WPPlugins AtoZ

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WordPress Plugins Hover Tool Tips, Reader Level Ratings, Scavenger Hunts & Special Guest Dustin Hartzler

WordPress Plugins from A to Z Episode #105

It’s episode #105 and we’ve got plugins for Hover Tool Tips, Reader Level Ratings, Scavenger Hunts and our Special Guest Dustin Hartzler from Your Website Engineer. All coming up next on WordPress Plugins A-Z.

This show supported by — CMS Commander — If you need a way to manage multiple installs of WordPress across multiple servers this is the plugin/Manager for you. Allows you to manage multiple site and has one click updates of all those sites check it out at https://wppluginsatoz.com/cmscommand ?

Don’t forget you can get the show notes at:
WordPress Plugins A-Z Podcast Can also be found at WPPluginsAtoZ.com

And head on over and review us at:
WordPress Plugins A-Z Podcast can be found on Stitcher Radio Click here to Download app or listen online Now.
WordPress Plugins A-Z Podcast can be found on the iTunes Store here.

>>>Self Promotion of my businesses here<<<
WordPress has become easier and easier to use over the past 5 years and as we know the easier it is to use the easier it becomes to break. Do you find that you suddenly need some quick WordPress support & need to figure out that one simple task? Correct that simple layout issue or has something broken and you have the white screen of death. Or maybe you have received notification of a hack on your site? Visit me for Emergeny WordPress Support at WPPro.ca/Emergency for some quick tips or contact me and I can help you with live support via screen sharing or phone 818-850-7729.

Marcus is now available for phone consultations at https://marcuscouch.com/call. If you need help with WordPress, Podcasting, SEO or general Internet Marketing help, the new Clarity.fm platform is an easy way to schedule and pay for a consulting phone call.


Wordpress is ArtJohn’s & Marcus Rant: What to rant about?

Join me on the WordPress Medic Podcast find it at https://wpmedic.ca where I will be discussing in depth how to help your ailing WordPress website help you through those tough times and interviews with experts from all over the World.You can find the WordPress medic Podcast at iTunes Store here, Blubrry.com here, and Stitcher Radio and any place else you find me.

Quick note about Social media camp Victoria @ https://socialmediacamp.ca/ while it is still a great Social media camp to attend you no longer need to support me there, due to differences I have opted out of the guest blogging there. I still highly recommend them and I may still be attending myself Enjoy.

WordCamp 2013 Victoria BC https://2013.victoria.wordcamp.org/ was a great success and this is my presntation from that…  You can follow along with the presentation here or over on Prezi.com link to my presentation https://wpmedic.ca/wordcamp you can check out the entire presentation on the WordPress Medic Podcast at https://wpmedic.ca/wordpress-medic-podcast-wordcamp-victoria-special-edition/

So with us today is Dustin Hartzler from Your Website Engineer who will be sharing with us two of his favorite plugins. Dustin has a great podcast with the same name and is a specialist in helping people develop better WordPress websites so when you’re done looking over our stuff today check him out at Your Website Engineer.com.

Listener Feedback / Audio Clips

Paul has a question on creating different versions of the same page with new revisions being held for review by legal and other departments.

Post Revision Workflow

This plugin adds a minor bit of workflow to the WordPress interface. When anyone edits a post or a page that has already been published, a few extra options will be available in the “Publish” metabox. Any time the appropriate option is chosen, the changes will be saved as a revision to the page or post, and the previous revision (the version that was already published) will remain published.


World of WordPress News and other interesting WordPress related posts:

SpeakPipe is coming out of beta and will have a charge soon if you use it allot. https://www.speakpipe.com 


**WordPress Plugins Reviewed by John**

Needed a plugin to display tooltips or show external content when someone hovered over a link.
The first two go together….
Hover 0.7.2

The Lowdown:
While looking for a plugin that would show external content in a link hover I came across this one. While it may do the job it has some convoluted settings and take a bit of work to get it functioning correctly. If you very technical minded and have lots of time try this out otherwise another one may suit you
Rating 2 dragons

LinkPeek 0.1

The Lowdown:
So after looking further I found this one and it does a pretty nice job though short links of showing a peek at the link. You need to make an edit in the php file and get yourself an API key from  The only problem I ran into is that the service linkpeek does not have a trial account and depends on a min of 15/mo, while the testing site for this looks great, I was unable to make a complete test since I did not need the service at this time.
Rating 3 dragons dropped one due to 3rd party pay service.



WordPress Tooltips 1.0.9

The Lowdown:
This is another tooltips plugin but allows almost any type of external content such as YouTube, html, web pages and more it has a free version and a pro upgrade. While there is the free version and it works great I opted to upgrade to the pro-version which gives you so much more control over the layout the trigger and the settings in general. This is great as it allows you to place any content, on any link automatically via keywords. And it works nicely across mobile devices.. The pro version is only $27 while a single user license is only $9. It tags itself to all sets of keywords on your site this is very sweet.

Rating 5 Dragons


**WordPress Plugins Reviewed by Marcus**

WordPress Quest


Requires: 3.0 or higher
Compatible up to: 3.5
Last Updated: 2013-1-20
Downloads: 154

WordPress Quest allows you to add ‘Quests’ to your site, granting users points and named achievements for certain interactions

WordPress Quest allows you to add ‘Quests’ to your site, granting users points and named achievements for certain interactions. Want to reward users for visiting a certain page of your site a number of times? It can be done! Hopefully the plugin will expand soon with more options for rules and quests.

Rating: 3 Dragons


Better Writing

Requires: 3.0 or higher
Compatible up to: 3.5
Last Updated: 2013-1-20
Downloads: 154

Helps you write better content with readability scores and preferred terms as you type. One way it achieves this is by providing readability information as you type. You can select from one of 5 different readability scoring methods including:

  • Flesch reading ease formula
  • Coleman Liau index
  • Gunning fog index
  • SMOG Index
  • Automated readability index

You are able to see at a glance if your content is on target with the readability meta box on the WordPress edit screen. You can also set a custom target score and sort posts and pages by readability.

Rating: 4 out of 5


**WordPress Plugins Reviewed by Dustin Hartzler**

Restrict Content Pro
free version here

Rating 5 Dragons


Simple Menu Delete 0.2

Rating 4 Dragons

Contact Dustin at Your Website Engineer
Twitter @DustinHartzler

Just some reminders:

Rate us at iTunes, blubrry.com, ViaWay.com, Stitcher Radio and any place else you find us.


What’s coming in future podcasts:

Special guests with their own plugin picks

How to Contact Us:

John can be contacted at:

Marcus can be contacted at:


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