WPPlugins AtoZ

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WordPress Plugins A-Z #285 Page Builders, Email Tracking,

It's Episode 285 and we've got plugins for Displaying Instagram Feeds, Product Review Charts, Page Builders, Email Tracking, Time Based Content, and a new way to update your WooCommerce customers in Facebook. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

It's Episode 285 and we've got plugins for Displaying Instagram Feeds, Product Review Charts, Page Builders, Email Tracking, Time Based Content, and a new way to update your WooCommerce customers in Facebook. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!It’s Episode 285 and we’ve got plugins for Displaying Instagram Feeds, Product Review Charts, Page Builders, Email Tracking, Time Based Content, and a new way to update your WooCommerce customers in Facebook. It’s all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

Get all the grisly Plugin details and full access to the complete show notes on our website WPPluginsAtoZ.com! You can follow the show on Twitter at @wppluginsatoz, and join our Facebook at WordPressPluginsA2Z for the latest in WordPress Plugin related news - some we come across in-between shows, and some we talk about on our weekly show.

The WordPress Plugins A-Z Podcast can be found on iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher Radio and also on WordPress Radio. If you like what you hear on the show, we encourage you to share your enthusiasm with others that you know in the WordPress community and in social networks.
Share on Twitter: [bctt tweet="WP Plugins A to Z The Only #WordPress #Plugins #Podcast " username="wppluginsatoz"]
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Self Promotion

While we do enjoy bringing you the show week after week, we also make our living with WordPress and related promotional services. With that, we ask for a moment of your time for some self promotion. If you find these promotions of value, please share them with friends and colleagues.

Promotions from John Overall:
Has your  WordPress site broken? Do you have a question or two about its functionality? Have you recieved the white screen of death? This may be time for some Emergency WordPress Support. Contact me at WPPro.ca/help or give me a quick call at 818-850-7729.

Promotions from Marcus Couch:
X² Marketing is your full-service digital marketing and brand development agency. Whether you are a solo entrepreneur, small business or enterprise level company; power up your marketing with X2. From WordPress to ClickFunnels, Landing Pages to Social Campaigns, SEO, Paid Ads, Infusionsoft management and more. Visit X2marketing.com and get in touch with Marcus about your digital marketing needs.

My new and improved Membership Coach program is your go-to resource for all the Training, Advice, and Support needed to Develop and Grow a Profitable Membership Site. Be sure to head over to MembershipCoach.com and get on the waiting list for the first sessions, launching soon. You can also follow @membershipcoach on twitter to get the latest release dates and news. Signups are now active and Pre-Launch Enrollment is open!


Benefits – Benefits – Benefits

Having a review by us or having an interview helps the traffic to the developers website. As was bought to our attention recently when we did an interview and reviewed a plugin for a developer who sent us snap shots of their traffic before and after the shows and the traffic stayed so there is some great benefits to being reviewed by WP Plugins A to Z.

Thank Our Donors

We would like to thank our donors to the show, everyone who donates $50 or more will be acknowledged here with a mention and a link back to their page and all those below will be anonymous
$50 from Jez at https://Jezweb.com.au 
I hope that the media library is improved soon too Marcus. Completely agree, once you have a site with a few thousand images the media library becomes quite clumsy and slow. This donation is on behalf of Jezweb WordPress client, Verge Safety Barriers – https://www.vergesafetybarriers.com.au who manufacture steel warehouse barriers to stop people getting run over by forklifts.
Question to Jez what chat program do you have on your website?
Thanks to all donors who came in under $50
You can now donate though Patreon at https://patreon.com/wppluginsatoz where you can donate on a monthly basis. As an incentive if you donate $40 a month you will gain access to the exclusive plugin tutorial videos on how to setup and use the plugins we review and use.

John’s Rant: What to rant about?

We have a new contest starting today and are giving away a Premium Licenses from Barn 2 Media for WooCommerce Product Table pro plugin that is a great way to sort your products into a table for easy use by your visitors.  Check out the  interview I did with Katie https://wppluginsatoz.com/wp-plugins-z-interview-show-8-katie-keith-barn2-media/ where she discusses this great plugin. Contest will run until Christmas Day so it will make a great Christmas present.
We also have more contests coming for premium licenses from generous plugin developers so stay tuned.
Make sure you checkout the WPSupport store. where you can get direct access to some of the best plugins we have reviewed located all in one place. We do not host the plugins but provide the link to download it direct from WordPress.org or the plugin developer, and they may occasionally have an affiliate link but not too often since that adds a whole new layer of work to what I have to do.
For developers who find value in what I am doing here please donate that value back to the show.

WordPress News and other interesting WordPress related posts:

How to Move Your Blog from WordPress.com to WordPress.org: Step-By-Step Guide

https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/moving-wordpress-com-wordpress-org/When you’re ready to scale up your WordPress.com blog or website without limits, migrating to a self-hosted WordPress.org site is the best way to go.

You can get full reign over your site’s design and functionality, as well as access help from people in the WordPress community (and us here at WPMU DEV!) when you’re in a jam.

When you’re used to the WordPress.com interface, navigating your way through the migration process to a self-hosted server can be tricky. Read original article here…. premium.wpmudev.org


How to Write Winning Case Studies That Will Score You More WordPress Work https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/writing-winning-case-studies-wordpress/
Hacking 27% of the Web via WordPress Auto-Update https://www.wordfence.com/blog/2016/11/hacking-27-web-via-wordpress-auto-update/  This is an interesting article about the risks of the central updates from WordPress, while the issue in the article has been patched it still presents us with some scary ideas.
How to Score 100/100 in Google PageSpeed Insights with WordPress https://kinsta.com/blog/google-pagespeed-insights/ see if you can crack the 100% for Google Page insights

15 Free Facebook Plugins for WordPress

https://smallbiztrends.com/2014/11/free-facebook-plugins-for-wordpress.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=free-facebook-plugins-for-wordpressFacebook has become a real force in small business marketing. And Facebook plugins for WordPress can allow you to make the most of this social network. From sharing Facebook updates, fans, events and images on your website to automating updates and adding a handy image share feature, you’ll find a lot to like in the list of 15 free Facebook plugins for WordPress below.

About the only type of plugins you won’t find in this list are simple social sharing buttons. If you’re interested in those as well, head over and read the post on the top 10 social media plugins for WordPress. Read original article here…. smallbiztrends.com


Listener Feedback / Audio Clips

from daniel ray -on our Facebook page
Hey, just wanted to say thanks for the feature a bit ago for Dan’s GCal plugin! Still seeing downloads that say they heard about it from you!
iTunes Review
5 out of 5 Dragons for this show
This show is out of my league as I dont know enough to program my own webpage or how to use WordPress. But I love to listen to the two host talking about their lives and thoughts and then present what is out there in the internet. In a few weeks from now I plan to use the dragon ratings in selecting my first plugins for my first WordPress page :) Go on you two. I love the podcast. The music also got better :)
From Joe Hoey
Hello John & Marcus,
First of all thanks for the great show.
I was looking for a plugin for WooCommerce that could calculate the price for a custom table frame.
eg. Someone visits the site and inputs the Width, Height en Length of the table frame they want and with this information a final price would be set or add to a standard price. Is there add-ons for WooCommerce that can do this.
I could do this with attributes and variation but it would take a hell of a lot work because he wants in in steps of centimeters.
For the length that would be for 40 to 300cm. Height from 40 to 120cm en width from 40 to 150cm.
A couple speak-pipes from Jeremy at Jezweb
A quick review of a plugin.
And a quick talk about a plugin for using with Infusionsoft.

**WordPress Plugins Reviewed by John Overall**


Premium Plugin $19
Sent in by Andrew Kozinski
The Lowdown:
If you want to showcase your Instagram feed or simply want to add images from Instagram to your site in a clean simple way this is a great plugin. It has several ways to display the images customization’s for look and feel even a few to make it look great when using a popup. It has visual composer support and you can add any Instagram source you want to it. This plugin looks to be a pretty great way to showcase images from Instagram yours or others.
Rating 4 Dragons

King Composer

sent in by Anthony Pham start $29
The Lowdown:
This is a new website builder plugin and from the small testing I did on their test site it works pretty well. It has a few things that other composers do not have such as pi charts, counters, the ability to add a facebook post and more. It has fewer options than other composers such as Visual composer, buts its interface looks to be cleaner and faster. all in all it looks like it would be a great option for a website that needs a composer but not as many bells and whistles.
Rating 4 Dragons

WP Chrono

The Lowdown:
This plugin let you show content and hide content depending on dates or a date range. it is pretty straightforward and you can build one post with the short codes nested for example if you have promos that are available for only certain dates and time you can set it all up to show and it just becomes automatic after that. This could be a pretty useful plugin for having content appear and disappear depending on the event and its date.
Rating 4 Dragons. 

**WordPress Plugins Reviewed by Marcus Couch**

Product Review

An extendable and powerful WordPress plugin for product review. It comes with the common features that you may need for your review site, including editor review, user review, segmented rating, pros and cons, affiliate button and lot more. There is a pro version of this plugin, which I will probably be buying.
Rating: 4 out of 5

Messengerbot for WooCommerce

This Plugin gives you the ability to send your customer messages to via Facebook Messenger. It supports Order Receipts, Order status changes and Customer Order notes. I really like the thinking behind this plugin. There are a lot of new chatbot technologies out there. This is a very intriguing new implementation.
Rating: 5 out of 5

Email Tracker

Email Tracker is a WordPress plugin that lets you know if the emails you’ve sent have been read or not. It is easy to install WordPress plugin that tracks email for read. It shows email statistics like how many times email has been read with date and time at receiver end.This plugin tracks all emails which have been sent by native wp_mail function. This plugin allows you to compose and send email from compose email screen of plugin.
Rating: 4 out of 5

Plugins Overview:

John’s Plugins: InstaShow  – 4, King Composer  – 4, WP Chrono – 4
Marcus’ Plugins: Product Review – 4, Messengerbot for WooCommerce – 5, Email Tracker – 4

Commercial /  Promotions:

Time to share this space with others, so currently I would like to let others know about a great resource for WordPress related site issues. You can check out https://www.wpexplorer.com/ this site is full of great tips and useful information about many subjects on WordPress including themes, plugins, freebiews, podcasts and more. .



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Support WP Plugins A to Z

Be sure to check out the latest contest from WP Plugins A to Z with generous donations from Developers and other Businesses.

[bctt tweet="Enter to Win #Plugin licenses and More! WP Plugins A to Z #WordPress #Podcast https://wppluginsatoz.com/contests/ " username="wppluginsatoz"]

Are you a Developer? Need to get the Word out about Your Plugin? Submit it now to WP Plugins A to Z Podcast.

[bctt tweet="Submit your #Plugin for Review to WP Plugins A to Z #WordPress #Podcast https://wppluginsatoz.com/submit/ " username="wppluginsatoz"]
X² Marketing is your full-service digital marketing and brand development agency. Whether you are a solo entrepreneur, small business or enterprise level company; power up your marketing with X2. From WordPress to ClickFunnels, Landing Pages to Social Campaigns, SEO, Paid Ads, Infusionsoft management and more. Visit X2marketing.com and get in touch with Marcus about your digital marketing needs.

My new and improved Membership Coach program is your go-to resource for all the Training, Advice, and Support needed to Develop and Grow a Profitable Membership Site. Be sure to head over to MembershipCoach.com and get on the waiting list for the first sessions, launching soon. You can also follow @membershipcoach on twitter to get the latest release dates and news. Signups are now active and Pre-Launch Enrollment is open!

Just some reminders:

Join my at the monthly ClassicPress / WordPress Meetup Classicpress / WordPress Meetup

Rate us on iTunes, blubrry.com, ViaWay.com, Stitcher Radio and any place else you find us.

Interact with your Hosts

John can be contacted at:
Website: https://www.johnoverall.com/
WordPress Emergency Support: https://wppro.ca/wpemergency
Email: john@wppro.ca

















































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