WPPlugins AtoZ

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WordPress Plugins A-Z #180

Post Read Stats, Dashboard Sticky Notes, Media Grids

WordPress Plugins A-Z #180


It’s episode 180 and we’ve got plugins for Post Read Stats, Dashboard Sticky Notes, Media Grids, Advertising, Article Snippets and more. All coming up next, on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

Don’t forget you can get the show notes at:

WordPress Plugins A-Z Podcast Can also be found at WPPluginsAtoZ.com

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WordPress Plugins A-Z Podcast can be found on Stitcher Radio Click here to Download app or listen online Now.

WordPress Plugins A-Z Podcast can be found on the iTunes Store here.

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Listener Feedback / Audio Clips

Phyllis from Los Angeles has a question about WP Accessibility. There are a number of different things developing around WP Accessibility. First, you can try out plugins like https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-accessibility/. That will give you a good start, but as the plugin authors note, The plug-in is intended to help with deficiencies commonly found in themes and to solve some issues in WordPress core. It can’t correct every problem (by a long shot), but provides tools to fix some issues, supplement the accessibility of your site, or identify problems. Another thing to do is get active in the new https://make.wordpress.org/accessibility/ community, where they are working to make WordPress better for everyone to use, including in the new 4.0 version of WordPress.
WordPress News and other interesting WordPress related posts:

WordPress 4.0 Beta 1 is now available to play with. Though not intended for a live production site, it’s fun to install to a stage domain and goof around with the new features.

*WordPress Plugins Reviewed by John Overall**


Adsanity (premium Plugin)

The Lowdown:
While working on a new project the client found and purchased this plugin to manage their advertising, ranging in price from $29 for a single use to $129 for a developer it is well within the affordable range. This plugin uses custom posttypes and has some great uilt in ad sizing, you can also use your external ad networks like google ads to be displayed.
Set up widgets, create ad groups, you use widgets to display the ads either singly or display groups, or you can use short codes from the editor or customize your own. You can even use template tags with a little php code.
This looks to be a pretty nice ad manager
Rating 4 dragons.
Media Grid (Premium plugin)

While looking for a portfolio type presentation plugin on a particular project we were having issues discovering something that would make the presentation easy and simple. This plugin does that in a an excellent way. It allows you to create all types of content for it, videos, links, images, audio and even social shares. It allows you to create some great descriptions that will popup in an overlay and you get some great controls over that overlay with an addon. The controls and what you can do make this a great premium plugin at only $16

Rating 4 Dragons.
Curation Suite (premium plugin)
By You Brand Inc.
If you’re looking for a way to collect and curate atricle snipets from all over the web this may be what you are looking for to bring in some extra content. This plugin allows you to collect, posts article and content from all over the web and represent it in a way that is visually appealing and useful to your visitors. This is a pretty expansive plugin and does require some time and work to get all setup and running but once working it make the job of curating content a pretty easy task.
Rating 4 Dragons.
*WordPress Plugins Reviewed by Marcus Couch**
Post Half Life

A Plugin for calculating the half life of a blog post. So you can determine afterwards, which content and what posting time is best for your content.

Rating: 4 out of 5
Dashboard Sticky Notes
The Dashboard Sticky Notes plugin adds the functionality to add sticky notes into the dashboard. You could specify the context (normal or side), priority (high or low), and target (user roles) with notes. HTML tags and shortcodes are also available in the content.
Rating: 4 out of 5
Private Content Login Redirect

Do you post private content? Are you sending those links to your users with private content access?

WordPress by default redirects all non-logged users to a 404(content not found) page when they follow a private post or private page link.Instead of showing a 404 page, this plugin simply redirects those users to the login page.After successful login, it automatically redirects users with private content access to the private content link they followed.

Rating: 4 out of 5

Plugins Overview:

John’s Plugins: AdSanity – 4, Media Grid – 4, Curation Site – 4

Marcus’ Plugins: Post Half-Life 4, Dashboard Sticky Notes – 4, Private Content Login Redirect – 4


If you’re tired of the same old stock photography then it is time for a change. Just launched the Canada Stock Photo web site at https://CanadaStockPhoto.com featuring some great unique not found eveywhere stock photo images, with new images added daily and even a few that are available for a free download. Click here to get your image!


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Use HostGator Coupon PLUGIN to save 30% on ANY hosting plan, any term length.


Just some reminders:

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How to Contact Us:

John can be contacted at:



Marcus can be contacted at:

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