WPPlugins AtoZ

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WordPress Plugins A-Z #320 Post Title Formatter, 3D Text Effects

It's Episode 320 and we've got plugins for Contact Form 7 Redirects, Dashboard Customizers, Post Title Formatter, 3D Text Effects, Link Monitoring and a new way to lock down and declutter the media library. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

It's Episode 320 and we've got plugins for Contact Form 7 Redirects, Dashboard Customizers, Post Title Formatter, 3D Text Effects, Link Monitoring and a new way to lock down and declutter the media library. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!It’s Episode 320 and we’ve got plugins for Contact Form 7 Redirects, Dashboard Customizers, Post Title Formatter, 3D Text Effects, Link Monitoring and a new way to lock down and declutter the media library. It’s all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

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Benefits – Benefits – Benefits

Having a review done by us or having an interview helps the traffic to the developers website. As was bought to our attention recently when we did an interview and reviewed a plugin for a developer who sent us snap shots of their traffic before and after the shows and the traffic stayed so there are great benefits to being reviewed by WP Plugins A to Z. Submit Your Plugin Here.


Thank Our Donors

We would like to thank our donors to the show, everyone who donates $50 or more will be acknowledged here with a mention and a link back to their page and all those below will be anonymous

$50 Jezweb Pty Ltd

This donation is on behalf of Norwest Gas. This Jezweb client was keen for a full rebrand including new logo, website and content. It’s not common yet that we ask a client to have a video full screen backdrop like this site but I love the effect. Video backgrounds can be dramatic and it’s likely as internet speeds increase we will get to use higher quality, longer loops, more often. Check out https://www.norwestgas.com.au/

Thanks to all donors who came in under $50

A big thank you to our donors who came in under $50 and to those who have set up weekly subscriptions. Those small subscriptions really help the show.

You can now donate though Patreon at https://patreon.com/wppluginsatoz where you can donate on a monthly basis. As an incentive if you donate $40 a month you will gain access to the exclusive plugin tutorial videos on how to setup and use the plugins we review and use.

WordPress News and other interesting WordPress related posts:

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We now have training videos up and on-line part of the WP Plugins network you can find them here at https://suportsam.dev.cc/category/public-wordpress-training-videos/ or here https://suportsam.dev.cc/category/members-wordpress-training-videos/ new videos being done weekly.

Comment on how the last few weeks that several of the WordPress websites are coincidentally putting out articles on the exact same plugs we just reviewed in the show, and if they are getting the idea from us it would be nice if they credited us.. We talk about them on Monday and about Wednesday, Thursday their articles come out.

**WordPress Plugins Reviewed by John Overall**

Post Title Formatter

Sent in by Natalie Anderson

Requires:4.6 or higher
Compatible up to:4.8.25
Released:12 June 2017
Last Updated:12 June 2017
(0 star out of 5)

The Lowdown:
This is a simple plugin no configuration required that i can find. Once installed it does a couple simple things for you. It capitalizes the first word in your Post Ttile as well as insure you have spaces after any commas and removes any full stops at the end.

The thing I found is that if you make these mistake in your posts they stay there but are corrected on the published page. Not a bad plugin to help you out with small mistakes.

Rating 3 Dragons

MM Dashboard Customizer

sent in by Maroun Melhem

Requires:3.0.0 or higher
Compatible up to:4.8.25
Released:06 July 2017
Last Updated:27 July 2017
(0 star out of 5)

The Lowdown:
If you would like to make some changes in your WordPress dashboard this plugin will help make some of those for you. You can customize the login page with your own colours, logo and background. You can remove a couple of the more annoying widgets that you don’t like and are useless for your clients. Tweak the top bar a little bit. Tweak the footer a little bit and if your in need reset all your plugins back to their default settings. All in all not too bad a plugin has some uses.

Rating 4 Dragons.


Sent in By Mike Champs

The Lowdown:
This is a third Party service that connects to your site to monitor all the outbound links. Currently it is a free service and it adds a tool bar to your site when somone clicks an outbound link. If it detects the outbound link is a spam or adult content site it warns your visitor. Not sure how I feel about this plugin but it does seem to have some uses check it out it may be of use for you.

Rating 4 Dragons

**WordPress Plugins Reviewed by Marcus Couch**

CF7 Redirect


Requires:5.1 or higher
Compatible up to:6.7.2
Released:12 August 2017
Last Updated:10 January 2025
(4.7 star out of 5)

A straightforward add-on plugin for Contact Form 7 – adds the option to redirect to any page you choose after mail sent successfully, with DOM Events and without AJAX being disabled. Simply go to your form settings, choose the “Redirect Settings” tab and set the page you want to be redirected to.

NOTE: This plugin requires Contact Form 7 version 4.2 or later, so if you haven’t updated in a while this is a good reason to.

Rating: 4 out of 5

3D Effect Text


Requires:3.9 or higher
Compatible up to:4.8.25
Released:12 August 2017
Last Updated:13 August 2017
(0 star out of 5)

This simple shortcode plugin uses css to transform text, title or heading in a post that will has a nice, clean raised 3D effect. Great to make text stand out in the page.

Rating: 4 out of 5

Restrict Media Library Access


Requires:4.0 or higher
Compatible up to:6.3.5
Released:11 August 2017
Last Updated:28 October 2023
(5 star out of 5)

This plugin restricts access for Authors and Contributors so they can only see their own Media Library uploads.

This has two main uses for the plugin: Making it easier for Authors to locate their own uploads when Media Libraries grow very big and preventing them from using or downloading media that belongs to other Authors. Admins and Editors will still be able to see everyone’s uploads.

Rating: 5 out of 5


Plugins Overview:

John’s Plugins: Post Title Formatter – 3, MM Dashboard Customizer – 4, Sur.ly – 4

Marcus’ Plugins: CF7 Redirect – 4, 3D Effect Text – 4, Restrict Media Library – 5

Commercial / Promotions:

I want make mention of SEO 101 Podcast https://www.stepforth.com/about/seo-101-podcast/ a great show that I listen to from time to time to pick up some tips. I also had the fortune to meet the shows host this past weekend and Ross is a pretty interesting guy.

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