WPPlugins AtoZ

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WordPress Plugins A-Z #208

It's episode 208 and we’ve got plugins for Stopping Spam, Conditional Logic, Simple Shortcodes and an awesome new plugin to embed a PDF as easily as an image. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!It’s episode 208 and we’ve got plugins for Stopping Spam, Conditional Logic, Simple Shortcodes and an awesome new plugin to embed a PDF as easily as an image. It’s all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

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*WordPress Plugins Reviewed by John Overall**

Flip It On Spammers! Be The Aggressor

The Lowdown:

Looking for a way to block comment spam this may be a great tool and very easy to use. Simply install then choose the countries or continents that you want to completely block from being able to submit comments. One thing it does nicely is place a timer on the submit button that counts down before anyone can submit a comment. with the default at 15sec by the time a real person reads down the page and has written a comment the timer has elapsed.

Rating 5 Dragons



Stop Media Comment Spamming

The Lowdown:

This one is pretty straight forward simply install and activate an the ability for anyone to comment on the media attachment is removed while not impacting the rest of your website. This is a great way to remove one avenue from the spammers completely which will have almost no impact on your real visitors.

Rating 5 Dragons


Stop Spammers

The Lowdown:

More on what stop Spammers does… A little foot in mouth desiease seems I mispok on last show about it blocking comment spammers with message it was actually the anti spam bee plugin that was doing that. at any rate I have a bit more on this plugin plus a great screen capture on how to use it. just head over to https://wppro.ca/youtube

rating 5 Dragons

*WordPress Plugins Reviewed by Marcus Couch**

GTH Simple Shortcodes

This plugin gives you fast access to some of the most popular template modifications that you can use right in your wordpress editor without the need of any prior php knowledge and no template modifications.

What are the available shortcodes?
– Displays your website’s Name
– Displays your website’s tagline
– Displays your website’s root URL without the trailing slash. ie. https://www.wordpress.org
– Displays your website’s admin URL without the trailing slash. ie. https://www.wordpress.org/wp-admin
– Displays the current page’s/post’s title
– Displays your current page’s/post’s permalink
– Displays the current logged in user’s username. If they are not logged in it will display “Guest”.
– Displays the cuurrent loggedin user’s display name. If they are not logged in it will display “Guest”.
– Displays the current year. ie. 2015
– Displays the current month. ie. Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec

Rating: 5 out of 5


Conditional Logic Solutions (CLS)

What is CLS?
CLS stands by it’s name. It is a conditional logic design to empower site owners to have absolute control in most areas, if not all, of their site. It provides control to modify what users can and cannot do. And control contents visibility according to user, user group, and currently use page template.

What it does?
Set or reset users capabilities.
Add new user group.
Controls dashboard widgets visibilities for selected user or user group.
Modify the behaviour of your of your posts and pages. Control it’s visiblity according to user or user group.
Controls the visibility of your sidebars, and sidebar widgets per user, user group, and current page templates.

Rating 5 out of 5


PDF Embedder

Upload PDFs and embed them straight into your site – just like adding images! PDFs will be automatically sized to their natural size and shape (or just fill the width available if they are too big). Optionally, you can specify a width and the correct height will be calculated automatically. The shape will be recalculated if the page is resized by the user.

Rating: 5 out of 5


Plugins Overview:

John’s Plugins: Flip It On Spammers – 5, Stop Media Comment Spamming – 5,  Stop Spammers – 5

Marcus’ Plugins: GLS Simple Shortcodes – 5, Conditional Logic – 5, PDF Embedder – 5


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