WPPlugins AtoZ

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Issue #1 of N3w$ 4 Y0u

We've got some WordPress N3w$ for Y0u - tis the latest from the last week or so, all cobbled together for you by your favourite WordPress Plugins A-Z fellers!

-‘Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, wherever you happen to be hiding out there on the globe today!’

Welcome to the first ever Issue of WordPress N3w$ 4 Y0u!

We have cobbled together the most recent news from when you last heard from us up until today – if we missed anything PLEASE feel free to send it in to Amber at amber@wppro.ca – and don’t be afraid to add a piece of your mind as well whether that piece is just saying hi or a telling off for missing something so important! All is welcome!

Now I know that we said we would be live today… but unfortunately we just weren’t able to.

So instead we are bringing you THIS! Our newest addition – WordPress N3w$ 4 Y0u! I was gonna wait to bring this forward until September when we come back to our regularly planned schedule of every other Monday… but since we were not able to make it live today, I figured this is better then nothing.

Once you have a look through, let me know what you think about this – would love some feed back – is there something I should add or remove? Should I just stop before I get too far ahead of myself? Let me know!

Our usual reminders…


  • Our next show is August 19th – hopefully no urgent matters will crop up keeping us from going live that day!! Otherwise we will be returning to our usual live schedule of every other week – with our N3w$ issues coming out inbetween!
  • You’ll find the show notes on the home page of wppluginsatoz.com within 24(ish) hours after every show!
  • This is a value for value show dear listeners, help us get some loven by hitting some like buttons, sharing an episode or two, or lovingly forcing your family members to listen to us by cranking our show way up! After all, you can’t go wrong helping out the longest running WordPress Podcast!
  • Suggestions and questions are always welcome – you can send them into Amber at amber@wppro.ca, or you can send them in through our site at wppluginsatoz.com/contact – be aware we have a pet spammer eater, so remember to be creative with the title!

This Issue’s Featured Artist:


Currently we have no artist, let alone real artwork for this – suggestions? Thoughts? For now I am just tossing up random images I know are free use – or pictures I have taken myself.

Go check out our art vaults, get inspired and send in something you think would work well for this! Submitted Art
If you have ideas, send them into us HERE – we would love to get some new art!

Breaking News in the WordPress World at large!! 

…If I missed something, shoot me a link at amber@wppro.ca – it may show up on the next show!

News this week:

WordPress Vulnerability Report from PatchStack
(https://patchstack.com/database/) – These guys always have the latest information on what is going on regarding the latest in vulnerabilities. At the time of writing this, the most recent issue was a plugin called ‘Inline Related Posts’ with an ‘Admin+Stored XSS vulnerability’ found 12 hours ago. Be sure to check these guys out for the most up to date information!

WordPress Vulnerability Report – July 24, 2024
(https://solidwp.com/blog/wordpress-vulnerability-report-july-24-2024/) – In this report there are 93 vulnerabilities. Of these 87 are plugins, 72 have at the time of my writing this been patched – and there are 6 WordPress Themes with vulnerabilities, none have been patched at the time of writing this. Be sure to check the list out for yourself!

WordPress 6.6.1 Maintenance Release
(https://wordpress.org/news/2024/07/wordpress-6-6-1-maintenance-release/) – There is a maintenance release – ’cause as we all know there are always some serious glitches after any update that need to be resolved! You can find the information on what they have fixed here.

What if Wix…
(https://thewpminute.com/what-if-wix/) – this is a pretty interesting and thought provoking article about – ‘what if Wix invested in open source/gained on WordPress/conquered our beloved CMS? This is a question that the writer Matt Medeiros came up with after hearing Mullenwegmention in his summer update at WordCamp Europe that the Data Liveration intiative isn’t moving as fast as he’d hoped.
I really enjoyed reading this and hope you do as well!

Business roundup week ending July 26
(https://poststatus.com/business-roundup-week-ending-july-26/) – this is a fantastic round up of all the business news I missed while I was off on my road trip! I had no access to internet really while I was gone, so I was quite surprised to learn about most of this! Hopefully at least some of this is new to you too!

WordCamp Canada Recap
(https://jamesgiroux.ca/wordcamp-canada-recap/) – I love that the writer James Giroux was able to give us an overview from a ‘boots on the ground’ POV! I really appreciate a lot of James’s work that I have come across so far, highly recommend continuing to check his work out!

Researchers detect deepfakes with the same tools used to survey galaxies (it’s all about the eyes!)
(https://thenextweb.com/news/researchers-detect-deepfakes-tools-survey-galaxies) – This is just super awesome I think! The human eye really does seem to be the only part of us that cannot be perfected, imitated, or pretended! Human eyes are so incredible – not really surprising that we have considered them a window into the soul!

The Extras – check out our Facebook, or Twitter page for even more!

What do we want from WordPress Themes?

WP Engine acquires NitroPack, extending leadership in managed WordPress Site Performance

Home Run: A full circle WordPress moment

Paris Olympics app ‘prime target for cybercriminals’

Microsoft accidentally lists the benefits of not using a Microsoft account on Windows 11

Google confirms bad news for 3 billion Chrome users – you will still be tracked

Windows 11 strikes again with irritating pop-up that can’t be disabled

Google confirms Play Store app deletion – now just 6 weeks away

Internet cables cut as Paris Olympics cat-and-mouse continues

Gmail users offered free top tier security upgrade – say goodbye to 2FA

Hanging onto Windows 10 to avoid Microsoft’s latest brainwaves with Copilot AI? I’ve got bad news for you…

Microsoft issues update for all Outlook users as a new zero-click threat revealed

Google discover promoting AI overviews for Olympic Games in Paris

How to manage SEO campaigns during economic downturns

Brand protection: the complete guide

WordPress Tips

We would love to hear some tid bit tips from some of our producers out there – what did you figure out by breaking something? Or what did you need to learn in order to help someone? You can send these tid bits into me at amber@wppro.ca

For Greenhorns AND Old hands

Take a freaking vacation. Go on, get out of here! EVERYONE will thank you for doing so – if you’ve been at this forEVER -everyone needs a break from your cranky. If you are still pretty new – you need to refresh that brainmeat of yours.
Just get out and go swimming, go sleep and tinker with whatever you started a few years ago in that garage of yours.
The entire world will NOT burn down without you – just put the tiny ass fires out when you get back.😉
Now GET!

Beginners Tips

Don’t be afraid to call your boss man/lady an old cranky codger and order them to go have a coffee break. They might curse you, call you names, chuck a few cast iron frying pans at ya – but when they come back they will thank you.
Part of getting away from being the Greenhorn is learning how to tell your boss to GTFO and have a coffee or something – it not only gives you peace of mind, but it will give them peace of mind because they know that if you are kicking them out then you are confident in what you are doing and know you don’t need them.
And if there are any little fires that crop up that you DON’T know how to put out, and can’t figure out on your own – well, they will come back soon enough.

Some random entertainment in the World of WordPress!

Matt’s Famous Quotes

The hall of shame via Automattic:

Earn yourself a Producership Credit!

There are a lot of ways that you as our Producers can utilize us as your tool to help yourself out, and help us at the same time – get a producership credit, do an interview, donate some time to get your name up here, all kinds of things! You can look further into the Producership credits options by going to our site wppluginsatoz.com and clicking on Time, Talent, or Treasure in our main menu.

Miscellaneous Announcements from all:

Have an announcement like a meetup, or to announce you’ll be on stage at a WordCamp? Let us know and we will add it here and help get your news out to the world!

WordCamp Cape Town, Western Cape, South Arfrica – August 1-2nd

WordCamp Rio – August 16-17th

WordCamp Minneapolis/St. Paul – August 16th

WordCamp Cebu – August 24th

WordCamp Lira – August 24th

To see the entire list you can follow the link here in the show notes, then click on ‘More WordCamps’ right below the list of the next 5. https://central.wordcamp.org/

If you are interested in finding a WordPress Meetup somewhere around the world you can go check out the places here: https://www.meetup.com/pro/wordpress/

Keep checking back every week to find out what else is going on!

And remember, the show notes can be found at wppluginsatoz.com!

How to reach us:

Feel like sending us something through the snail mail system? You can do that thanks to our brick and mortar address that we provide for you!
You can also reach us the more common way of the internets – have both of our internets available down below for ya!

WP Plugins A to Z
C/O John Overall 
20-754 E Fairview Rd. 
Victoria, BC  V9A 5T9  




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