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WordPress Plugins from A to Z Episode #50 — Simple and Easy Plugins

Dancing ProudWordPress Plugins from A to Z Episode 50 Tuesday November 16, 2011.

More great lazy plugins that will help you make life simple on your WordPress website and even a premium plugin review.

John’s & Marcus Rant: What to rant about?
Announcing the launch of a great new website, www.TourGuideSearch.com a great new place to list and find listing for a tour guide in your area or where you might be heading to.

Mercury is going retro grade yahoo (insert sarcasm here)

This Crazy SOPA thing in the US which can affect many folks across the globe https://thenextweb.com/insider/2011/11/16/sopa-is-an-easy-no-these-idiots-are-coming-for-your-internet/ since unfortunately the US actually controls the Internet as we know it.

Shout Outs: Yup a couple
One for Manny thanks again

Something new list of interesting sites that run on WordPress:
None discovered this week.

World of WordPress News and other interesting WordPress related posts:
WordPress Timthumb Attacks Rising

WordPress 3.3 Beta 3 Available or maybe by showtime full release..

11 Top WordPress Tips From The WPMU Team

List of Plugins:

—–Johns Plugins——-

CBPress Plugin

Recently updated it is a preimum plugin

What they say:
From the creators of the popular Clickbank Marketplace analytical and search tool, CBengine, comes CBpress. The most robust and flexible ClickBank and affiliate product management Wordress plugin currently out there.

Current affiliate management plugins require you to MANUALLY enter ClickBank products one by one. CBPRESS allows you to import the ENTIRE ClickBank Marketplace into your WordPress blog in seconds and then manage which ClickBank categories and products you want. The options are MANY.

Push-Button Marketplace Updates

Update your CBpress Marketplace every couple hours or once a  week. The control is in YOUR HANDS. Simply press the import button and in seconds your WordPress ClickBank marketplace will be automatically updated.

What We Say:

I found it easy to install on product listing page have the ability to display more that 10 at a time never mind found the setting in the setting menu, but it does not randomize them on display it need the ability to randomize the listing on the site when choosing to display more that your list number. Also it need a bit clearer instructions on downloading the initial data base for the system.

3 Dragons due to time needed to get it setup

iRobots.txt SEO

What They Say:
iRobots.txt SEO (IRSEO) is a fully customizable robots.txt virtual file generator. IRSEO creates a highly optimized and secure robots.txt file straight out of the box. Users may choose to enable or disable specific user agents, directories or files using intuitive options all of which include detailed instructions.

The robots.txt file is a text file located in the root directory of a website. It’s purpose is to direct user-agents (AKA bots) away from or towards specific files or directories. Inhibiting a bot from indexing specific pages will ensure your website remains keyword optimized and all indexed pages are relevant to your potential customers.

IRSEO also inhibits several WordPress system directories and files by default. Doing this ensures that the search bots do not include security sensitive pages within search results. For example, searching for “inurl:wp-content name size description” in Google will produce a list of sites with indexed and open content directories.

What We Say:
This is a pretty easy plugin to use you can do as little or as much configuration as you desire. This plugin insures that you have that all important robot.txt file on your site without the hassle of writing a text file and uploading it and double checking you have blocked all the proper directories.

Rating:4 Dragons for ease of use.

The old barnGravity Forms Subscriptions Add-On

What They Say:
This plugin requires the Gravity Forms plugin. Don’t use Gravity Forms? Buy the pluginand then use this plugin!

Gravity Forms has great PayPal support built in, but…

There’s no way to switch between subscriptions and one-time payments in the same form, or modify the subscription frequency. That’s what this add-on does: it adds two buttons to the Gravity Forms form editor that add a drop-down menu or radio button selection with subscription options.

You can use the presets or enter your own subscription frequency options. You can define options such as:

  • One-Time (non-subscription)
  • Once Daily
  • Once Weekly
  • Once a Month
  • Once Every 6 Months
  • Once Yearly
  • etc.

What we say:
This is a pretty simple plugin to use and make adding subscriptions using gravity forms easy to do.

Rating:4 Dragons for ease of use

Some Terms here for plugins: Nothing special this week..

Nothing this week

In closing here is what is coming in future podcasts:

An interview with Scott Cariss the creator of the File Monitor plugin coming soon, just as soon as I can connect with him.

Possible interview with Casey

Membership Plugins

WEBphysiology Portfolio

More Lazy Plugins

How to Contact Me:
John can be contacted at:
on my website @ https://www.johnoverall.com/ or you can follow me on Twitter @Ahkonsu or even like me on Facebook at  https://www.facebook.com/JohnOverallcom

How to Contact Marcus:
Marcus Couch can be contacted at his website at marcuscouch.com, on twitter   @marcuscouch and on facebook at facebook.com/marcuscouch

Some of the music provided tonight from Mevio’s Music Alley. Check it out at ‘music.mevio.com https://music.mevio.com

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