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Interview 53 with Arindo Duque from WP Admin Pages Pro

Today's interview is with Arindo Duque from WP Admin Pages Pro/WP Ultimo (Plugin was reviewed in Episode 484)

Today’s interview is with Arindo Duque from WP Admin Pages Pro/WP Ultimo
(Plugin was reviewed in Episode 484)

In this Interview, both WP Admin Pages Pro, and WP Ultimo were talked about and thoroughly discussed. Main talking points for both are down below.

Main Talking Points for WP Admin Pages Pro:

  • Reduces the amount of repetitive work to get your agency up and going
  • Plugin that allows you to create a platform where people can just sign up under membership or subscription plan and get a website hosted on your wp network
  • Allows you to create additional admin pages


Main Talking Points for WP Ultimo:

  • This project idea was to offer a portfolio website for designers and illustrators
  • Makes it easier for customers to use when they are not totally tech savvy
  • Personalizing of the dashboard through a centralized block

Listen to learn more!

You can reach Arindo Duque the following ways:

  • Find their product at:  wpadminpagespro.com/   &   wpultimo.com/
  • Reach out to Arindo Duque via
    Twitter: @wpultimo   &   @wpadminpagespro
    Facebook: WP Admin Pages PRO/@wpadminpagespro   &   WP Ultimo Community


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