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Interview 62 with Ben Pines from Elementor

Today's interview is with Ben Pines from Elementor; John and Ben go over a few different and interesting things in this great interview!

Today’s interview is with Ben Pines from Elementor

(We at WP Plugins AtoZ have been using Elementor for a long time now, and highly recommend you go and check out all the options they have to offer!)

Main Talking Points:

  • Great conversation on the new addons being offered to help the users resolve more issues themselves
  • Detailed back and forth about the new addon Image Optimizer
  • Enlightening and honest conversation regarding the patterns of plugins from the beginning of WordPress, what has been seen and experienced by both

Don’t forget to check out the direct link mentioned in the interview – Image Optimizer! You can give this a go to see if it is the right fit for you: https://elementor.com/products/image-optimizer/

Listen to learn more!

If you’re a plugin developer and you’d like to appear on the show, you can schedule an interview, or submit your plugin for review.

How to contact the Elementor team:

Main Website: elementor.com
WordPress.org: wordpress.org/plugins/elementor/
Twitter: @elemntor
Facebook: facebook.com/elemntor
YouTube: youtube.com/@Elementor
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/products/elementor/


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