
WPPlugins AtoZ

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WordPress Plugins A-Z #177

It’s episode 177 and we’ve got plugins for Login Limits, Page Management, Username Changer, Custom Admin Help Tabs, Floating Sidebars and a cool new plugin to add your own widgets into the admin dashboard. All coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

Get all the grisly Plugin details and full access to the complete show notes on our website! You can follow the show on Twitter at @wppluginsatoz, and join our Facebook at WordPressPluginsA2Z for the latest in WordPress Plugin related news - some we come across in-between shows, and some we talk about on our weekly show.

The WordPress Plugins A-Z Podcast can be found on iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher Radio and also on WordPress Radio. If you like what you hear on the show, we encourage you to share your enthusiasm with others that you know in the WordPress community and in social networks.
Share on Twitter: [bctt tweet="WP Plugins A to Z The Only #WordPress #Plugins #Podcast " username="wppluginsatoz"]
[dropshadowbox align="center" effect="lifted-both" width="88%" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="3" border_color="#3a5d3b" ]

Self Promotion

While we do enjoy bringing you the show week after week, we also make our living with WordPress and related promotional services. With that, we ask for a moment of your time for some self promotion. If you find these promotions of value, please share them with friends and colleagues.

Promotions from John Overall:
Has your  WordPress site broken? Do you have a question or two about its functionality? Have you recieved the white screen of death? This may be time for some Emergency WordPress Support. Contact me at or give me a quick call at 818-850-7729.

Promotions from Marcus Couch:
X² Marketing is your full-service digital marketing and brand development agency. Whether you are a solo entrepreneur, small business or enterprise level company; power up your marketing with X2. From WordPress to ClickFunnels, Landing Pages to Social Campaigns, SEO, Paid Ads, Infusionsoft management and more. Visit and get in touch with Marcus about your digital marketing needs.

My new and improved Membership Coach program is your go-to resource for all the Training, Advice, and Support needed to Develop and Grow a Profitable Membership Site. Be sure to head over to and get on the waiting list for the first sessions, launching soon. You can also follow @membershipcoach on twitter to get the latest release dates and news. Signups are now active and Pre-Launch Enrollment is open!


WordPress News

Listener Feedback
Email Comment from Hardeep

I’m a teenage WordPress plugin developer from India & a fan of all the WordPress podcasts, including you. I listen to your podcast on my Stitcher (BEST APP EVER!!) every single week, plus Marcus, Sarah & Jeff on WordPress Weekly Podcast.

The reason of sending this email is because I wanted to tell you folks about a new FREE PDF book written by me, which is about WordPress Security.

I was wondering if you guys could take a look at the book to share with your listeners or even just for your own clients. I know that you guys know pretty much about WordPress security & stuff, but there’s always something to learn in everything.

The book is 100% free because I want everyone to learn about SECURITY. Hope you guys can spread the word on how to Improve WordPress Security!

Thanks for your time :)

PS: Marcus, please bring the Industry Night back on WPWeekly :)

WordPress Plugin Reviews From John Overall

[plugin_name src=”limit-login-countries”]

Download [plugin_name src=”limit-login-countries”]
[plugin_name src=”limit-login-countries”] Overview:
Ok so you have a website and you don’t need worldwide visitors and only want to limit it or maybe you’re tired of hack attempts from china and Taiwan. It uses Maxmind’s Geolite database and you can run in whitelist or blacklist mode. Be aware that this is not always an accurate way to block but it will help cut down on the crap.

Rating: 3 out of 5

[plugin_name src=”username-changer”]

Download [plugin_name src=”username-changer”]
[plugin_name src=”username-changer”] Overview:
Ok so you have been told that Admin is a really bad user name and maybe you are ready to change to laundryJock to something more professional for a user name. well the one thing WordPress does not have built in but should is an easy way to change your username. There are dozens of tutorials out there that will show you how to do it with phpMyadmin but the easy way is to simply add this plugin and then go to your profile and change it.

Rating: 5 out of 5

[plugin_name src=”strx-magic-floating-sidebar-maker”]

Download [plugin_name src=”strx-magic-floating-sidebar-maker”]
[plugin_name src=”strx-magic-floating-sidebar-maker”] Overview:
You have seen those great sites with long content and the sidebar that is always right there for accessing whatever they are promoting or an easy menu for your visitors. Well the creation of it has never been easier

Rating: 4 out of 5

WordPress Plugin Reviews From Marcus Couch

[plugin_name src=”swifty-page-manager”]

Download [plugin_name src=”swifty-page-manager”]
[plugin_name src=”swifty-page-manager”] Overview:
Swifty Page Manager – makes creating and managing your pages easy.

As you might have noticed, managing the pages of your WordPress site isn’t very intuitive out of the box. We found a way to make it a whole lot easier. Here’s how…

Reasons to try Swifty Page Manager:

It shows you how the pages of your WordPress site are positioned and related to each other in a so called page tree view.
It alows you to manage the page settings (such as name, status etc.) in a very intuitive way.

Rating: 4 out of 5

[plugin_name src=”better-admin-help-tabs”]

Download [plugin_name src=”better-admin-help-tabs”]
[plugin_name src=”better-admin-help-tabs”] Overview:
Allows creation and placement of Admin Help Tabs (those pull down tabs at the top of some admin pages) on any page or post, including custom post types.

Rating: 4 out of 5

[plugin_name src=”custom-dashboard-welcome-panel-widget-sidebar”]

Download [plugin_name src=”custom-dashboard-welcome-panel-widget-sidebar”]
[plugin_name src=”custom-dashboard-welcome-panel-widget-sidebar”] Overview:
“Building admin widgets gives us the opportunity to let designers take a stab at changing the administratoin interface. With such a large community the admin changes could have a lot more potential if we give designers and average users the ability to truely customize their entire site.

This plugin also adds a shortcode ‘user’ which lets you show and hide text in the welcome panel and thoughout your installation to different roles and capabilities. For example, you can add a text widget to the dashboard welcome panel widget like this:

This is only shown to users that have delete posts capability This is only shown to users that have editor capability ”

Rating: 5 out of 5

Plugins Overview:
John’s Plugins: [plugin_name src=”limit-login-countries”] – 3, [plugin_name src=”username-changer”] – 5, [plugin_name src=”strx-magic-floating-sidebar-maker”] – 4
Marcus’ Plugins: [plugin_name src=”swifty-page-manager”] – 4, [plugin_name src=”better-admin-help-tabs”] – 3, [plugin_name src=”custom-dashboard-welcome-panel-widget-sidebar”] – 5

[dropshadowbox align="center" effect="curled" width="88%" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="3" border_color="#3a5d3b" padding="20px" ]

Support WP Plugins A to Z

Be sure to check out the latest contest from WP Plugins A to Z with generous donations from Developers and other Businesses.

[bctt tweet="Enter to Win #Plugin licenses and More! WP Plugins A to Z #WordPress #Podcast " username="wppluginsatoz"]

Are you a Developer? Need to get the Word out about Your Plugin? Submit it now to WP Plugins A to Z Podcast.

[bctt tweet="Submit your #Plugin for Review to WP Plugins A to Z #WordPress #Podcast " username="wppluginsatoz"]
X² Marketing is your full-service digital marketing and brand development agency. Whether you are a solo entrepreneur, small business or enterprise level company; power up your marketing with X2. From WordPress to ClickFunnels, Landing Pages to Social Campaigns, SEO, Paid Ads, Infusionsoft management and more. Visit and get in touch with Marcus about your digital marketing needs.

My new and improved Membership Coach program is your go-to resource for all the Training, Advice, and Support needed to Develop and Grow a Profitable Membership Site. Be sure to head over to and get on the waiting list for the first sessions, launching soon. You can also follow @membershipcoach on twitter to get the latest release dates and news. Signups are now active and Pre-Launch Enrollment is open!

Just some reminders:

Join my at the monthly ClassicPress / WordPress Meetup Classicpress / WordPress Meetup

Rate us on iTunes,,, Stitcher Radio and any place else you find us.

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WordPress Emergency Support:

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