WPPlugins AtoZ

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WordPress Plugins A-Z #179

WordPress Plugins A-Z #179

It’s episode 179 and we’ve got plugins for Site Caching, Social Cards, Default Image Settings, HTML Widget Titles and a plugin for displaying new content to returning visitors. All coming up next, on WordPress A-Z!
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*WordPress Plugins Reviewed by John Overall**

  WooCommerce Bookings

Premium Plugin
the Lowdown:
This plugin is part of the overhaul of my website so that people can book and prepay for my time. It integrates with the woocommerce plugin and allows you to set up times when your are available so people can book and prepay for your time. I found it to be pretty good although the setup was a bit confusing and getting it to set the calendar and allow people to choose their time was a bi a bit trickery. All in all it works pretty good. You can also use it if you have multiple people and resources to be booked you can use it for room booking and more. I can see this being of use in several industries that require people to book time.
rating 4 dragons

WP Rocket
premium Plugin
Submitted by Jean-Baptiste Marchand-Arvier
You can get it here https://wp-rocket.me
The Lowdown:
This is a premium caching plugin that is pretty easy to get installed and set up the cost is only $39 for a personal license. It does seem to be helping our site quite nicely as we have been having some loading issues due to the use of short codes but after loading the page and getting a cache of it future loads seem to be quite fast. It does have some nice advanced options like doing some DNS prefetch emptying the cache when you are updating posts. You can also connect it up to CDN and even get the cache preloaded and do a manual cache clearing.. So far so good will monitor to see how it goes but for the moment looks good.
rating 4 dragons

Revisit Xperience
The lite version is available in the repository, this plugin was submitted to us by the author so we were able to check out the pro version. What is does is creates a list that appears in a box on the page of all the content that has been added or changed since the last visits from your site users. At only 414.98 seems to be worth the price. with this added experience you may be able to get those regular visitors to move to more content on your site. It has several options including the ability to add a custom link for when your promoting items from your site. One thing I liked about it was that it made an unobtrusive box that is expandable with a click on the bottom of the page. You can though place the box in top or bottom left or right. Check it out
rating 4 dragons
*WordPress Plugins Reviewed by Marcus Couch**
NextGen Facebook-Twitter
Improve the appearance, ranking, and social engagement of shares on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn, and other social sites. More and more I see people sharing content on social sites, but I only click on the one’s that look properly formatted, as I’m sure most people do. This plugin allows you to look your best when sharing your content with others online.
Rating: 4 out of 5
HTML Widget Titles
This is about as basic as a plugin gets. HTML In Widget Titles allow you to use any normal HTML tag(s) in the Title section of any widget. While originally designed for making titles linkable, it should also work for any other HTML tags. The plugin uses some very basic PHP and a WordPress filter to replace all instances of with < or > respectively. This is because when you enter a normal &lttag&gt into the title input area, WordPress will remove it. This replacement happens as the page is generated from the PHP code so it avoids this problem.
Rating: 5 out of 5
Default Image Settings
Change default settings for image size, link to and align for images inserted into posts. Allows you to remove the link on images by default. The settings for changing the default settings are added to the Media menu under Settings in your Admin Panel.
Rating: 5 out of 5

Plugins Overview:

John’s Plugins: WooCommerce Bookings – 4, WP Rocket – 4, Revisit Xperience – 5

Marcus’ Plugins: NextGen Facebook-Twitter – 4, HTML Widget Titles – 5, Default Image Settings – 5




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