WPPlugins AtoZ

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Halloween Spooktactular WordPress Plugins – Crawling Back From Over the Edge

Halloween Spooktactular WordPress Plugins - Crawling Back From Over the Edge It's Episode 534 - Halloween Decorations For Your Site Including Pandas & Bugs, Halloween Countdowns ... and ClassicPress Options. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

It’s Episode 534 – Halloween Decorations For Your Site Including Pandas & Bugs, Halloween Countdowns … and ClassicPress Options. It’s all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

Check Out The WP Plugins A to Z Live Show Playback

Benefits – Benefits – Benefits

Having a review done by us or having an interview helps the traffic to the developers website, as was bought to our attention recently when we did an interview and reviewed a plugin for a developer who sent us snap shots of their traffic before and after the shows. The traffic stayed, so there are great benefits to being reviewed by WP Plugins A to Z. Submit Your Plugin Here.

John’s Intro:

It’s an all new season.. WP Plugins A to Z, 11 years and counting.. Now into our 12th year of doing this show.
This is a value for value show and I look forward to everyone providing some value back.
Before I get started, you will want to hang around to the end of the show for our Q & A segment with Amber…. and to those listening on the podcast, you may want to check out the YouTube version which has some great discussions before the show starts…

Producer Credits:

Show Art:

Greg’s Graphics (Greg Holdsworth)  — https://gregsgraphics.com
All the show notes can be found at:  WPPluginsAtoZ.com
Check out all the art work at https://wppluginsatoz.com/show-art-submitted/

Amber’s Rant:

This is #41 of 52 episodes for 2021! I’m not here this week, though I wanted to leave a note for everyone just to say Happy Halloween everyone!!
Hopefully the storm that started on Thursday evening isn’t still going on Halloween and that everyone can get out with the kidlets to trick or treat! Also, if the storm is still going, that means I am moving in the storm… wish me luck everyone!
Enjoy the pumpkins and the candles, and of course the parent taxed candies. ;)
Rinse and repeat as often as needed.
We have some news from the world of WordPress for you today as well as some great plugins.

News this week:

The State of HTML Email in WordPress in 2021
WordPress Vulnerability Report: October 2021, Part 4
WPChill Takes Over Gutenberg Forms, Plans To Shake Up the Free Forms Market
How To Edit the Footer in WordPress Using Every Method Possible
The extras – for even more extra news, check out our Facebook, or Twitter page!
This is the extra news stuff that someone out there might find interesting. To read more, you can head on over to the show notes or newsletter and check it out! If you find something to add for next show, send me a link at amber@wppro.ca
The hall of shame via Automattic:
Matt’s Famous Quotes

Donor – Support the show

This Show will not work without you, the producers, as it is a Value for Value model, meaning if you’re getting any value out of it then give some value back and help the show out.
Start by subscribing to the newsletter for additional information and get out there round them up and rope them all in, belly up to the bar and enjoy. Spread the word about WP Plugins A to Z and catch it live every Thursday at noon PST on our YouTube Channel.

Show Producers

We’d like to acknowledge all the producers who have supported the show in the various ways over the last week.
This weeks show Art Work comes from:
Greg’s Graphics (Greg Holdsworth)  — https://gregsgraphics.com
Check out all the art work at https://wppluginsatoz.com/show-art-submitted/
A big thank you to all the Producers who came in under $50 and to those who have set up weekly subscriptions they will remain anonymous and I thank you very much.
All these small subscriptions really help the show out.
A big thank you to those who have hired me because of the Podcast, thank you that is as good as donating to the show.
You can Support the Show by:
Donating money to help the show  Donations of $50 and over are credited with an Executive Producer Credit in the Show Notes, and their note is read out on the show.
Submitting art work at the WP Plugins Art generator,
You can also create a monthly donation at Patreon
Or something I may not have thought of.
If you would like to send something to WP Plugins A to Z you can send to the following address:
WP Plugins A to Z
C/O John Overall
20-754 E Fairview Rd.
Victoria, BC  V9A 5T9
Off we go into the meat and potatoes, Into the depths of plugin depravity…..

ClassicPress Options

ClassicPress is growing really well, but I just don’t have the time to add reviews on ClassicPress myself. I am always open to reviews sent in by listeners; though unless there is a review sent into me on ClassicPress, I am not going to do more than mention that ClassicPress is a thing, and here are some resources. I hope some listeners out there find this information useful!
One thing I am looking forward to in the ClassicPress World is the expansion of the number of ClassicPress specific plugins and their own repository. There are a few plugins specifically for ClassicPress and all plugins for WordPress 4.9.9 work well on it. I do believe it has a future, I just have not time to help them in getting it out there.

ClassicPress News:

We’re happy to announce the release of ClassicPress 1.3.1. This is a small bugfix release while we are also preparing for the larger 1.4.0 release.
ClassicPress Usage Report – September 2021
For some up to date news on ClassicPress check out the ClassicPress Blog.

ClassicPress Resources:

“Must Have” Plugins List
It seems ClassicPress now has it own repository you can check it here https://directory.classicpress.net/plugins they now have 83 plugins available.
CodePotent’s plugin directory

WordPress Plugins

Are you looking for some great newly released plugins check this link
John’s Plugin

Halloween Woocommerce

Requires:3.0 or higher
Compatible up to:4.8.25
Released:17 October 2018
Last Updated:02 November 2018
(0 star out of 5)
The Lowdown:
This could be an interesting plugin to help get people looking though your website, it places a random number of Halloween icons throughout your website. Once they find all the icons they get a discount coupon they can use in your store.
Rating 4 dragons
John’s Plugin

Simple Halloween Decoration For Your Page

Requires:4.0 or higher
Compatible up to:5.4.16
Released:18 April 2020
Last Updated:18 April 2020
(5 star out of 5)
The lowdown:
Just a simple decoration for your site with spiders and flies. You can gave from a few to dozens and they can be a bit creepy.
Rating 5 Dragons
John’s Plugin

Halloween Countdown Widget

Requires:3.0 or higher
Compatible up to:6.7.2
Released:06 October 2012
Last Updated:24 February 2025
(0 star out of 5)
The Lowdown:
The final countdown to Halloween is here and you can use this simple sidebar to countdown until the big day.
Rating 5 Dragons
Amber’s Plugin

Halloween Panda

Requires:4.0 or higher
Compatible up to:5.5.15
Released:23 October 2016
Last Updated:16 October 2020
(0 star out of 5)
The Lowdown:
Now, I reviewed this in episode 481, but honestly I don’t feel like I truly did this plugin justice. So here we go again, a more thorough review!
Hands down, best Halloween plugin I have come across thus far on WordPress -and honestly makes me a little sad that a week before Halloween they have not updated it for this beautiful holiday for a year!
First, you get 3 tabs of options – sticky/non sticky display for top or bottom of pumpkins, carrots (why carrots?), ghosts, Halloween creatures, or haunted church/house.
Than you have Monsterfall, which is like Snowfall, except with pumpkins, ghosts and bats. Totally awesome!
Last, you get to choose between 16 different pop-ups that can show up on either the left or right bottom corner. My personal fav. is: ‘this witch can be bribed with chocolate!’
You can have one or all of the 3 options going at once on your site, or just none.
Totally free, really awesome, still working like a dream! I really hope that Pixolette keeps this plugin going!!
Rating 5 Dragons
Random links for plugins
WordPress plugins crafted from love and experience

The plugins we covered were:

John’s Plugins:  Haloween Woocommerce – 4, Simple Halloween Decoration For Your Page – 5, Halloween Countdown Widget – 5
Amber’s Plugins:  Halloween Panda – 5
Matt’s Famous Quotes
Reminders / Commercial /  Promotions:
Next Week:
No meetup planned at the moment but you can keep tabs on this at https://wppluginsatoz.com/meetup
Would you like to be on an interview show? Simply connect at https://wppluginsatoz.com/interview
If you have suggestions on plugins you would like to have reviewed please submit them on the website at https://wppluginsatoz.com/submit-plugin-review/
****Q & A Time with Amber —– Split this at natural break — Catch this info on our YouTube Channel*****
If you have questions you would like to have asked on the show, send them in to me at Amber@WPPro.ca and we will answer to the best of our ability!
No questions this week as I am not here to ask them – expect some pretty awesome questions next week though!!
Transition to show close out <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Closing out this Episode
———- end here
Just some reminders:
You can support the show at wppluginsatoz.com/donate
All the show notes can be found at:  WPPluginsAtoZ.com
Subscribe and review the show at:
Follow the show on Twitter @wppluginsatoz
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Subscribe and Check out our Training Videos, Screencasts and Watch us Live on YouTube every Thursday at Noon PDT
How to Contact Us:

Commercial / Promotions:

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Amber can be contacted at:

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