WPPlugins AtoZ

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WP Plugins A to Z Interview Show 13 with Mike Stott of Epic Plugins

In this episode we talk about when you make a choice to leave a full time job to become self employed. What its like to build plugins and run a plugin business. We also go into talking about the WordPress API.

 In this episode we talk about when you make a choice to leave a full time job to become slef employed. What its like to build plugins and run a plugin business. We also go into talking about the WordPress API.Interview 13 with Mike Stott

In this show i interviewed Mike Stott, CEO and founder of Epic Plugins and Epic Themes.

He is a seller of WordPress Plugins via CodeCanyon and reached Elite Author there in June 2016.

Mike is also Co-Founder of Zero BS CRM, a WordPress Plugin which adds CRM functionality into your WordPress dashboard. We will have just launched version 2.0 on April 6th.

In this episode we talk about when you make a choice to leave a full time job to become self employed, what it’s like to build plugins and run a plugin business. We also go into talking about the WordPress API.

The links we discussed in the show:
•    https://epicplugins.com/epic-wordpress-plugins/
•    https://epicthemes.com/wp-themes-shop /
•    https://zerobscrm.com
•    https://docs.zerobscrm.com/ap i  – the API I wrote (docs side)
•    https://socialgalleryplugin.com  – the social lightbox
•    https://socialbuzzplugin.com  – social shares
•    https://pluginhunt.com  – the Product Hunt style theme

•    https://wpeddit.com  – the Reddit Theme which was built in a weekend (and which inspired https://growthhackers.com)
Watch the Screen cast of the show.
Reminder: If you’re a plugin developer and you’d like to appear on the show, you can schedule an interview, donate your plugin for an upcoming contest, or submit your plugin for review.

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