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Customize Your WordPress Login with Social Logins

Create a Slick Clean Login for Your WordPress Website

So you have a membership site and want to get more users but when people hit your website they are faced with yet another place to create an account and remember yet another login. So you need an easy solution to customize your WordPress Login to make it simple for your users to access your website.

Also as most people have discovered with WordPress the login page has a something to be desired and even more so if you have a membership site and allow people to create an account. It has limitations and it is one more place people have to remember a password.

Well there are a couple of great things you can do to make that login look slick and match your website design as well as allow them to create their account with any of their favorite social media accounts such as Facebook or twitter.

First you will need these two great plugins, Social Login for WordPress and Custom Login Lite links below.. These two plugins make a marked improvement to your WordPress login and make life easy to your users so much so that more will register and more will come back since it is one less thing for them to remember.

Customize WordPress Login with these plugins:

Start with Social Login, Social Sharing & Social Commenting, with User Profile Data 3.1


This plugin makes the process of logging in very easy and allow your visitor to login with their favorites such as facebook, Twitter, Google plus, Linkedin and more. It not only logs them into your site but also captures their email and other information and adds it to your database and creates an account on your website for them. This is useful in case you run your own email campaigns you still get the benefit of adding them to your list so you can continue to stay in contact with them and help keep them active on your website.

You do need to head on over to and setup your account to use this plugin, but you can aslo add multiple ebsites there to manage and allow access to. They even make the process of getting setup as easy as possible with complete instructions on how to setup the plugin so it works well with your website.

Now you will want to go from this login look……..
To this login look…


Or simple

To accomplish this you need the following plugin:
Custom Login 1.0.4

This plugin allows you the ability to change that bland simple login provided by WordPress to something that matches your websites style. It allows for multiple settings such as background colours, custom graphics for the header and background and if you’re into CSS & HTML you can add your own customizations via both to make a truly unique login screen for your website.

So with both of these plugins you can step in front of others with an easier to access website and a look that matches so that your website is unified for the whole user experience.

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