The Weekly round up of Security News, Tips, and information to help you keep your WordPress website safe and secure.
This is a weekly round up of WordPress Security news I have accumulated from across the web some old some new but always useful. The new relates to keeping a WordPress secure.
This week we have the following Security News for you.
The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Security
Hackers attack WordPress sites both big and small with over 90,978 attacks happening per minute. Fortunately, there are numerous ways you can protect your WordPress site.
Today, I want to share with you how you can make your WordPress site’s security air tight with basic through to advanced techniques. I’ll also explore how WordPress can be vulnerable to attacks, how hackers compromise websites, how to troubleshoot a hacked site and security plugins you can install.
Feel free to jump down to any section you want to see first: Read original article here….
Hackers Are Using Automated Scans to Target Unfinished WordPress Installs
Experts from security firm Wordfence say they have observed a wave of web attacks that took aim at unfinished WordPress installations.
These are sites where a user had uploaded the WordPress CMS, started but never finished the installation process.
These sites remained open to external connections, and anyone could have accessed their install panel and complete the installation on behalf of the user.
According to Wordfence, this is exactly what happened. For almost a month, starting with the end of May and through mid-June, an attacker had mass-scanned the Internet for WordPress installations that still featured their installation file. Read original article here….
Rotate Your Site’s SALT Keys for Better Brute Force Protection
Your WordPress site has a set of master keys to protect your login.
They are called SALT keys.
And they need to be periodically rotated for better security from Brute Force attacks and/or having your site hacked.
Discover what your SALT keys do, where they are located, and how to rotate them.
When you input your username and password into the login screen of your WordPress site, they have to be checked against something to ensure they are correct.
Read original article here….
Let’s Encrypt Passes 100 Million Certificates Issued, Will Offer Wildcard Certificates in January 2018
Let’s Encrypt, the free and open certificate authority that launched in 2016, has issued more than 100 million certificates as of June 2017 and is currently securing 47 million domains. Earlier this year, the web passed a major milestone of getting more than 50% of traffic encrypted. Let’s Encrypt has been a major contributor to that percentage growing to nearly 58%.
“When Let’s Encrypt’s service first became available, less than 40% of page loads on the Web used HTTPS,” ISRG Executive Director Josh Aas said. “It took the Web 20 years to get to that point. In the 19 months since we launched, encrypted page loads have gone up by 18%, to nearly 58%. That’s an incredible rate of change for the Web.” Read original article here….
Configuring WordPress to Always Use HTTPS/SSL
SSL encryption adds a layer of security to your website that makes it harder for malicious actors to collect personal information submitted through forms on your website.
This post will walk you through obtaining an SSL certificate (Let’s Encrypt or Other Providers), installing it on your web server (Let’s Encrypt or Other Providers), setting up your WordPress site to use HTTPS URLs, and fixing any “mixed content” type errors that come up when a page served over HTTPS links to non-HTTPS content. Read original article here….
7 Tips to Improve WordPress Security
You just spent many days and sleepless nights to make a blog on WordPress or simply a WordPress website. Now that it is up and running, you are on cloud nine. What if, without a moment’s notice, it goes down due to a security loophole and you are left clueless. This is some nightmarish stuff, but fret not. Here is our detailed guide to help you cover some security patch for your WordPress website so that you have lesser things to take care of. However, you must accept the fact that maintain your WordPress website’s security is an ongoing job and will require you to get back at regular intervals to introduce new changes and make necessary fixes over time. So, let’s begin.
If you are new to the realm of WordPress, keep this glued to the back of your head that never use “Admin” as a username for any of your WordPress websites. You might consider this a smart choice, but hackers know this. Choose a unique username with capital letters along with special characters. Also, you can consider adding a new user providing it with administration privileges. This will be indeed a nice move to make. Read original article here….