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Interview 28 with Corey Maass from Gelform talking about his plugin Kanban WP

Interview with Corey Maass from Gelform talking about his plugin Kanban for WP.

This interview is with Corey from Gelform.com on the pro version of his plugin Kanban For WP!

This plugin is for productivity. It embeds a kanban board into WP Admin to do project management, tracking, editorial calendars, and more.

What’s better about it compared to other services?

The original kanban board was invented by a Toyota employee. Kanban for WP turns this board in to a digital version. Unlike to-do lists, there are multiple columns with headers. These headers are “Ready,” “In Progress,” and “Done” by default.
Corey calls it “Project management times 10”

You can also track leads by renaming the headers– contacted, contract out, contract signed, etc. The boards are fairly customizable.

Kanban for WP is easy to set up.

The free version has a few limitations. It’s a pretty simple version. You only get 1 board. This is still great for individuals or small teams.
The pro version features multiple boards, advanced user management, task comments, and more. It’s great for bigger teams.

Reasons people like it:

  • Convenience! Everything is right in the WP admin dashboard.
  • Built in, meaning it’s private and safe.
  • New people can grasp it pretty quickly.
  • The overall status can be seen at a glance

Gelform offers many plugins. Kanban for WP is their primary. Some of their other plugins include Scheduled Tweets (reviewed in Episode 380 of WP A to Z), and other assorted smaller plugins. Find more about Kanban for WP Pro here, and their other plugins here.

Reminder: If you’re a plugin developer and you’d like to appear on the show, you can schedule an interview, donate your plugin for an upcoming contest, or submit your plugin for review.

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