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Weekly Round up WordPress News old and new February 20, 2017

This is a week January 30, 2017 round up of WordPress news I have accumulated from across the web some old some new but always interesting. The new relates to WordPress and sometimes other areas of the web. It often has a focus on security and more.

It's Episode 295 and we've got plugins for Mobile Click to Call, Scrolling Widgets, Manual Payments for WooCommerce, Sticky Audio Players, and Featured Content. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!The Weekly round up of news, tips, and information to help you create the best possible WordPress website.

This is a weekly round up of WordPress news I have accumulated from across the web some old some new but always interesting. The new relates to WordPress and sometimes other areas of the web. It often has a focus on security and more.

We try to have news here that is not only important to help you with your website as well as new from the #wpdrama scene and more to share.

Some of the news here will be of interesting links to not only articles but training materials and other sources I can find online that will help you create a better WordPress website.


This week we have the following news for you.

How to Get Started Learning WordPress Development

https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/get-started-learning-wordpress-development/So you’ve been using WordPress for a while, maybe even for years. You’ve implemented themes for your own projects and for a few paying clients. But now you’re feeling stuck, unable to get from advanced WordPress user to WordPress developer.

Many WordPress developers were once upon a time right where you are right now — I’ve even been there myself. The truth is, you can make the transition, all you need is a plan and the self-discipline to consistently work toward reaching developer status.

While I can’t lend you the self-discipline, I can help you formulate a plan. In this article, we’ll explore three things you can start doing today to make the jump from advanced WordPress user or implementor to WordPress developer. Read original article here…. premium.wpmudev.org

4 Hacking Tricks That Take Websites Down.

https://www.techaai.com/4-hacking-tricks-that-take-websites-down-no-2-is-killer/As a website owner it is the most disappointing and most annoying thing to discover that your website is down. This happens when you type in your domain nameand instead of seeing your beautiful website design, you’re greeted with a blank screen. This is never a good experience, but it happens to many websites and itcould happen to your website as well and of course using these hacking tricks mentioned this post.

The rapid growth in technology moves up as cyber criminals also grow. Cyber-attacks target websites and for which ever reason, you cannot rule out your website as an exception to such attacks. Many big websites have faced such attacks, some for minutes, an hour, or even more hours.

So, lets dig deep in these four hacking tricks that hackers are using to take websites down! Read original article here…. techaai.com

How Many WordPress Plugins is Too Many? The Answer Might Surprise

https://wplift.com/how-many-wordpress-plugins?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+Wplift+(WPLift)&utm_source=The+WhiP+by+WPMU+DEV&utm_campaign=8d6688bfff-The_WhiP_The_Man_In_The_Typography_Mask_02_17_17&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_74fb43fd55-8d6688bfff-102893693But is that actually true? I mean, people tell me I shouldn’t swim after eating, but I’ve done that my whole life and I’m still alive and kicking! So is the common knowledge that “too many plugins is bad” good for WordPress?

In this post, I’m going to attempt to answer that question. So, if your admin sidebar is bursting at the seams with links to plugin settings pages, join me on this adventure into the world of plugin collecting. Read original article here…. wplift.com

#StopMullware – On the Security of 27% of the Websites on the Internet

https://web.archive.org/web/20170214062414/https://medium.com/@CiPHPerCoder/stopmullware-on-the-security-of-27-of-the-websites-on-the-internet-298a7e5b6871This is the story of how I failed to proactively prevent every WordPress blog on the Internet from ever being conscripted into a Mirai-like botnet.

My name is Scott Arciszewski. If you have ever heard of me before, it’s likely through my open source security research and cryptography engineering work through Paragon Initiative Enterprises.

I recently proposed a successful RFC to make libsodium a core extension in PHP 7.2, which will make secure and usable cryptography more accessible to web developers the whole world over. However, I’ve been working hard to make the Internet more secure for years, starting with the tools and frameworks that developers rely on in their day-to-day. Read original article here….

Matt Mullenweg Responds to Security Rant: Digital Signatures for WordPress Updates Are Important but Not a Priority

https://wptavern.com/matt-mullenweg-responds-to-security-rant-digital-signatures-for-wordpress-updates-are-important-but-not-a-priority?utm_source=The+WhiP+by+WPMU+DEV&utm_campaign=8d6688bfff-The_WhiP_The_Man_In_The_Typography_Mask_02_17_17&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_74fb43fd55-8d6688bfff-102893693Scott Arciszewski, Chief Development Officer for Paragon Initiative Enterprises, who is most widely known for his cryptography engineering work, published a post on Medium criticizing Matt Mullenweg, co-creator of the WordPress open-source software project, for not caring enough about security. Arciszewski has since retracted the post but you can read it via the Wayback Machine.

Arciszewski is working on a project known as libsodium, a core extension to PHP 7.2 which allows for encryption, decryption, signatures, password hashing and more. Its goal is to enable developers to build higher-level cryptographic tools. Read original article here…. wptavern.com


Chat with Matt Mullenweg, New Tutorials and Workshops – BlogAid Today – BlogAid

https://www.blogaid.net/chat-with-matt-mullenweg-new-tutorials-and-workshops-blogaid-today/?utm_source=BlogAid+Newsletter&utm_campaign=3094987324-BlogAid_Blog_Posts5_12_2015&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_7bdf20ec49-3094987324-710348757Chat with Matt Mullenweg, New Tutorials and Workshops – BlogAid Today – BlogAid

How to Speed Up a WordPress Site & Why It Matters

https://ithemes.com/2017/02/10/how-to-speed-up-a-wordpress-site-why-it-matters/?utm_source=iThemes+Updates&utm_campaign=55d3d4bee9-02_16_2017Updates_How_to_Speed&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_79a8f605eb-55d3d4bee9-297439873Is your WordPress website sluggish? Are pages and posts loading slowly and you don’t know why? In this post, we’ll discuss the reasons and show how to speed up a WordPress site.

Whether your hosting provider, poor code or not optimizing images is to blame, digging into why your website is running slowly is worth the time and effort. Why?

Faster websites result in a better user experience.

Speeding up your website can also help with your Google search rankings, as Google takes into account page loading speed.

Let’s dig into the most common reasons for a slow WordPress website. Read original article here…. ithemes.com


And now for something older in the past article collections.

Behind the Scenes of WordPress.com Themes with David Kennedy

https://wptavern.com/behind-the-scenes-of-wordpress-com-themes-with-david-kennedyI’ve been doing several WordPress Theme Shop interviews lately. The original reason for the interviews was that people kept asking me where to find well-designed WordPress themes. (Yes, I know the irony because I also create solid themes.)

The interviews have been valuable for helping users find themes they like, analyzing different business models for selling themes, and exploring the history, present, and future of WordPress themes.

This time I’m thrilled to publish an interview with David A. Kennedy from Automattic. I see him as respected Theminator (we’ll get to this title later on) who cares about accessibility. Read original article here…. wptavern.com

What does any of this fuss have to do with WordPress?

https://www.wpfangirl.com/2016/what-does-any-of-this-fuss-have-to-do-with-wordpress/It’s starting to seem like there’s another post about bad behavior within the “WordPress community” every time I turn around. There have certainly been too many to list, some of them very thoughtful, but the one that made me decide I had to say something was James Dalman’s “Goodbye WordPress” post.

Because yes, there have definitely been instances of bad behavior in various of the communities of people who use WordPress. And no one who encounters discrimination, harassment, personal attacks, or mistreatment should put up with it. If you see it happening in any group you’re part of, whether or not it’s happening to you, then you should confront it, and that’s what many of these posts are attempting to do.

But if you expect to be able to avoid any of these things by leaving WordPress behind, you’re in for a very unpleasant surprise. Read original article here…. wpfangirl.com

Hey WordPress Community, Stop Being A Fan and Start Doing

https://surefirewebservices.com/hey-wordpress-community-stop-fan-start/?utm_source=The+WhiP+by+WPMU+DEV&utm_campaign=e3f736d432-The_WhiP_Things_That_Go_Woo_in_the+_10_17_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_74fb43fd55-e3f736d432-102893693OK, before I get a ton of hate mail/comments from every WordPress lover out there, let’s get something straight.  I use WordPress ALL THE TIME.  I have no issues with it, in fact, I love using it.  It makes life super easy, it makes building much faster than having to start from scratch, and I really enjoy it.

With that said, wtf is with all this WordPress community BS?  I just finished reading an article by James Dalman, and while it’s truly a sad article and I have nothing respect for the man, he also linked a bunch of other posts with users addressing the WordPress community and not being happy with it.  This has nothing to do with him, but more the “WordPress Community” as a whole and the fact that a lot of people see it as some holy grail. Read original article here…. surefirewebservices.com

11 Top WordPress Plugins From the Experts by www.thehostingnews.com

https://www.thehostingnews.com/11-top-wordpress-plugins-from-the-experts.htmlOnce you have a grasp of the top-rated choices, you’ll have an easier time determining which ones would benefit your site the most. Take a look at the top 11 WordPress plugins that these marketing experts recommend.

Do you enjoy using Google Docs? For those that like to write their articles and come back to them later for an edit, using the Postable plugin may be the perfect way to improve this process of your online business. Read original article here…. thehostingnews.com

Goodbye WordPress – JAMES DALMAN

https://jamesdalman.com/goodbye-wordpress/I’ve struggled whether it would be appropriate to share my experience and struggles in the WordPress community. A few people have encouraged me to open up. A few people have begged me to remain silent.

The cost versus benefit has been at the back of my mind for a couple years. I wanted to be honest but I also feared retribution. Damned if I do. Damned if I don’t. But I finally feel it’s time to open up.

WordPress opened up a world I never expected.

I’ve worked with some of the best people in the industry. I helped create some of the most amazing products and training programs. I built friendships with incredible people around the world. WordPress provided me an extraordinary living for ten years. I’m truly thankful. Read original article here…. jamesdalman.com





Well that’s a wrap for this week more next week from WP Plugins A to Z.





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