Today’s interview is with Troy Dean from WPElevation focusing on their plugin, White Label CMS.
We reviewed this plugin in Episode 389 of the WPPluginsAtoZ show.
If you’re a plugin developer and you’d like to appear on the show, you can schedule an interview, donate your plugin for an upcoming contest, or submit your plugin for review.
This plugin was built so you can rebrand and remove most stuff your clients don’t need to see on the WordPress dashboard. It is not a CMS of its own.
- Different profiles offer varying access to fit the different types of sites your client may have
- Granular access
- By default, clients don’t have admin access
- Give them access to parts inside menu
- Remove panels from dashboard and add your own
- Uses raw HTML, so you can put in basically anything
- For example: a video panel, Google analytics, RSS feeds, etc.
- Works well in combination with Video User Manuals plugin
- Over 80 videos covering several topics. New and updated videos come out often.
- Replace the whole dashboard with a custom landing page
Find out more at- (their blog)