WPPlugins AtoZ

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Transcript of Episode 329 WP Plugins A to Z

It's Episode 329 and we've got plugins for Content Likes, Password Strength, Bulk Compression, Order Notification, and World Clocks. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

It's Episode 329 and we've got plugins for Content Likes, Password Strength, Bulk Compression, Order Notification, and World Clocks. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!All transcripts start from the point in the show where we head off into the meat and potatoes. They are the complete verbatim of Marcus and John’s discussion of the weekly plugins we have reviewed.

WordPress Plugins A to Z Podcast and Transcript for See complete show notes for Episode #329 here.

It’s Episode 329 and we’ve got plugins for Content Likes, Password Strength, Bulk Compression, Order Notification, and World Clocks. It’s all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

Episode #329

Marcus:           This is WordPress Plugins A to Z.

It’s episode 329 and we’ve got plugins for Content Likes, Password Strength, Bulk Compression, Order Notification, and World Clocks. It’s all coming up next on WordPress Plugins A to Z.

WordPress, it’s the most popular content management and website solution on the internet. And with over 60,000 plugins to choose from, how do you separate the junk from the gems? Join John Overall and Marcus Couch for this weekly unrehearsed conversation about the latest and greatest in WordPress plugins. This is WordPress Plugins A to Z.

John:                Well good morning, good afternoon, or good evening, wherever you happen to be hiding out there on the globe today. Coming to you today direct and slowly from beautiful Victoria, British Columbia, I’m John Overall.

Marcus:           And from the sunny shores of Laguna Beach, California, I’m Marcus Couch.

John:                Yeah, moving kinda slowly after running up the side of a mountain this weekend, so…and the brain is not fully engaged yet.

Marcus:           As I —

John:                That’s okay.

Marcus:           — as I said in the preshow —

John:                Yeah?

Marcus:           “What did you do that for?”

John:                It was fun. I like running and cross-country running is an enjoyable thing to do.

Marcus:           All right.

John:                And of course, as usual, you can get all the show notes over at wppluginsatoz.com and make sure you take a few minutes and join us over at Stitcher Radio, Google Play, or the iTunes store where we would appreciate you taking the time to review us and subscribing to the show. And also, go check out our training videos, screencasts, and you can watch us live every Monday morning at 10:00 a.m. on YouTube, and all those links are in the show notes.

Marcus:           That’s right! And other ways that you can find us – remember that you can follow us on Twitter at @wppluginsatoz, all the news and WordPress items that are fit to print, we’ve kept and confined them to the newsletter, so please subscribe to our newsletter over at our website, wppluginsatoz.com.

One other thing I want to mention is that if you have any questions regarding plugins or requests or things like that, our Facebook group is a great place to put that in. And as the last episode featured, we had one show where John totally dedicated himself to answering one person’s question, so they kind of freaked out about that on the Facebook page and were very, very appreciative. So lots of ways to contact us and we hope to hear from you soon.

John:                Absolutely. And with that, it’s time to just jump right in to the meat and potatoes of the show, so off we go.

All right, and we’re reviewing our usual allotment of six great plugins and first up today, I have a plugin which comes to us via submission by James from WP Compress, and this plugin here, WP Compress is currently in beta but it is ready for people go check out and download and use. What it is is it’s an image compression program and at first when James approached me to check it out, I was like, “Ah, another image compression program. You know, how good they can be.” I’ve used EWW and I’ve used Smoosh and they’ve both done great jobs and Smoosh has done a better job than EWW for me. And then this one here, he said, “Well, check it out, man. Our tests have shown it does even better than Smoosh.” And I was like, “Okay. Well, I’ll check it out.”

And so what I did was I – he sent me a beta copy and downloaded it and I installed it in one of my oldest sites, which is JohnOverall.com, which has hundreds of images in there – maybe even thousands. I wanted to see how will it do on this site here. Well, it was easy enough to set the plugin up. You just upload it like usual, install, activate. It is a third-party service and you’ve got to get an API key and they’ve made the process pretty simple and straightforward from inside the plugin. You just enter your email address, information, connect, sign up and create and account, and then they email you the API key which you then insert and then you have access to the plugins used.

The plugin is very easy to use. Just drop into the media menu, go into the menu item that says Bulk Compress, and click that, and then it walks you through a couple of quick steps and then it starts compressing. Leave the window open and watch the amazing magic. It was actually quite impressive to see that it saved an additional 20% on all my images that I already had, thereby increasing in the speed load, the storage compression of my site, etc. etc. All in all, a fantastic plugin. I’m looking forward to more of how this plugin evolves as it comes out of beta. I am understanding that eventually as it comes out of beta, it will be a premium plugin but currently it’s free to use, so you’ll want to check it out while it’s in beta and maybe get your images all compressed up and help these guys learn a little bit more. Now, I will be doing an interview show with James as soon as he’s ready to go ahead with it and for all we know, he may actually show up here and say hi to the show, but hey…at any rate, go check it out: WP Compress. I gave this a 5-Dragon rating in beta!

Marcus:           Well, that’s pretty impressive.

John:                Yeah. A great plugin, man.

Marcus:           Wow! Because I love Smoosh and there are some other ones that I’ve used as well, to me I always thought – Tiny PNG is the service that I use to compress images it saves so much.

John:                Yeah.

Marcus:           Especially if you’re using PNG files – ping files.

John:                Oh, yeah. I use a lot of PNG files.

Marcus:           And those things are enormous size and sometimes I’ve had about a 150K image and I put it through one of those Smoosh things or Tiny PNG and it ends up being like 20K.

John:                Yep.

Marcus:           You know, it takes almost only 20 percent of what it used to be, so those are great. I love that and hopefully I can try that as well at WP Compress.

John:                Yep, well —

Marcus:           So James, send me a copy. I want it.

John:                I’ll be happy to get the copy over to you. You can go download it from their site right now. It’s available over at —

Marcus:           Oh!

John:                — WPCompress.com. Yeah, I forgot to mention that. You can go to their site and download it right now. They have it available in beta for people.

Marcus:           Cool!

John:                So…

Marcus:           Okay, well I have checked out by request – the request I got was, “Hey, I’d like to have something that’s kind of like a voting where people like it but there is no dislike. It just needs to be a positive thing.” So I came up with this plugin that’s relatively new. It’s called Post Likerater, which is sort of weird. It enables a simple like or unlike feature to be added to posts, pages, things like that. As I said, there is no dislike feature. The thing about it I like is there is no dislike; it’s just all positive, just like I mentioned.

The things I don’t like about this plugin are there is no CSS to speak of in this plugin at all. There is no admin page, there are no options for this plugin. It does work but you literally have to hold its hand the entire way to make sure that it works. So if you’re good at CSS or you have somebody who can style it for you, this is probably a really great plugin. As I tested it, it didn’t have any styling. It took the native theme styling CSS and it made it okay, but definitely not usable for me, so I rated this one a 3 out of 5.

John:                Yeah, well, that happens and sometimes you’ve gotta put a little extra effort into plugins that you want to use.

Marcus:           Yeah, yeah. This one is halfway; this is like a take it home and bake it yourself plugin.

John:                It is kind of new, so maybe they’ll improve it as time goes on.

Marcus:           Hope so.

John:                All right, well with that, this brings us to the point where this show is sponsored by the following people and/or businesses. Currently sponsored by JohnOverall.com, WordPress and Web Services. And with today’s internet, finding quality WordPress hosting and support can be a challenge. Well, drop all that stress by contacting JohnOverall.com Web Services.

I can help you eliminate your WordPress stress, solving your WordPress emergency issues, or doing the more day-to-day items such as finding that perfect plugin, helping you move to a new hosting provider, or even providing quality WordPress hosting. With 20 years’ experience online and over eight years dedicated to WordPress solely, JohnOverall.com provides all your web service needs from hosting to WordPress development, repairs, and malware removal. Visit my website, JohnOverall.com or call me, (818)850-7729, or you can send an email direct to john@wppro.ca.

Marcus:           And John does answer the phone.

John:                Oh, absolutely.

Marcus:           Directly – probably just in a couple of rings, too. All right, well anybody that’s listening to this show, you loooove WordPress. Come on, you’re a plugin junkie like John and I. You love it. Well, why not write about something unique within WordPress? As you’ve probably heard on the show in the last few months, I am now the WordPress editor for Smashing Magazine, one of the biggest web design resources on the internet and I’m looking for folks to write great articles about WordPress.

This has got a lot of benefit for you: you get paid, you get a lot of exposure to yourself, your work, you get a nice, cool author box where you can talk about yourself and give yourself a nice followed link that goes back to your site. Smashing Magazine is – when I say it’s the biggest, it gets, you know, 6,000,000 unique visits a month. That’s more than WP Tavern gets. That’s more than Tork gets – all of them combined. Think of every WordPress blog you know of and this is a lot bigger. And they’ve got really high standards and the articles are really long. But it’s really worth it in terms of the audience and the feedback that you get back from any published article, and most of them have 30-40 comments every time you publish an article. What a great set of feedback that you get from a huge mechanism like this.

So if you’re interested in getting exposure to yourself and your work, go to marcuscouch.com/smashing. There’s a video there you can learn about the whole process and fill out a form. It has an autoresponder that replies back with how to get started and what to do. A great opportunity to contribute to the WordPress community, get exposure, and get a few hundred bucks in the process.

John:                Absolutely, and the articles are well worth reading. They are in-depth, useful, and helpful. They’re not top 10 lists and they’re stuff that you can actually use for building and working on your websites.

Marcus:           Yes, and if I can elaborate just one sec, I get requests all the time. Like, “Hey, can I write about the latest WordPress version or the latest WooCommerce version?” No. We don’t take articles like that. We want actual procedures and cutting-edge things that you’ve never heard of and, you know, advanced design techniques and how to make more money with your agency and those kinds of things. That’s what we’re interested in, not necessarily, “Hey, give me 10 plugins that tell me the weather.”

John:                Yeah, there you go.

Marcus:           Not really needed.

John:                All right, well that brings us up to our next set of plugins. The next one I have for you was sent in to us by Ben Campbell. It’s called London Theatre Direct and this plugin here is if you happen to be in London or in that area, this is something you could use to help increase your sales or increase a little bit of extra money. The plugin is focused on all the London theatre scene to sell tickets through the London theatre scene. You can become a partner within the London theatre scene, London Theatre Direct, and earn a commission on all the ticket sales.

So if you’re like a reviewer or you like writing articles about theatre or anything like that, this is something that could benefit you if you’re one of those bloggers. It’s a relatively easy plugin to set up. It even worked out here from Canada, where I set it up on my website to just give it a test on my sandbox site anyway. It’s pretty simple and straightforward to set up. You go through, you set it up.

If you wanted to earn a commission, you have to sign up for one of the affiliate programs and go through, enter your information, choose the theatres, choose the type of tickets and everything to sell, and then you just go plug it in to your website either via a widget or it’s got its own shortcode builder that allows you to get it all up and running. So go check it out: it’s London Theatre Direct and I gave it a 4-Dragon rating.

Marcus:           Nice, and I like that you can just be an affiliate. You don’t have to actually be in London to do this.

John:                Yeah.

Marcus:           You could just sell it on your own site. So if you’ve got any kind of affiliate site or things like that, why not try and grab a for London theatre tickets or even create a schedule, something like that, and do the rest. Okay, so the next plugin that I’ve got here is kind of a cross-pollination. It is called WooCommerce Simple Order Notification and it works with both WooCommerce and Twilio, which Twilio is an SMS service that you can sight up for. They do, I believe, have a free version that you can probably integrate with this. They give you kind of an API key that you can use right in WooCommerce and within this plugin.

So here’s what happens, John. If you and I have a store that we’ve set up and we want to take orders – or, say it’s a membership site or anything else that anybody may sign up to and purchase. Every time a successful transaction has occurred, this will go through that Twilio API and send you a text message and says, “Hey, John! Guess what Marcus just paid $1,000 for Order #1234,” and, you know, any other options that you wanted to add within that SMS.

Now, that’s some nice pat on the back reassurance that your e-commerce entity is working properly and that’s also something that if you are a developer or a designer, you can encourage your e-commerce clients that use WooCommerce to start getting into. Let them have this capability of SMS every time they get an order so they can prepare themselves, they can review the order, they can forward that to somebody else that they need to know. And, you know, more and more we are living more on a text message-based society, rather than email, and this is another one of those things. So check it out: it’s called WooCommerce Simple Order Notification and I would’ve given it a perfect 5 out of 5, but it does work with a third-party service, which is Twilio. Even though I like them, I still took a point off just because has that extra step, so it gets a 4 out of 5.

John:                Well, that’s not too bad and it can be quite useful for you if you’re selling products that you really want to respond back to people quickly about, too.

Marcus:           Yes.

John:                This is another great way you can be responsive to your clients and help improve your service.

Marcus:           Absolutely. I didn’t really think about that consideration but yeah, that’s absolutely the fact.

John:                Okay, well that takes us up to next here. We’ve got listener feedback, audio clips – none this week, unfortunately. But if you’re a listener out there and you would like to contact us with an audio clip, hey, step into the wppluginsatoz.com and leave us a SpeakPipe down in the lower right corner of the page. You can access it and I understand now you were saying earlier, Marcus, that this now works with Mac?

Marcus:           That’s correct. If you have a Macintosh, you were unable to leave a message through the browser on Safari previously through the site. That’s at least what SpeakPipe has said, and I just got an email today that says, “Hey, it now works with Mac.”

John:                There you go.

Marcus:           All you Mac people out there, go to wppluginsatoz.com and leave us a SpeakPipe! We’d love to hear from you. Tell us what you like about the show, any plugins you’re looking for, or just say hello.

John:                Absolutely. Okay, and this show is a value-for-value model, meaning if you get any value out of it, please give back some value to us. And in that vein, we’d like to acknowledge those who have supported the show in the past week. All donations $50 and over are read here, their note is published. For those who come in below $50, they’ll remain anonymous and we thank you very much.

This week’s donors we have $50 from Jezweb Pty. Ltd. and his note says:

“This donation is on behalf of Innate Life Chiropractic, www.innatelife.com.au a Jezweb built WordPress website for a chiropractor in Lake Macquarie, Australia.”

So it’s kind of a cool thing here and thank you very much, Jez. We really appreciate your support of the show.

Marcus:           We really appreciate – I mean, we do.

John:                Oh, absolutely.

Marcus:           He’s come through for us time and time again. If we had a title of Executive Producer in terms of what he’s done for us and helped enable the show like few others have in terms of stepping up, he is the man, so we totally appreciate his support. We are at record downloads, so it’s time that if you’re a new listener to the show that you understand what value-for-value means. It means as John said, if we provide value to you, we’d love for you to provide some value back to us, whether that’s a donation through our Patreon account, whether that is a direct donation to the show. We’ve got a lot of ways that you can help contribute. We do appreciate everyone’s support and that’s basically it.

John:                Yeah, and for those of you that are in the small subscriptions, we greatly appreciate your support for the show, too. And all the money currently coming in for this show goes to pay for things such as bandwidth, time to do the show, transcriptions (because we do have transcriptions done of the show).

Marcus:           Mm-hm.

John:                All of the little incidentals that actually do cost money, and so we greatly appreciate those of you that are supporting us.

Marcus:           Thank you very much. We do appreciate it.

John:                Okay, and the final plugins we’ve got here today…the last one I’ve got for you today is called World Clock Dropdown with Shortcodes. I’ve been on the hunt lately for a world clock and I still haven’t found a very good one. This one here is slightly better than most so far. I’m in need of a specific style of one, so I’m still hunting. At any rate, what this one does for you is it’s a very simple plugin for finding your local time in a particular time zone. You can enter several of the shortcodes in there to have different models from it.

I noticed from my test that once it sets a time, even when you come back to the page, the cookie helps keep that time, so it only resets the page when the cookies go away. It defaults to Greenwich Meantime, so you’d have to change the time zone on it. All in all, not a bad little plugin for setting time zones or determining time zones, but no good for what I’m looking for. I’m looking for something that allows people to set up a meeting time and pick time zones from multiple areas and then compare them, so this is – it’s kind of a little bit more complex. This one here is a little limited; it could be of use. Some of the improvements in it would be the multiple instances and comparing the time zones I’m looking for, but all in all, not too bad of a plugin. Check it out: World Clock Dropdown with Shortcodes and I gave it a 3-Dragon rating.

Marcus:           Nice. Very nice. All right, I’ve got one more plugin that is WooCommerce-related and this has to do with your customers’ accounts in WooCommerce, which is a very big deal because it’s – you know, the security of your site is only as good as the weakest password of the weakest user, right? (Or any one of your users.) Especially if they can do things to the site or post things to the site, it really creates kind of a really, you know, a drag experience for the rest of your users. So this allows you to set the minimum password strength to very weak, weak, medium, or strong.

You’ve all seen that when you’ve created a password within WordPress itself, so it enacts this for users so that you can enable that only a strong password is allowed on my e-commerce site or only a medium password so you don’t get too stringent. It does do a lot of different settings. If you put the setting of very weak, it actually disables the strength meter altogether; that means hey, it’s wide open. Do what you will. Create 1234 as your password or whatever you want to do. So if you want to just open the door wide and just monitor the strength of passwords, that’s also available as well. So it is called Minimum Password Strength for WooCommerce and I rated this one a 4 out of 5.

John:                That’s a nice plugin. That’ll be nice and handy. Now, one thing to keep in mind though is there have been numerous flaws in the past that have been exploited, even though a user has no power on a website, cross-scripting has allowed additional powers to be allocated.

Marcus:           Yeah.

John:                So this is another reason to enforce strong passwords to help ensure that only the users get in there that are supposed to be in there, so something to keep in mind.

Marcus:           Yeah, and that’s very important. If you do things like reorders with credit cards that may be already on file somewhere or in the system or with your merchant, if they have that kind of power, that’s a chargeback waiting to happen and that affects your pocket, that affects your future credit as a merchant —

John:                Absolutely.

Marcus:           — and whether you’re even allowed to do business. So the more stop-gap measures that you have, the better.

John:                Absolutely. Well, that closes it out and this episode here, I covered up WP Compress, which I gave a 5 to; London Theatre Direct, which I gave a 4 to; and then World Clock Dropdown with Shortcodes, which I gave a 3 to.

Marcus:           And I talked about Post Likerator, which gets a 3 out of 5, WooCommerce Simple Order Direct Notification – that’s the thing that gives you a text message every time you get an order – gets a 4 out of 5, and we just talked about Minimum Password Strength for WooCommerce, which gets a 4 out of 5.

John:                Very nice, and the usual reminders and stuff for the end of the show, be sure to check out the YouTube screencast that goes up later and watch the additional parts that I’ll be putting in for the show. And a note to developers out there, if you’d like to support the show, maybe you could offer up a premium license that we can give away, create a plugin contest, we’ll promote your plugin, etc., create the contest, and all you’ve got to do is provide us with the license for it. You know, in the contests we’ve run in the past have been very successful, so check it out.

Also, check out our training videos that we have up online and more training videos are on the way. They actually take a lot more time to plan and prepare than I had thought initially. I anticipated doing one a week and only to find out that they take more time than I had anticipated.

Marcus:           Yeah, a lot more.

John:                So…and because I like to do very thorough ones and the training videos I get up there end up getting thousands of visits, and in fact, a couple of my training videos have been adopted by the plugin developers as the video to go to for showcasing how to use their plugin.

Marcus:           I love it when we do that.

John:                That’s one of my thrills when I see that. I wonder, “Why am I getting so many visits?” When I follow all the links I’m like, “Oh, they’ve embedded my video in their instructions.” Sweet!

Marcus:           Yeah.

John:                All right, and also if you’re looking for WordPress news and other information, don’t forget to go check out WP Plugins A to Z and subscribe to our newsletter and get all the information on a weekly basis. And also there will be an additional segment after the closeout of the show here showcasing why we do value-for-value and where our inspiration came and showing you how – even I give back that value to the podcast that I listen to a lot, so I’ll make sure that segment is included after the show today. So make sure you stick around after all the closing stuff. And that’s it! You got anything else?

Marcus:           Nope, that’s good for me. Thanks, everybody.

John:                And thank you for those who stopped into the show. I saw there was three or four people that popped in there, so thank you very much. Take care now. Bye-bye.

Reminders for the show :

All the show notes can be found at wppluginsatoz.com, and while you’re there, subscribe to the Thursday newsletter for more useful information directly to your email inbox. Wppluginsatoz.com is a show that offers honest and unbiased reviews of plugins by developers because you support the show. Help keep the show honest and unbiased by going to wppluginsatoz.com/donate and choose one of the weekly donation levels or make one that fits your budget. Help us make the show better for you by subscribing and reviewing to the show at Stitcher Radio, Google Play, and in the iTunes store. You can also watch the show live on YouTube, check out the screencasts and training videos, and remember to subscribe to us on YouTube, or follow the show on Twitter at @wppluginsatoz.

John can be reached through his website at www.JohnOverall.com, or send him an email to john@wppro.ca. Marcus can also be reached through his website at marcuscouch.com or Twitter at @marcuscouch. Thanks for watching and have a great day.

Thanks for listening to the show. This show is copyright by JohnOverall.com. So until next time, have yourselves a good morning, good afternoon, or a good evening, wherever you happen to be out there on the globe today.


Extra Segment:

John:                Okay, this is the after-show segment here and I’ve got a couple of things I’m going to be doing for you here today. First off, we’re going to showcase from the No Agenda Show. What we mean by value-for-value and where we get our inspiration for the value-for-value show. Now, the No Agenda Show can be found at noagendashow.com for those of you listening to this segment, because this will be in the regular podcast itself. And also after I’m finished with this segment here, I will do the showcase that goes up into the Google Stream area that showcases my impression on Marcus’ plugin.

So first off here, we’ve got the No Agenda Show, which is a value-for-value podcast and they do media deconstruction. It’s a very excellent show; you might want to check it out yourself. But one of the things they do is they hit a segment where they showcase their donors, the same way we do on the WP Plugins show. This show here, they are currently in their 10th Anniversary of their show and they had an amazing show of donors that they showcased. So I’m going to take a few of them and I’m gonna highlight the component of where my donation was on this particular show, so stay tuned for that. I will get it all dialed in.

Okay, we’re going to play the opening for the No Agenda Show here:

“And we’re going to run this off of Podbean. Adam Curry, John C. Dvorak. It’s Sunday, October 22, 2017. This is your award-winning Gitmo Nation Media Assassination Episode Niner Seven Five! This is No Agenda.

Alert the affiliates, we’re going long! And broadcasting from the future, live in Downtown Austin Teahouse, the state in the (Cluedo) in the morning, everybody, I’m Adam Curry.

And from Northern California where I believe today is night-day, I’m John C. Dvorak. It’s Craig, Mop, and Buzzkill in the morning!”

John:                There we go. There’s the opening for their show and what I’ll do is I’ll jump down to the beginning segment of their donor segment, and then I will jump down to the segment where my donation is showcased in the show, coming up in a second.

“Thank you for your courage of saying good morning to you, John C., where the C stands for college connoisseur Dvorak.

 And good morning to you, Mr. Adam Curry, also in the morning and all ships at sea, boots on the ground, feet in the air, subs in the water, and all the dames and knights out there….

And the morning to the chatroom No Agendastream.com, always good to see you guys there, all jacked up and ready to go. And hold on a second…what’s going on here? I wanted to go to – today is the second of our third installment of our special 10 Anniversary promotion – our twofer.

The second of our three installments, yes.

Yes, it’s our twofer.

Yeah, twofer. You get to double up on your credits.

And I’ve got a lot of questions – I’m sure you do as well – both the possessors of dolerites in Candanavia, as well as –

But it has to be kinda laid out for us because if we have 94 people to mention –

It gets .

Oh, gosh. Yeah, all right. Hey, not complaining.

So we’re gonna have a long session, so we’re going to put this as kind of part of the show.

We’re going long.

So Benjamin gave $1,000, but he actually gave $1,300 in Canadian.”

John:                Okay, so that’s the intro to their donations segment and as you can see, they had a lot of donors for this. It was their 10th Anniversary show and lots of people donating and they were giving out a double donor credit. You would have to go to the show, listen to the show for a little while to understand the donation credit system that they’ve got.

We have been trying and toying with ideas for something for the WP Plugins show, but we don’t have anything as of yet. But we’re working towards that goal eventually. So at any rate, now I’m going to skip down because I’m way down the list because well, I donated but I didn’t donate as much as all the people in front of me. As you heard, that first donor, a $1,000 donation and it continues down the list until it gets down to where mine is. But we all donate what we can afford to support our favorite content, so we’ll take you to that right now.

“John Overall 2222, thanks for your value-for-value model, giving back to doubling the donations. The donation of $222 is $444. When he’s doubling his number, that means you are in the path of awakening, which of course is that of the No Agenda Show, because it does awake people. Once it awakes you, you cannot go back to sleep once it awakes you. This donation and your donating double bonus pushes me over the top to become a knight of the realm for my No Agenda nation. I would like to be dubbed Sir John Overall, Night Runner, because I am often doing my running in the dark. In an effort to emulate the No Agenda Show, we are running our podcast, the WP Plugins A to Z – now I know who to get a hold of!


–a plugin guy.


It’s a value-for-value show – a little – by the way, that is an art, not a science to do these plugins and know how they work.

Oh, yeah.

The little-acknowledged secret is that it is hard to do a show that way, but more fulfilling. Please play the following jingles – in other words, using value-for-value for the plugin show.


6969, dudes, fist bump, Atlas shrugged, podcasting karma for all podcasters out there, go a-podcasting.


“6969, Dudes! Hey man, fist bump. Atlas shrugged You’ve got karma .”

John:                Okay, so that was a highlight of the segment where I donated my donation to them. I gave them $222 and that’s how much I like that show. I have supported them over the last couple of years with a significant amount of money and they reward people by making them a knight. So at any rate, that’s what we’re trying to do here for this show is to have a value-for-value model where you, our listeners, support us and if we’re giving you value, give us value back.

Money is appreciative; there’s many other ways you can help and support this show. You can go to wppluginsatoz.com/donate to find out more ways you can support the show, and every little bit helps. No amount is insignificant, even time, money, support, graphics – there’s lots and lots we can do. We’d like to expand this show out dramatically. So that’s all I’ve got for that.

Now, I’m going to take you into the after-show segment where I do my impression of one of Marcus’ plugins from this episode, so let’s jump into that segment here. And that will be for only those that go into the stream on YouTube that is up later, so this ends the WP Plugins show, except for the additional segment, so go check out that YouTube. Thanks.

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