WPPlugins AtoZ

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Training Video for PowerPress Podcasting plugin

This plugin has changed allot over the past 6 years and it time to showcase some of the improvements they have made as well as how to get it fully set up or in my case make use of the updates that have been ignored.

This plugin has changed allot over the past 6 years and it time to showcase some of the improvements they have made as well as how to get it fully set up or in my case make use of the updates that have been ignored. PowerPress Podcasting plugin by Blubrry


The Lowdown:

This plugin was first reviewed in Episode 53 on Dec 15, 2011 here https://wppluginsatoz.com/wordpress-plugins-from-a-to-z-episode-53-podcasting-plugins-and-more/ so its time to re-review it and create a training  video about it which can be found here.

This plugin has changed allot over the past 6 years and it time to showcase some of the improvements they have made as well as how to get it fully set up or in my case make use of the updates that have been ignored.

Especially with the advance of now having Google play as a place to showcase your podcast. If you are a podcaster and looking to switch they even have a migration tool available. If your new to podcasting use this plugin as it provides everything you need. If you like me have been using this awhile and simply been doing the updates over time. Then you need to review all the settings on it.

All in all this plugin provides a great experience for both you and your listeners when visiting your website. Plus they make it easy to showcase your podcast inn Google Play and iTunes.

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