WPPlugins AtoZ

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WP Plugins A to Z Interview Show 10 with Russsel Aaron from webdev studios

In this show, I talk to Russel Aaron from webdev Studios. Talking about plugins. We have a great conversation about developing plugins how to come up with ideas and what plugins are used for.

In this show, I talk to Russel Aaron from webdev Studios. Talking about plugins. We have a great conversation about developing plugins how to come up with ideas and what plugins are used forIn this show, I talk to Russel Aaron from webdev Studios about plugins. We have a great conversation about developing plugins, how to come up with ideas, and what plugins are used for. We talk about his plugins located at WordPress.org https://profiles.wordpress.org/geekstreetwp/#content-plugins (you can be sure his plugins will be in the queue for future reviews by us).

We talk a bit about WordCamp Vegas https://2016.vegas.wordcamp.org/ and WordCamp Orange County https://2017.oc.wordcamp.org/ and what those offer to WordPress users. Then we talked about what he does at webdev Studios https://webdevstudios.com/services/maintenance/

Check out the show to hear what we discussed.

You can Contact Russell at:





Here are couple of his plugins we haven’t reviewed yet:

Query All The Post Types

Hashtag URL Placeholder

Reminder: If you’re a plugin developer and you’d like to appear on the show, you can schedule an interview, donate your plugin for an upcoming contest, or submit your plugin for review.

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