
WPPlugins AtoZ

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Transcript of Christmas Special WP Plugins A to Z

This is a transcript of a simple quick special show for Christmas Day 2017. I want to wish a Merry Christmas to everyone and a great big thank you for all your support of the show in the past year.

All transcripts start from the point in the show where we head off into the meat and potatoes. They are the complete verbatim of Marcus and John’s discussion of the weekly plugins we have reviewed.

WordPress Plugins A to Z Podcast and Transcript for See complete show notes for the Christmas Special here.

This is a simple quick special show for Christmas Day 2017. I want to wish a Merry Christmas to everyone and a great big thank you for all your support of the show in the past year.

Christmas Episode

WordPress, it’s the most popular content management and website solution on the internet. And with over 60,000 plugins to choose from, how do you separate the junk from the gems? Join John Overall and Marcus Couch for this weekly unrehearsed conversation about the latest and greatest in WordPress plugins. This is WordPress Plugins A to Z.

John:                Well, good morning, good afternoon, or good evening, wherever you happen to be hiding out there on the globe today. Coming to you direct from the Brewery Overlook in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, I’m John Overall. And this is a special Christmas edition of the WP Plugins A to Z show, and it’s just me. I’m here to, you know, give you a little Christmas cheer, hopefully. I wish everybody out there a very Merry Christmas since this show will be airing on Christmas Day and I will be enjoying it with my family. I hope you’re enjoying your Christmas with your family out there. It is a fantastic time of year. It’s quite nice here, beginning to snow here in Victoria, Canada, so kind of enjoying some of the Christmas spirit this year.

I just wanted to, you know, point out a simple plugin that I’ve come across in the last week and also just to cover off just some fun, just to let everyone know what a great year it is. So just to jump right to it, a plugin that I discovered while doing some work last week for a client – it’s called WP HTML Author Bio. What this plugin is for is if you use the author bio area, meaning the bio area in your user edit area – if you go into the user area and you edit your user information where you can put bio information – well, that area is restricted to plain text and it gets kind of a pain if you’re using a theme that displays a bio box really nice and clean, and all you’ve got to put in there is plain text. You can’t put any HTML or anything to enhance it, put links – nothing.

This plugin does a great job of allowing you to enhance that area of the site and then when you’re displaying your site, they get a beautiful author bio, including links and everything else you need. It’s a great plugin; I give it a 5-Dragon rating. You’ll want to check this plugin out. Go enjoy it. Enjoy the holidays.

And real briefly, I just wanted to discuss a bit about what I’m doing in the coming year and what’s gonna happen. The show itself, the WP Plugins show, will continue. It will be going out every Monday and some of them might be pre-recorded but it’s always going to go out every Monday. It’s still going to bring you great information, great plugin tips, and enhancements that go around web development and website maintenance and other things. Myself, I’ll be focusing more upon my core business at and in that core business, I will be focusing on things such as quality WordPress hosting. I’ve been doing web hosting for WordPress websites for 8 years that I’ve been doing WordPress. I have actually been running a web hosting business now for 17 years. It’s always been a small business, always catered to select clients, and it will continue to cater to select clients. I do take on new clients for hosting. You get premium hosting service with minimal amounts of impact of no limits, basically. I give premium hosting service with no limits is what I do.

I do that because the servers I use and because of the way that I maintain the servers, and because of the way I limit how many clients can be on each server. I also will be doing emergency WordPress support, which I’ve been doing all along. It’s what helped support me through all of this. I specialize in fixing broken WordPress websites, helping them when the websites are white-screened, something has happened to them, bringing them back to life, reviving and fixing them.

I’ll also be focusing on WordPress website maintenance. In other words, maintaining WordPress websites when you decide you no longer want to hassle it yourself and you need to outsource that. Also, I’m going to be doing a lot of site performance reviews and helping people fix their WordPress website performance. I have learned a lot in the last year about site performance. I finally applied it to my own website at If you’ve ever been there in the previous months, go visit it now. You’ll see a site performance increase that is dramatic and it will impact your site.

At any rate, that’s all I wanted to tell everyone about. Thank you very much for supporting the WordPress Plugins A to Z podcast this year. It’s been fantastic. I’m really grateful for all the listeners out there and I’m grateful for all of you that had supported the show in our hopes to make it a permanent part of the only thing that I was doing. I had hopes for that, but thank you very much for everyone that supported us and a very Merry Christmas to everyone out there. Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy whatever you celebrate this time of year, and have yourself a very Happy New Year’s. Everyone enjoys New Year’s, even if you don’t go out and party. We all enjoy sitting back and enjoying watch the New Year roll in with all its promise of everything new. Take care now, bye-bye.

Reminders for the show :

All the show notes can be found at, and while you’re there, subscribe to the Thursday newsletter for more useful information directly to your email inbox. is a show that offers honest and unbiased reviews of plugins by developers because you support the show. Help keep the show honest and unbiased by going to and choose one of the weekly donation levels or make one that fits your budget. Help us make the show better for you by subscribing and reviewing to the show at Stitcher Radio, Google Play, and in the iTunes store. You can also watch the show live on YouTube, check out the screencasts and training videos, and remember to subscribe to us on YouTube, or follow the show on Twitter at @wppluginsatoz.

John can be reached through his website at, or send him an email to Marcus can also be reached through his website at or Twitter at @marcuscouch. Thanks for watching and have a great day.

Thanks for listening to the show. This show is copyright by So until next time, have yourselves a good morning, good afternoon, or a good evening, wherever you happen to be out there on the globe today.


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