WPPlugins AtoZ

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WordPress Plugins A-Z #197

It’s episode 197 and we’ve got plugins for Removing Menu Items, Custom Menu Buttons, Google Web Font Optimization, Feature Lists and a plugin that will make you abandon the text widget forever. It’s all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

Listener Feedback / Audio Clips

Greg has a new plugin that changes the way you view plugin searches within WordPress.


*WordPress Plugins Reviewed by John Overall**

Media Library Custom Fields

Author: abcFolio WordPress Plugins

Last Updated: 4 days ago

Requires WordPress Version: 3.5 or higher

Compatible up to: 4.0

Downloaded: 4,026 times

WordPress.org Plugin Page »

Plugin Homepage »

Need to add some custom fields to you media items such as a unique link here is what you need.

Rating 4 Dragons


Quick remove menu item

The lowdown:

Ever need to remove a complete menu and have been faced with that item by item removal, this is something that should be in core I believe and that is a simple way to bulk remove menu it’s. This plug make that task a breeze.

Rating 5 Dragons

WPBizPlugins Easy Admin Quick Menu

The Lowdown:

Looking for an easy way to create some big buttons on the dashboard for your clients to find the items that are important to them. Well this is it create a custom menu to display on the dashboard give the buttons some colour and even include a button to your support.

Rating 4 Dragons


*WordPress Plugins Reviewed by Marcus Couch**

Google Webfont Optimizer
Most sites or themes use Google Fonts to make the typeface look modern and clear. Some plugins even include Google Fonts to make their plugin display better. Unfortunately, all this adds up to a lot of different Google Fonts being requested for each webpage, making the website slower with a lower Google PageSpeed score. Ultimately, it lowers your visitor’s experience and you could drop down in the search results. Google already solved this problem on their servers by allowing you to ask for multiple fonts in a single request, but that doesn’t fix the problem on YOUR website.Google WebFont Optimizer finds every Google Fonts request, bulks them all together so your website only asks Google once for the fonts, instead of multiple times.

Rating: 5 out of 5


Note is a simple and easy to use widget for editing bits of text, live, in your WordPress front-end Customizer. Add Notes into any sidebar to visualize how your copy will appear within the unique layout and design of your website. With Note, there’s no more painful back and forth from the WordPress dashboard to the front-end of your site to refresh. Simply add your Note widget into a sidebar and begin typing. It’s that easy.

Rating 5 out of 5


Easy Feature Lists
Create reusable feature or check lists that you can add to any post or page. Great for houses, hotels, cars, products, and anytime you want to display a set of items that each have a subset of a group of features.
Rating 5 out of 5


Plugins Overview:

John’s Plugins: Media Library Custom Fields – 4, Quick Remove Menu Items – 5, Easy Admin Quick menu – 4

Marcus’ Plugins: Google WebFont Optimizer – 5, Note – 5, Easy Feature Lists – 5


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