WPPlugins AtoZ

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Code Insertion, Event management, Auto Image Posting, Keyword Suggestions

WordPress Plugins from A to Z Episode 137

It’s episode 137 and we’ve got plugins for Code insertion, Event management, auto image posting, keyword suggestions and an outstanding new plugin/app combo that eliminates passwords forever! All coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

Don’t forget you can get the show notes at:

WordPress Plugins A-Z Podcast Can also be found at WPPluginsAtoZ.com

And head on over and review us at:

WordPress Plugins A-Z Podcast can be found on Stitcher Radio Click here to Download app or listen online Now.

WordPress Plugins A-Z Podcast can be found on the iTunes Store here.

The show is also part of the regular rotation on WordPress Radio, which you can tune into at wpr.fm.


>>>Self Promotion of my businesses here<<<

WordPress has become easier and easier to use over the past 5 years and as we know the easier it is to use the easier it becomes to break. Do you find that you suddenly need some quick WordPress support & need to figure out that one simple task? Correct that simple layout issue or has something broken and you have the white screen of death. Or maybe you have received notification of a hack on your site? Visit me for Emergency WordPress Support at WPPro.ca/Emergency for some quick tips or contact me and I can help you with live support via screen sharing or phone 818-850-7729.

Marcus is now available for phone consultations at https://marcuscouch.com/call. If you need help with WordPress, Podcasting, SEO or general Internet Marketing help, the new Clarity.fm platform is an easy way to schedule and pay for a consulting phone call.


John’s & Marcus Rant: What to rant about?

Join me on the WordPress Medic Podcast find it at https://wpmedic.ca where I will be discussing in depth how to help your ailing WordPress website help you through those tough times and interviews with experts from all over the World.You can find the WordPress medic Podcast at iTunes Store here, Blubrry.com here, and Stitcher Radio and any place else you find me.

Note: Looking for a few good plugin developers out there who freelance in the area of customizing existing plugins or can write addons to plugins. Requirements must have a couple projects to review, have the ability to set a price and timeline for completion and stick to both.

Contact John at 818-850-7729 or email john@wppro.ca


Listener Feedback / Audio Clips


Hi guys love the podcast.. I have a question. I have a client who needs the same website but a US version and an out of US version (which has some different info).. Is there a way (plugin) of making an enter page when you first enter the site that gives you an option of choosing to go to the US site or the European site lets say. Or would I just have to make an index.html at the root of the site a put each WordPress site in a different folder? Thanks I appreciate your help. I look forward to the Podcast every week.




Question from William about whitescreen of death and membership site.




World of WordPress News and other interesting WordPress related posts:

Check out WP Avengers the great alternative to overpriced WooCommerce Plugins




And it looks like they are starting a good discussion around GPL.. This is going to be fun.


**WordPress Plugins Reviewed by John**

 Code Insert Manager (Q2W3 Inc Manager) 2.3.3


The Lowdown:

I know many people out there do not use a framework like Genesis but that does not mean you cannot take advantage of some of the joys of usings one. This plugin is designed in a similar way to the hooks plugin for Genesis. What it allows you to do is using a standard theme for WordPress you can insert code into various places on your site without having to edit the theme files.

Why would you do this simply to allow you to add something like advertising code to a tie or maybe you have something special  to insert. With this plugin you can also add custom widgets and shortcodes. It also has a priority setting so you can set multiple things into same place and determine which load first.

Rating 5 Dragons


Orbital Feed Reader 0.1.4


The Lowdown:

Ok I was not too sure what I would need this for but thought I would check it out anyway. Well it turns out to be a great way to read your RSS feeds and if you’re inclined to blog about an article you have read it is a simple way to snag a quote from the article and then create your post.. No Copy and paste.

Rating 4 Dragons

WP Event Ticketing 1.3.3

The Lowdown:

This is a pretty simple ticketing system to allow you to create tickets and take the money direct from your website. It has built in paypal support and you can configure up several types of tickets and packages. It seems pretty easy to get up and running and looks like it would be great solution for small local events.

Rating 4 dragons


**WordPress Plugins Reviewed by Marcus**



Requires: 3.5 or higher

Compatible up to: 3.6

Last Updated: 2013-9-2

Downloads: 524

Clef is a replacement for usernames and passwords that lets you use your phone to identify yourself. When you visit a Clef enabled site, click the “Log in with your phone” button, scan the Clef code with your Clef app, and you are instantly logged in.

Clef is the best single sign on solution for your WordPress sites. Once you sign in to one website using Clef, you are signed into every other Clef enabled site with a single click. If you have multiple WordPress accounts, this means password-free, single sign on, 2-factor authentication for all of your WordPress sites

Clef lets you log in and register on your WordPress site using only your phone — forget your usernames and passwords.

Rating 5/5



Auto Post After Image Upload


Requires: 3.0.1 or higher

Compatible up to: 3.6

Last Updated: 2013-8-31

Downloads: 114

This Auto Post After Image Upload plugin will let you create single/bulk post after uploading any media from wordpress media gallery. This is very much essential plugin for photo blog or where there are a lots number of image posting in a wordpress driven site.

When you will upload an image from wordpress media gallery then a post will be created automatically with that image as featured image.

Rating: 4/5



WP Keyword Suggest


Requires: 3.0 or higher

Compatible up to: 3.6

Last Updated: 2013-9-2

Downloads: 78

With this plugin you will be able to take advantage of long tail keyword so you can learn more about your niche. From the list of keywords suggested you can put it directly in the title of your article or add it as a tag. It is very easy to use, from the same page to add item, it shows the widget in the left menu. This plugin also helps you generate ideas for your post.

Rating: 3/5

**Rambling Last Words and Plugin Wrapup

John: Code Insert Manager 5 / 5,  Orbital Feed Reader 4 / 5, WP Event Ticketing 4 / 5

Marcus: Clef – 5 / 5, Auto Post After Image Upload 4 / 5, WP Keyword Suggest 3 / 5



Well as everyone knows hosting is a big part of how well your WordPress website runs and if you’re looking for hosting either for something new or to change to a better provider I can recommend GreenGeeks Hosting. And if you enter the code “PLUGINS” you can save $30 off their 1, 2, or 3 Year EcoSite or EcoSite Canada packages. Click Here to Save Now!


Also check out the WPPlugins Daily Newspaper from paper.li at https://wpnews.wpmedic.ca/


123Inkjets Coupon Code PLUGIN123 gives you 10% off all replacement inkjet cartridges, plus free shipping on all orders over $50. Why buy ink at the local office supply store for $15 a pop? Buy in bulk, use this coupon and get them for as low as $4 each!



Just some reminders:

Rate us at iTunes, blubrry.com, ViaWay.com, Stitcher Radio and any place else you find us.


How to Contact Us:

John can be contacted at:


Marcus can be contacted at:


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