WPPlugins AtoZ

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WP Plugins A to Z: Unlocking WordPress Magic with Essential Plugins

WP Plugins A to Z: Unlocking WordPress Magic with Essential Plugins

It's Episode 642 and we have plugins for Cloud of Holding with Copy-Cat Bunny, and some WordPress News. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

It’s Episode 642 and we have plugins for Cloud of Holding with Copy-Cat Bunny, and some WordPress News. It’s all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

WP Plugins A to Z: Unlocking WordPress Magic with Essential Plugins
Media Cloud for Bunny CDN, Amazon S3, Cloudflare R2, Google Cloud Storage, DigitalOcaean and more, CodingBunny Easy Duplicate Post… and WordPress News on Episode 642.

WordPress Plugins A to Z Episode 642

Welcome to Episode 642 – WP Plugins A to Z: Unlocking WordPress Magic with Essential Plugins – We’ve got a couple of great in-depth plugins to cover for you, some recent news in both the WordPress World and the Tech World in general, and some awesome WordPress Tips!
Today’s episode is number 42! Give or take another 600. For anyone out there who gets why I am excited about this, don’t forget your towel!
For those who don’t get it, I recommend ‘Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy’. Stick the book in your bathroom, you will eventually get through it.😉
Hopefully everyone is keeping warm and dry – we got about 2 feet dumped on us yesterday, so feeling a bit chilly over here! Be sure to keep warm and dry wherever you are. Now onto the reminders!
A few reminders before we start the show today….
  • Show starts at 12:30pm Pacific Time every other week on Monday! Join in for the pre-stream entertainment at about 12:15ish! You’ll find the show notes on the home page of wppluginsatoz.com within 24(ish) hours after every show!
  • This is a value for value show dear listeners, help us get some loven by hitting some like buttons, sharing an episode or two, or lovingly forcing your family members to listen to us by cranking our show way up! After all, you can’t go wrong helping out the longest running WordPress Podcast!
Don’t run away at the end either as we have some awesome Q&A coming up at the end! Sometimes they are questions specifically designed to help people new to the industry out, sometimes they are more intricate questions designed to help those with a little more experience out, or at least get people thinking. Worth checking out!
...When you see this in the notes, it means we didn’t read this on the show. The only way to find this information out is to read our Show Notes!
…You can send any questions/suggestions or notes saying ‘hi’ over to me at amber@wppro.ca, or hit up our site wpppluginsatoz.com/contact – Be creative with the title so that the spammer eater doesn’t eat your note though!
Let’s start the show with this weeks Featured Artist:
Grok! You can check him and his artistic talents out by going here and following the directions.
You will wind up being re-routed to here, and although you are getting a sort of lame version you will at least be getting an idea of the real Grok!
The other option, and the best one really ’cause you will be able to get the full version of Grok, is to go to the X (formally Twitter) site and pay for premium for proper access to Grok.
We would love some new art from our Producers out there! If you are so inclined, you can send it into us at https://wppluginsatoz.com/artwork/. If you need some inspiration, you can always go to our site wppluginsatoz.com and check out our Art Vaults – you will find the link for it on the left hand side.
…We can NEVER have too much art!
Breaking News in the WordPress World at large!! 
This is just a little taste of what will come out on Wednesday for everyone! Send anything in to me at amber@wppro.ca that you think should go into the Wed’s N3W$ 4 Y0U!
News this week:
WordPress Vulnerability Report
(https://solidwp.com/blog/wordpress-vulnerability-report-january-29-2025/) – In this report there are 234 vulnerabilities. 225 of these are Plugins, 9 are Themes.
183 of the 225 Plugins have been patched at the time of writing this.
7 of the 9 Themes have bee patched.
WordPress Vulnerability Report from PatchStack
(https://patchstack.com/database/) – These guys always have the latest information on what is going on regarding the latest in vulnerabilities. At the time of writing this, most recent issue was on February 3rd (they don’t tell you hours anymore it appears), and it was a SQL Injection Vulnerability.
WordPress Themes need more weird: A call for creative digital homes
(https://wordpress.org/news/2025/01/wordpress-themes-need-more-weird-a-call-for-creative-digital-homes/) – This is a shorter article written by Nick Hamze, talking about the massive lack of originality he was able to find within WordPress. He is really making a call-out to all the original developers out there to create something new, bold, and daring and to show it off and I have to say I am quite in agreement with him – we need more weird!
How to tell if a WordPress security email is real or fake
(https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-tell-if-a-wordpress-security-email-is-real-or-fake/) – This is a great article explaining in detail how to tell if an email you receive calling itself ‘WordPress Security’ is real or fake. This is a fantastic thing to go over if you are not sure, and a great article to send out to your employees and friends too!
Phishing scam targets Microsoft Ad accounts via Google Search
(https://searchengineland.com/phishing-scam-microsoft-ad-accounts-google-search-451446) – The attackers are using a multi-step process to bypass security, and creating Google ads mimicking Microsoft Advertising’s official platform. Clicking on this will redirect users through a complex network stealing login information. Possibly has been going on for more then a few years.
How volatile have Google rankings really been?
(https://searchengineland.com/google-rankings-how-volatile-451424) – Over 2024 rank volatility increased by 26%. Some industries saw even larger spikes. One of the main things is the SERP instability. If this is something that interests you, I would recommend reading through this.
7 Planets Align on February 28, 2025: How to see the ‘Great Planet Parade’
(https://starwalk.space/en/news/what-is-planet-parade) – I thought this was just super cool! Not something often seen, all the planets are lining up in a row like soldiers for inspection! I am very much hoping we have a clear night that night, although living here on the island you never know. For anyone who is interested, be sure to mark it on your calendar and take a peek outside that night!
Rogue’s Corner News and Extras
Antispam Help
Do a google search for “Zero Spam’s recommended domains.” for more help
Starting next week an addition to the show. Interview shows will begin again in a new format book your spot now.
Yes, you should still use WordPress
Some new unique plugins coming from WPProAtoz.com
Side note Matt has gotten new Lawyers and seems to have done a cleanup of his Social Media pages.. May have been reprimanded..
The Weeks WordPress Problem and Solution
Stopping spam on Gravity Forms with a simple solution that is already partly built into WordPress. Add this plugin WPPro-GF-Addons from WPProAtoZ.com and follow the instructions in the plugin for adding the key terms into the block list.
Tip of the day
    Bypass cache by adding this to your url  ?nocache=1        Example: https://yoursite.com/?nocache=1
Some Extras – check out the N3W$ 4 Y0U coming out on Weds for more, or you can check out our Facebook or Twitter!
Mastering light and dark mode styling in block themes
One hook to rule them all: The many faces of block categories
WordPress Themes need more weird: A call for creative digital homes
Backend Developer Roadmap 2025: The Complete Guide
Google Search launches ‘Ask For Me’
From retro gaming glory to fighting Google: The journey of Brandon Saltalamacchia
How to maximize your Google Ads remarketing campaigns
How to analyze and fix traffic drops: A 7-step framework
How to use SEO to enhance your visibility within a specific geographic area
Dragon Rating Time!
John’s Plugin

Media Cloud for Bunny CDN, Amazon S3, Cloudflare R2, Google Cloud Storage, DigitalOcean and more

The Lowdown:
The Media Cloud plugin or Bunny CDN, Amazon, Cloudflare R2, Google Cloud Storage, Digital Ocean and more. I tripped across this while doing work on another client site and they were using this. I was about to do some searching for a plugin that makes it easy to connect and upload to your CDN network. Now I use a Bunny net and if you want a really fantastic easy to use Cloud system, CDN network that works very well and is super affordable. I mean amazingly affordable compared to Amazon and Cloudflare and cloud storage. It’s like all of them, but they’re cheap. It’s really dirt cheap. I’ve had some experience with this in the last several months. I have a client that we use it on and they push out several 100 gigabytes of data a month on their videos from it and it cost him like 5 bucks a month. You you can’t beat that. That includes the storage and the bandwidth usage. So this is what you really want to look at.
If you want to check out Bunny Net, use my link here in the show notes. You know, give me some credit for letting folks know about it and I get a little reward from Buddy Net for referring you to it.  Don’t have a Bunny.net account get one here, use our affiliate link https://bunny.net?ref=dwzw65mv1r
On now to the plugin itself, the Media Cloud plugin. This plugin sets up really easily once you understand what it’s asking for. When you’re setting up Bunny Net because it’s it’s asking you for an API key, which is not your API key, it is your password for your FTP access to your buddy. That and it’s asking for a couple of other different things which they use words that aren’t the same words as Bunny net. What you have to do is you have to follow their instructions and look at the pictures and their instructions because their pictures are clear, but their instructions aren’t. Other than that, it was fantastic.
You set it up and you go in and you tweak some adjustments for it, tell it what to upload. Then what happens with it is once you’re done and you’ve got it all set up and configured, when you go to upload something into your back end of your WordPress website, it automatically uploads it to your Bunny net and sticks it in your storage there. It sets it all up and it will upload your audio files, your video files, your JPEG files, your image files, your PDF documents, and all document files. You can exclude documents, and exclude images. With lots of adjustments you can make it work the best way you want it to work and offload your content instantly. You don’t have to stress it now.
They do have a premium version I believe that will allow you to, if you’re bringing this in late in the game, to then upload all of your content that you already have. Currently on site and it appears that their prices aren’t that bad for the pro version, $69 a month, 699 bucks a year, 675 bucks a year, something like that. It’s really quite affordable for what it really is. So you really want to check this one out and if you want to get your stuff off to the cloud without all the hassles and headaches of having to FTP or files to cloud copy links. There’s a whole lot that goes into it unless you have something as simple as this to help you deal with the issue. Anyway, the free version, I’m going to give this one a 5 Dragon rating simply because that’s what I’m using right now and it would be a 5 Plus in the pro version I believe.
Rating 5 Dragons
WordPress Tips
We would love to hear some tid bit tips from some of our producers out there – what did you figure out by breaking something? Or what did you need to learn in order to help someone? You can send these tid bits into me at amber@wppro.ca
My tip to you today…
Endeavour to learn 3 new things every day.
It doesn’t really matter what those 3 things are – learn a new way to cook something, or a new way to add a header onto someones site.
If those 3 things happen to be 3 things within your job, all the better!
By learning 3 new things every day you will find your mind stays sharper and absorbs new information more easily, making it easier to learn things like a new coding language or a new building system – within reason anyways.
Try it out for yourself, see what affect it has long term!
Amber’s Plugin
CodingBunny Easy Duplicate Post
The Lowdown:
When you download and activate this, you will find the settings for the plugin under ‘Settings’>’Easy Duplicate Post’.
Here you will see some pretty nifty options! You can choose to have the following on or off:
Title, Date, Status, Slug, Excerpt, Content, Featured Image, Categories, Tags, Template, Post format, Author, Password, Attachments, Children, Comments, Menu Order
You also have the option to add Title Prefix, Title Suffix, the status of the Post or Page, and you have the Redirect options of ‘Edit Page’ or ‘List Page’.
I have never seen so many options, and this can be so very very useful when setting things up for sites!
And just to add a little more, there is a ‘Permissions’ Tab, where you can choose which user roles are allowed to use this, and what post types will be allowed to use this as well.
So when you want to actually use this plugin, you can either click on the ‘Copy’ option at the end of the options that appear when hovering over pages and posts right beside ‘View’. When you hover over ‘Copy’, you will see a little option box pop up that asks how many times to copy and to which site. This also offers the option to customize the settings for what is copied over.
When you are in the post or page itself, you will see the option ‘Copy this post/page’ right above ‘Move to Trash’ in the right hand option area.
When you click on ‘Copy this post/page’, an option box will pop up with the options of what to copy over, how many times to copy this, and where to copy it to.
I am not sure if there is a way to set this up so that it copies over to a different site, I was not able to easily find that information, although it would be pretty awesome if we could copy this over to another site with this plugin as well! Perhaps that is something that will come down the road.
This plugin works very well, and appears to play nicely with others!
Definitely worth checking this out!
Rating: 5 Dragon

Earn yourself a Producership Credit!

There are a lot of ways that you as our Producers can utilize us as your tool to help yourself out, and help us at the same time – get a producership credit, do an interview, donate some time to get your name up here, all kinds of things! You can look further into the Producership credits options by going to our site wppluginsatoz.com and clicking on Time, Talent, or Treasure in our main menu.
Miscellaneous Announcements from all:
Have an announcement like a meetup, or to announce you’ll be on stage at a WordCamp? Let us know and we will add it here and help get your news out to the world!
WordCamp Pune, India – Feburary 2, 2025
WordCamp Zaragoza 2025 – February 14-15
WordCamp Asia – February 20-22, 2025
WordPress Developer Day San José – February 22, 2025
WordCamp Madrid, Spain – March 7-8, 2025
To see the entire list you can follow the link here in the show notes, then click on ‘More WordCamps’ right below the list of the next 5. https://central.wordcamp.org/
If you are interested in finding a WordPress Meetup somewhere around the world you can go check out the places here: https://www.meetup.com/pro/wordpress/
Keep checking back every week to find out what else is going on!
And remember, the show notes found at wppluginsatoz.com have a whole lot of extra information to grab up that we don’t read on air so be sure to check them out!
How to reach us:
Feel like sending us something through the snail mail system? You can do that thanks to our brick and mortar address that we provide for you!
You can also reach us the more common way of the internets – have both of our internets available down below for ya!
WP Plugins A to Z
C/O John Overall 
20-754 E Fairview Rd. 
Victoria, BC  V9A 5T9  
Today’s Plugins we covered were:
John’s Plugin:
Media Cloud for Bunny CDN, Amazon S3, Cloudflare, R2, Google Cloud Storage, DigitalOcean and more By interfacelab
  • Compatible with leading image optimizers
  • Advanced Image Editing
  • Automatically tag, categorize, and caption with Amazon Recognition
Rating: 5 Dragons
Amber’s Plugin: 
CodingBunny Easy Duplicate Post By CodingBunny
  • Lightweight plugin
  • Easily duplicate more then one of Page or Post
  • Option to add Title Prefix to make it easier to spot the duplicates
Rating: 5 Dragon
Q & A Time with Amber – Catch this info on our YouTube Channel
If you have questions you would like to have asked on the show, send them in to me at Amber@WPPro.ca – we may never stump my dad, but we can get some good conversation out of him at least!
  • What were sites like when you started – uniform, or bold new and weird?
  • Do you think we are moving into a new age of site creation? Why or why not?
Play end credits <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Questions asked after closing credits:
  • Do you think the silliness of years gone by will ever return? Silliness like offering a free cup holder, and the person’s CD drive just pops out on them.
  • What is your favourite thing about this industry?

Book an Interview on WPPluginsAtoZ

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Book your interview now.