Before I get started you will want to hang around to the end of the show for a new segment with Amber…. Also to those listening on the podcast, you may want to check out the YouTube version which has some great discussions before the show starts…
It’s Episode 481 with plugins for Multi Vendors, Dinosaurs, Pandas, Auto Images, Switching Places, Finding Yourself, and ClassicPress Options. It’s all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!
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Benefits – Benefits – Benefits
Having a review done by us or having an interview helps the traffic to the developers website, as was bought to our attention recently when we did an interview and reviewed a plugin for a developer who sent us snap shots of their traffic before and after the shows. The traffic stayed, so there are great benefits to being reviewed by WP Plugins A to Z. Submit Your Plugin Here.
Ivory Search – WordPress Search Plugin, Post Type Switcher, Mercado – Turn your Woocommerce into MultiVendor MarketPlace, Auto Featured Image, Dinosaur Game, Halloween Panda and ClassicPress options in Episode 481.
John’s Intro:
With great appreciation for the No Agenda Show for their inspiration of ideas and the occasional stolen sound clip.
This is a value for value show and I look forward to everyone providing some value back.
Producer Credits:
Show Art:
Daniele Pais —
All the show notes can be found at:
Johns Rant:
This is #40 of 52 51 episodes for 2020. Its Episode 481 and the wilderness is calling out to the true and brave. We are now 41 weeks into 2020 and 30 weeks of the Rona, and the narrative is shot. The numbers are starting to show it is not as bad as the M5M has touted for the last few months.
The mask rage is almost over, I headed out yesterday for my regular foraging for household goods and food, I noticed that the masks are slipping and the new fad it seems is passing. I did notice a few people still wearing ‘The Mask’ but it seems to be less that when I went foraging a couple weeks ago. I would suggest however to still keep yours handy in your back pocket you never know when you might need it to wipe your nose or that extra bit of TP.
When your tired of the daily drain from the M5M and social media, go find an Oasis like the one at The Rogues Tavern, someplace where you can check out from the world and unplug.
Help your soul heal from what the world has thrown at you the last 30 weeks
Minimize or eliminate your M5M exposure,
Stop using FaceCrack
Work on your own little part of the world to make it a better place to be.
Inspire others around you to do the same.
Don’t worry about things you cannot control.
Stop accepting and doing things that are not be your best interest.
Work in your best interest while at the same time respecting and helping others, the rewards will follow.
WordPress News and Info
News this week:
Tips Tuesday – Bing Tutorials, Hosting News, WordPress Security, Cloudflare APO
key takeaway in this post: Plugins are going to start dropping like flies
Webflow vs WordPress – Which One is Better? (Comparison)
Concrete5 or WordPress: What to Choose in 2020 and How to Migrate
Elementor Team Writes: How to Design for Web Accessibility — Key Principles & Tips
How to Fix the Facebook and Instagram oEmbed Issue in WordPress
WordPress 5.6 to Introduce Application Passwords for REST API Authentication
What you should do for WordPress Black Friday 2020
The hall of shame via Automattic:
Matt’s Famous Quotes
Donor – Support
Show Producers
This Show will not work without you, the producers, as it is a Value for Value model, meaning if your’e getting any value out of it then give some value back and help the show out.
Start by Subscribing to the newsletter for additional information and get out there round them up and rope them all in, Belly up to the bar and enjoy. Spread the word about WP Plugins A to Z and catch it live every Thursday at noon PDT on my YouTube Channel.
I’d like to acknowledge all the producers who have supported the show in the various ways over the last week.
This weeks show Art Work comes from:
Daniele Pais —
This week’s Executive Producer/’s are:
A big thank you to all the Producers who came in under $50 and to those who have set up weekly subscriptions they will remain anonymous and I thank you very much.
All these small subscriptions really help the show out.
A big thank you to those who have hired me because of the Podcast, thank you that is as good as donating to the show.
You can Support the Show by:
Donating money to help the show Donations of $50 and over are credited with an Executive Producer Credit in the Show Notes, and their note is read out on the show.
Submitting art work at the WP Plugins Art generator,
Submit articles news and information
Submit plugin suggestions for reviews
You can also create a monthly donation at Patreon
Or something I may not have thought of.
Off we go into the meat and potatoes, Into the depths of plugin depravity…..
ClassicPress Options
ClassicPress is a fast growing fork of WordPress that is starting to come into its own. ClassicPress is focused on Business Websites, runs fast and is looking pretty good. There are a few plugins specifically for ClassicPress and all plugins for WordPress 4.9.9 work well on it. I do believe it has a future.
One thing I am looking forward to in the ClassicPress World is the expansion of the number of ClassicPress specific plugins and their own repository. Currently there are not a lot of ClassicPress specific plugins but I do know it is going to grow and I’ll have to expand this segment then. Who knows, it could take over the whole show.
This week for ClassicPress I have:
Just a note for my ClassicPress listeners please send me info to help keep the ClassicPress section full.
Random Links to ClassicPress supporters
ClassicPress Resources:
For some up to date news on ClassicPress check out the ClassisPress Club news.
An alternate forum for the non-techies.
“Must Have” Plugins List
To find a listing of ClassicPress specific plugins check out this link there is currently 37 42 49 50 52 55 57 58 plugins here and growing. I look forward to the day they have their own repository. I can still recall WP when it had a small repository.
CodePotent’s plugin directory
WordPress plugins
Are you looking for some great newly released plugins check this link
John’s plugin
Ivory Search – WordPress Search Plugin
The Lowdown:
This is a great search replacement for the standard WordPress search function. It is pretty easy to get setup and does require an activation.
I used the default form customized for the needs I have but you can create multiple search forms for very specific needs in different parts of your site.
It does a pretty thorough job of returning a great search result for your site.
It does have a premium part that allows you to define the results in a more granular display so might be worthwhile to go pro and they have a premium pro that does Woocommerce products.
Rating 4 Dragons.
Amber’s Plugin
Auto Featured Image
The Lowdown:
I found this plugin while trying to figure out a way to insert a featured image capability into a clients site, and it seems to work really well! Unfortunately it didn’t work with Divi, but it works with most major themes.
This plugin is fairly straight forward, you plug it in and set it up in the settings of the plugin itself.
You get to set up the featured image yourself, or you can choose one to be the featured image. You can also set up the background, customize the process of generation, use filters – there are many specifications you can do on this plugin.
I liked how easy this plugin is to use and to set up. It’s great for a starter, as it does not give you much in the free version. I would recommend it if your theme does not offer this as a built in option and you just need to get something up there quickly and easily. Though if you need something more, then you may want to see if there is something designed specifically for your theme as those tend to offer more for free i have found.
The pro version offers more options and more in general for you to personalize with.
Rating 4 Dragons
John’s plugin
Post Type Switcher
The Lowdown:
Yes another post type switcher and although I may have covered this one in the past I was in need of a post type switcher for a project I am currently on.
The post type switcher may be the most useful plugin in your arsenal when you are re-developing a website. What it does is simple enough, once activated it allow you to switch a post from post to page to custom post type to anything you have available.
The big use here is that sometimes you discover that you have a page that now needs to be a post and vice versa. This saves you a ton of grief.
Rating 5 Dragons.
Amber’s plugin
Dinosaur Game
The Lowdown:
Want to add a game to your site to draw more people in? This will certainly do it!
So, I have this friend of mine asking about attaching games to your website. I decided to look a bit more into it, and I have found a few – then I stumbled across this game.
My daughters play this game for ridiculously long periods of time!
So if you are looking to hook some more visitors to your site with a simple game, this will do it!
It’s one of those simple games that sorta reminds me of the original Mario. Easy, repetitive, drives the parents nuts….
You plug this in, and insert the short code into wherever you want the game to appear. The person just has to click on it to get it going! Might want to add in there somewhere that they need to press the space bar to jump though.
This is a total freebie, well kept up, and totally worth putting into your site to create a fantastic distraction for people coming to your site.
Rating 5 Dragons
John’s plugin
Mercado – Turn your Woocommerce into MultiVendor MarketPlace
The Lowdown:
If you have ever dreamed of running an online marketplace with multiple stores and allowing others to sell from your store and that they can have thier own dashboard and control over thier products this may be a plugin for you.
There are a lot of options for this plugin.
Dashboard For Vendors
Multiple Commission
Withdrawals with status tracking
Add Payment to Vendor’s Wallet on your Flexiblity
Seperate commission for each vendor
and more….
This looks to be a great plugin and has most of what you need to get started and some pro features.
Pro features
- ** Social Media Logins
- ** WPML Integration
- ** Shipping and Tax Management
- ** Light and Dark Themes
- ** Generate Coupons
- ** Manage Reviews
- ** Create Invoice and Packaging Slip
- ** Assign Products to Vendors
Rating 4 Dragons
Amber’s Plugin
Halloween Panda
The Lowdown:
Yea, Halloween Panda. I don’t know what this thing about Panda’s is, but they are kinda popping up EVERYwhere now!
So this exciting Halloween Plugin is pretty awesome! First of all, ITS FREE!
And you plug it in, do up the settings where they even have Jack-o-lantern carrots for some reason as an option, and let ‘er rip!
You can get the pumpkin and bats snow fall, a screen decoration, and a pop up.
You can enable or disable each one individually, thus having the option to choose which combination you would like to have, or just one at a time. And there are multiple options for each option as well.
Totally go and check this out!!
Rating 5 Dragons
This show is brought to you by:
John WordPress & Web Services
Finding quality WordPress and ClassicPress hosting and support can be a challenge, well you can drop that stress by contacting web services. I can help you eliminate your WordPress stress and ClassicPress needs. Solving your ClassicPress or WordPress Emergency issues or doing the more day to day items such as finding that perfect plugin, helping you move to a new hosting provider or even providing Quality WordPress hosting.
With 20 yrs Exp. on-line and over 8 years dedicated to WordPress, and ClassicPress from its inception. provides all your web service needs from hosting to WordPress and ClassicPress development, repairs and WP Malware Removal.
Visit my website, Call 818-850-7729 or send an email to
Enter The Contest to Win!!:
Contests Powered by Simple Giveaways who kindly provides us with the premium version for our contests.
I do want to thank Charlie for coming to the aid of the show and helping to get our contests all organized..
We have a new contest that will be starting by next show.
Visit for more info.
New one coming next show
For all developers who would like to support the show. You can donate a premium license to be used in a future contest please go to
The Plugins We covered were:
John’s Plugins: Ivory Search – WordPress Search Plugin – 4, Post Type Switcher – 5, Mercado – Turn your Woocommerce into MultiVendor MarketPlace – 4
Amber’s Plugins: Auto Featured Image – 4, Dinosaur Game – 5, Halloween Panda – 5
Matt’s Famous Quotes
Reminders / Commercial / Promotions:
No meetup planned at the moment but you can keep tabs on this at .
Would you like to be on an interview show? Simply connect at
Follow my Journey at check out my adventures into the wild searching for gold, hiking, camping, out on the gun range and more.
If you have suggestions on plugins you would like to have reviewed please submit them on the website at
***** Q & A time—– — Catch this info on our YouTube Channel *****
Questions and Answers – Starting a website.
Say that I am a likely customer, and I have come to you with this dream of setting up a site to sell all the little knick knacks I have made and collected and restored over the past 10 years.
What is the first thing I would need to know before trying to set up my website?
Closing out this Episode
For all developers who would like to support the show. You can donate a premium license to be used in a future contest, please go to
Be sure and subscribe to our Newsletter.
Just some reminders:
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- email: