]

Are you a Developer? Need to get the Word out about Your Plugin? Submit it now to WP Plugins A to Z Podcast.

[bctt tweet="Submit your #Plugin for Review to WP Plugins A to Z #WordPress #Podcast " username="wppluginsatoz"]
X² Marketing is your full-service digital marketing and brand development agency. Whether you are a solo entrepreneur, small business or enterprise level company; power up your marketing with X2. From WordPress to ClickFunnels, Landing Pages to Social Campaigns, SEO, Paid Ads, Infusionsoft management and more. Visit and get in touch with Marcus about your digital marketing needs.

My new and improved Membership Coach program is your go-to resource for all the Training, Advice, and Support needed to Develop and Grow a Profitable Membership Site. Be sure to head over to and get on the waiting list for the first sessions, launching soon. You can also follow @membershipcoach on twitter to get the latest release dates and news. Signups are now active and Pre-Launch Enrollment is open!

Just some reminders:

Join my at the monthly ClassicPress / WordPress Meetup Classicpress / WordPress Meetup

Rate us on iTunes,,, Stitcher Radio and any place else you find us.

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John can be contacted at:
WordPress Emergency Support:



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