It’s episode 218 and we’ve got plugins for Facebook Post Embedding, Reading Position Indicators, External Link Handling, Display Widgets, Bulk Page Creation and Tag Clouds. It’s all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!
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X² Marketing is your full-service digital marketing and brand development agency. Whether you are a solo entrepreneur, small business or enterprise level company; power up your marketing with X2. From WordPress to ClickFunnels, Landing Pages to Social Campaigns, SEO, Paid Ads, Infusionsoft management and more. Visit and get in touch with Marcus about your digital marketing needs.
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[/dropshadowbox]*WordPress Plugins Reviewed by John Overall**
WP External Links
- Version: 1.62
- Author: Victor Villaverde Laan
- Last Updated: 4 days ago
- Requires WordPress Version: 3.6.0 or higher
- Compatible up to: 4.1.1
- Downloaded: 125,810 times
- Plugin Page »
- Plugin Homepage »
The Lowdown:
Sometime when links are created in your site they lead offsite and you need an easy way to handle the opening of pages, setting up a no follow tag and more. With this plugin you can determine if they open in a new page, what content is affected, set some SEO settings like no follow, title and external. If you want to get fancy you can even add icons. This is a pretty nice plugin.
Rating 5 Dragons.
Ultimate Tag Cloud Widget
- Version: 2.7.2
- Author: Rickard Andersson
- Last Updated: 12 months ago
- Requires WordPress Version: 3.0 or higher
- Compatible up to: 3.9.2
- Downloaded: 200,841 times
- Plugin Page »
- Plugin Homepage »
The Lowdown:
I know Tag clouds are no longer in vogue but sometimes you need them on a site for a real reason. I needed it for Canada Stock Photography to create a colourful tag cloud to make it easy for people to navigate to different tags for image types easy. It is simple to install and configure and looks good along the way. Check it out.
Rating 4 Dragons.
Display Widgets
- Version: 2.03
- Author: Strategy11
- Last Updated: 1 year ago
- Requires WordPress Version: 3.1 or higher
- Compatible up to: 3.8.3
- Downloaded: 525,532 times
- Plugin Page »
- Plugin Homepage »
The Lowdown:
Times are when you need to hide or show a widget on particular posts or pages. This is a simple and lightweight plugin to do that for you. After installing it when you go to your widgets you will now have a new section in the widget that allows you to show or hide the widget based on pages, posts, categories and taxonomies. An easy way to control your widgets.
Rating 4 Dragons.
*WordPress Plugins Reviewed by Marcus Couch**
Easy Facebook Post Feed
Easy Facebook Post Feed, allow users to display a customizable and responsive Facebook feed. It’s quickly to use by widget or shortcode anyway.Customize layout option like: color, border, number of post to display, choose to display image, width and height (px and % for responsive); Widget and Shortcode available: ; It works with Facebook API and it’s simple to set up: just enter your page id and Facebook API
Languages available: English, Italian.
Rating 4 out of 5
Quick Bulk Post & Page Creator
A handy WordPress plugin for batch creation of posts and pages in your preferred hierarchy. Indispensable tool for WordPress developers.
Rating 4 out of 5
Reading Position Indicator
Create a vertical progress bar to show how scroll progress of current single entry
Rating 3 out of 5
Plugins Overview:
John’s Plugins: Ultimate Tag Cloud Widget – 4, WP External Links – 5, Display Widgets – 4
Marcus’ Plugins: Easy Facebook Post Feed – 4, Quick Bulk Post and Page Creator – 4, Reading Position Indicator – 3
[dropshadowbox align="center" effect="curled" width="88%" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="3" border_color="#3a5d3b" padding="20px" ]Support WP Plugins A to Z
Be sure to check out the latest contest from WP Plugins A to Z with generous donations from Developers and other Businesses.
[bctt tweet="Enter to Win #Plugin licenses and More! WP Plugins A to Z #WordPress #Podcast " username="wppluginsatoz"]Are you a Developer? Need to get the Word out about Your Plugin? Submit it now to WP Plugins A to Z Podcast.
[bctt tweet="Submit your #Plugin for Review to WP Plugins A to Z #WordPress #Podcast " username="wppluginsatoz"]X² Marketing is your full-service digital marketing and brand development agency. Whether you are a solo entrepreneur, small business or enterprise level company; power up your marketing with X2. From WordPress to ClickFunnels, Landing Pages to Social Campaigns, SEO, Paid Ads, Infusionsoft management and more. Visit and get in touch with Marcus about your digital marketing needs.
My new and improved Membership Coach program is your go-to resource for all the Training, Advice, and Support needed to Develop and Grow a Profitable Membership Site. Be sure to head over to and get on the waiting list for the first sessions, launching soon. You can also follow @membershipcoach on twitter to get the latest release dates and news. Signups are now active and Pre-Launch Enrollment is open!
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