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Weekly Round up WordPress News old and new January 9, 2017

This is a weekly round up of WordPress news I have accumulated from across the web some old some new but always interesting. The new relates to WordPress and sometimes other areas of the web. It often has a focus on security and more.

It's Episode 289 and we've got plugins for Word Counts, Auto Complete, SMS Notifications, PhoneGap, and Dynamic Maps. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!The Weekly round up of news, tips, and information to help you create the best possible WordPress website.

This is a weekly round up of WordPress news I have accumulated from across the web some old some new but always interesting. The new relates to WordPress and sometimes other areas of the web. It often has a focus on security and more.

We try to have news here that is not only important to help you with your website as well as new from the #wpdrama scene and more to share.

Some of the news here will be of interesting links to not only articles but training materials and other sources I can find online that will help you create a better WordPress website.


This week we have the following news for you.

Tips Tuesday just updated the .htaccess tutorial and am revamping the robots.txt tutorial, both in Level 2. Both of these root host files are at the core of your site security and performance.

And I continue to clarify tutorials in the HTTPS course that teaches folks how to convert sites to HTTPS.

My goal for 2017 is to generate more traffic for BlogAid because I think I’m the best kept secret on the planet for site owners who are serious about their success.

So, I’m trying to do something about that by holding more webinars to help more folks find me and my programs and services.

I hope you’ll come to them and help me spread the word on those when they pop up because you know they’ll be a firehouse of useful info too, unlike most webinars that are all hype and just straight sales pitches.

The overwhelming opinion that came out of the recent surveys I sent out and conversations with clients and the recent town hall meeting was that y’all are most interested in very focused workshops, like an intensive on a topic. Read original article here….

Alternatives to 66 of Your Favorite Dead WordPress Plugins plugins are developed and maintained by thousands of independent developers. Over time, it’s inevitable that some of these plugins will stop being supported. Developers move on to other projects, or become overwhelmed by the task of keeping their code up to date. Sometimes, WordPress evolves to cover the functionality that plugins once provided.

This article covers some of the most popular defunct WordPress plugins, and suggests alternatives for them. While we can’t switch everything like-for-like, you should be able to change your plugins without a huge investment of time. Read original article here….

What’s New (and Awesome!) in WordPress 4.7 4.7 was only recently released in December and numerous user experience and developer, not to mention Twenty Seventeen, a brand new default theme.

Work began on Twenty Seventeen shortly after last year’s theme, Twenty Sixteen, was complete and now we can reap the rewards. Twenty Seventeen is a theme that aims for simplicity while introducing a host of advanced features that showcase the powers WordPress has been endowed with since Twenty Sixteen. Read original article here….

Scanning & Attacking WordPress Websites Behind Firewalls from w3techs suggest that 1 out of 4 websites (around 25%) on the internet are powered by WordPress. WordPress’ popularity is derived from its ease of setup and use, its contributing community, and the big repertoire of plugins and themes that are available.

Even though WordPress is a beginner friendly web application, like every other platform it has its own issues and limitations. One of the most voiced security issues is that it is possible and very easy to bruteforce login credentials. WordPress’ advice on this is to install a security plugin, protect the WordPress login page with a .htpasswd file (HTTP authentication), and of course use strong credentials. Read original article here….

9 Easy Ways to Make WordPress Lightning Fast is the most popular CMS out there. But, there are a lot of things slowing it down.

Maybe you’ve already noticed this on your own site. With heavy plugins, dense themes and millions of users, WordPress isn’t always the speediest platform.

The bad news is that a slow website can cause all sorts of problems. First of all, it’s a poor first impression. You want your visitors to associate your site with professionalism and speed – not a slow load time. Read original article here….

Quick Tips To Speed Up Your WordPress one today likes to ‘Wait’.  It is becoming tough for slow websites to stand out and engage with their users. As mentioned on kissmetrics blog, one-second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions.

Forty percent of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load. If you are running a website, you have very little time to show the content and convince a user to stay on your website.

Even Google and other search engines factors site speed in its search rankings. If you are running a slow website, now it’s the time to lace your shoes to speed it up. Read original article here….



And now for something older in the past article collections.

Testing WordPress Website Backups to Avoid Future Disasters you’ve used WordPress for a while, you know keeping regular backups can save you from losing your website (you know, the site you’ve put all that time and effort – literally hours – into building). But have you tested your WordPress backups to see if they actually work?

Sometimes, backups could be missing files or become corrupted. It may not be a common occurrence, but can you afford to take that risk the next time you need to restore your site?

Your WordPress backup could become unusable for many possible reasons, some of which include: Read original article here….

New WordPress Plugin Displays a Live Twitter Wall for WordCamps and Events the rise of Twitter, every WordCamp has a designated hashtag for aggregating tweets about the event. Tweets using the hashtag are often a good measure of attendees’ excitement and connection to the speakers and activities.

French developers Willy Bahuaud and Thierry Pigot have just released a new plugin to display a live Twitter wall at WordCamps (or other events) on any WordPress website. Attendees can use a projector to show the wall on the screen in between speakers or out in the common areas. Read original article here….

WordPress plugin update leads to thousands of sites exposing users to adware Bischoff, security and privacy advocate for is warning website owners who use the Simple Share Buttons plugin for WordPress that clicking to “accept” the terms and conditions of the latest update could allow their websites to subject users to threats.

Users were asked to accept new terms and conditions because social media toolmaker ShareThis acquired the company that makes the plugin back in June. The Simple Share Buttons now fall under ShareThis’ privacy policy. Read original article here….

LAT Multilingual announces partnership with WPML LAT Multilingual team of translators from around the world specializes in adapting and crafting clients’ marketing messages for other languages. They understand marketing, the linguistic communities they live in and the industries they work in, and are able to provide translations customized to the market needs of their clients.

The idea for this partnership originated when LAT Multilingual started receiving more requests for website translations, not only from English to French for the Canadian market, but for other languages as well, from companies who recognize global opportunities. Read original article here….




Well that’s a wrap for this week more next week from WP Plugins A to Z.





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