WPPlugins AtoZ

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WP Plugins A to Z Interview Show 8 with Katie Keith from Barn2 Media

In this show I interview Katie Keith from Barn2 Media where they have several plugins and some training for WordPress.

In this show I interview Katie Keith from Barn2 Media where they have several plugins and some training for WordPress.In this show I interview Katie Keith from Barn2 Media where they have several plugins and some training for WordPress. We discuss their slate of plugins and other product offerings. The main product we discuss is the Post Table Pro plugin which allow you to display your sites content in a table that is sortable in multiple ways as well as searchable.

They also offer up a couple other plugins that make life easier for those who use WooCoomerce and ModernTribes Events plugin. With an e-course and e-book that help explain how to create an events website.

This was a great interview and Katie was an excellent guest and you can find out more about Barn 2 Media in the following links:


Check out their WordPress Plugins https://barn2.co.uk/our-wordpress-plugins/



In this show I interview Katie Keith from Barn2 Media where they have several plugins and some training for WordPress.

Posts Table with Search & Sort

The Lowdown:

This is the free version of the plugin I gave it a quick spin to get a feel for their plugin before tackling the premium version. It is pretty straight forward and can be of benefit if you need a quick table for your users to sort your data. You can sort by clicking the columns or do a keyword search. It does not have any other settings but you can add to the short code to build out some more specific tables. The pro version looks to have more and I’ll be covering that in an upcoming show.

Rating 4 Dragons

Reminder: If you’re a plugin developer and you’d like to appear on the show, you can schedule an interview, donate your plugin for an upcoming contest, or submit your plugin for review.





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