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Interview 59 with Carlos Moreira from Interactive Geo Maps

Today's interview is with Carlos Moreira from Interactive Geo Maps

Today’s interview is with Carlos Moreira from Interactive Geo Maps

(We at WP Plugins AtoZ have been using this plugin since it was created! Highly recommend this plugin for your own events!)

Main Talking Points:

  • Interactive Geo Maps is about allowing people to showcase whatever they desire upon the maps, such as where they have been, where their businesses are located, statistics of their choice. There are over 300 maps to choose from in both the free version and the premium version to choose from, and they are all produced by AM Sharps, simply put in one easy plugin for your use!
  • Difference between the Free and Pro versions are not really that great; all the maps that are available in the pro version are available in the free version, though with the pro version you can make lines that connect your icons, you can choose your own icon, you can upload your own images, and you have more options for projections of maps.
  • There is a short talk about what it’s like to be the creator of a Freemium Plugin where Carlos goes into detail about why the freemium style plugins really exist. There is a lot of great insights in this part of the interview! There is also more details on how the plugin works, why it was designed this way, and a bit about the LifeTime License that will be up for drawing in our next contest!!

Listen to learn more!

If you’re a plugin developer and you’d like to appear on the show, you can schedule an interview, donate your plugin for an upcoming contest, or submit your plugin for review.

How to contact Carlos Moreira:

Main Website: www.interactivegeomaps.com
WordPress.org: https://wordpress.org/plugins/interactive-geo-maps/

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