It’s Episode 469 with plugins for Feeding Your Social Animal, Forum and other Tools, What Kind of Animal are you, Getting Lit and ClassicPress Options. It’s all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!
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Benefits – Benefits – Benefits
Having a review done by us or having an interview helps the traffic to the developers website, as was bought to our attention recently when we did an interview and reviewed a plugin for a developer who sent us snap shots of their traffic before and after the shows. The traffic stayed, so there are great benefits to being reviewed by WP Plugins A to Z. Submit Your Plugin Here.
Social Feed Gallery, Change user group Asgaros forum, Toolbox for Asgaros Forum, Forminator, Responsive Light Box, Elementor Essential Addon’s and ClassicPress options in Episode 469
With great appreciation for the No Agenda Show for their inspiration of ideas and the occasional stolen sound clip.
This is a value for value show and I look forward to everyone providing some value back.
Start by Subscribing to the newsletter for additional information and get out there and hit everyone in the mouth, Spread the word about WP Plugins A to Z and catch it live every Thursday at noon PDT on my YouTube Channel.
Producer Credits:
Executive producer:
Show Art:
Angel Lemus —
All the show notes can be found at:
Johns Rant:
We are now 28 weeks into 2020 and 17 weeks of the Rona, the doom and gloom seems to be never ending, but have no fear WP Plugins A to Z is here to lift your soul.
This is #28 of 52 episodes for 2020. Its Episode 469 we are now on the downward slide to the end of this very interesting year. Find yourself an Oasis like the one at The Rogues Tavern and relax. It is time to start grabbing those great opportunities that are being tossed about right now. Start now moving your life forward. The Internet has lots of opportunities available now..
While the Rona, Riots, protests and more are not going to go away anytime soon there are still ways we can make our own little part of the world a better place to be and well, if everyone did that, life would begin to change back to what it was. You can help fix this by starting in your own little corner of the world and fix what you can there then, start inspiring others to do the same around you. We worry way too much about things we cannot control, we accept being told to do things that may not be in our best interest. Well!! Stop that and work on your best interest and at the same time respect others, the rewards will follow.
And in the area of best interest’s, I would like to introduce WP Plugins A to Z’s New Co-Host, with me today is Amber Overall and she will be part of the show going forward. So welcome her to the show by showing some support. Be kind to her folks she is relatively new to the WordPress/ClassicPress World.
I have some news from the world of WordPress for you today as well as some great plugins.
Let’s get to the fun we have today.
WordPress News and Info
Before we jump into the news, ……
Micro architecture, something as developers in the WordPress environment take for granted and often forget all the systems and plugins that are dependent on it in a WordPress website. So many things like the e-store, email systems, certain scripts and more. When they experience delays or drop off’s it impacts many sites. This is something to keep in mind.
News this week:
Admin 2020 Reimagines WordPress Admin and Media Library
What’s Coming in WordPress 5.5 (Features and Screenshots)
Matt’s Famous Quotes
Donor – Support
Show Producers
This Show will not work without you, the producers, as it is a Value for Value model, meaning if your’e getting any value out of it then give some value back and help the show out.
I’d like to acknowledge all the producers who have supported the show in the various ways over the last week.
This weeks show Art Work comes from:
Angel Lemus —
This week’s Executive Producer/’s are:
A big thank you to all the Producers who came in under $50 and to those who have set up weekly subscriptions they will remain anonymous and I thank you very much.
All these small subscriptions really help the show out.
A big thank you to those who have hired me because of the Podcast, thank you that is as good as donating to the show.
You can Support the Show by:
Donating money to help the show Donations of $50 and over are credited with an Executive Producer Credit in the Show Notes, and their note is read out on the show.
Submitting art work at the WP Plugins Art generator,
Submit articles news and information
Submit plugin suggestions for reviews
You can also create a monthly donation at Patreon
Or something I may not have thought of.
ClassicPress Options
ClassicPress is a fast growing fork of WordPress that is starting to come into its own. ClassicPress is focused on Business Websites, runs fast and is looking pretty good. There are a few plugins specifically for ClassicPress and all plugins for WordPress 4.9.9 work well on it. I do believe it has a future.
One thing I am looking forward to in the ClassicPress World is the expansion of the number of ClassicPress specific plugins and their own repository. Currently there are not a lot of ClassicPress specific plugins but I do know it is going to grow and I’ll have to expand this segment then. Who knows, it could take over the whole show.
This week for ClassicPress I have:
ClassicPress Plugins
ZigPress – ZP Recent Tweets –
ZP Recent Tweets is a free ClassicPress plugin to fetch tweets from an account and display them in a widget.
It uses the Twitter API v1.1 and stores tweets in a cache. It will read tweets from your database and doesn’t query for every page load to avoid rate limiting. You can set how often you want to update the cache.
This is from May 2020
ZigPress – ClassicPress free plugin roundup May 2020 –
Article with list of ClassicPress plugins.
ZigPress – ZP Multiple Roles –
This free ClassicPress plugin allows administrators to allocate multiple roles to users.
The capabilities of a user with more than one role will be a combination of all the capabilities of the roles they have.
The plugin takes advantage of the fact that internally, ClassicPress and WordPress support multiple roles per user, they just don’t provide for it in the admin UI. ZP Multiple Roles provides the missing UI components.
Just a note for my ClassicPress listeners please send me info to help keep the ClassicPress section full.
Random Links to ClassicPress supporters
ClassicPress Resources:
For some up to date news on ClassicPress check out the ClassisPress Club news.
An alternate forum for the non-techies.
“Must Have” Plugins List
To find a listing of ClassicPress specific plugins check out this link there is currently 37 42 49 50 52 55 57 plugins here and growing. I look forward to the day they have their own repository. I can still recall WP when it had a small repository.
CodePotent’s plugin directory
WordPress plugins
Are you looking for some great newly released plugins check this link
John’s plugin
Social Feed Gallery
The Lowdown:
This is a great simple plugin that will help you easily connect up your site to Instagram and display a row or a block of the latest images from your Instagram account. The free version will do an adequate job for most needs.
Rating 4 dragons
Amber’s Plugin
The Lowdown:
This doesn’t work with any older versions, you seem to need the latest version in order to use it. You can download it, but it doesn’t do anything until you upgrade.
Forminator is really easy to use, even for a novice like me.
You can make Polls, forms, and quizzes. I mostly worked with the quizzes, though I tried out the other things too, and I found it easy to use and easy to set up.
The only issue I had was with the integrations, though the biggest part was my unfamiliarity with integrations in general. I’ve never even heard of doing that before – although I did manage to make Mailchimp work pretty easily, even with no previous experience.
Rating I’d give this a 5 dragon rating.
John’s plugins
Change user group Asgaros forum
The Lowdown:
This is a great addon tool for the Asagos forum I reviewed in Episode 468 and allows you to make user level status changes depending on their status of a WooCommerce order. A great way to sell access and to manage members.
Rating 4 Dragons
Amber’s Plugins
Responsive Light Box
The Lowdown:
This is a good plugin when you have a lot of pictures you need to get up at once. Once you activate this, you just start a new Gallery, choose as many photos as you want, and you can configure them as you need. You get to choose how many to a row, how many rows, and you can also force each thumbnail to sit at the same size, so your rows look very neat and orderly. You can also allow it to be sporadic, so every thumbnail goes with the size it wants for itself, and the pictures look a little haphazard. Reminded me a little of Alice in Wonderland style.
You can also set your Feature Image if you desire, or choose to have the main picture at the top rotate through your gallery.
Fun to play with the colours and sizes of the frames (If you even want frames), and lightweight too. This is certainly a good one for creating galleries on your site.
Rating 5 dragons.
John’s plugins
Toolbox for Asgaros Forum
The Lowdown:
This is an additional toolbox for the Asagos forum reviewed in episode 468 add custom menu entries change the url and a couple other items.
Rating 4 Dragons
Amber’s Plugins
Elementor Essential Addon’s
The Lowdown:
I added this specifically for the gallery options, though I learned that in order to use the lightbox application, I will have to upgrade. That kinda sucked.
However, the amount of additional widgets you get from this is pretty fantastic. I counted 38 before the little lock sign popped up over them. And there is a gallery option in the free with plugin section; it’s named “Filterable Gallery”, which seems to work pretty well. Not as easy to get things done as with the Light Box, but still easier than going from scratch.
I tired out a bunch of these widgets, and they all work just as well as Elementor Widgets are expected to to.
It has counters, trending today pages that you can customize for your site, calenders, forms… And if you unlock it, there are options for Mailchimp, lightbox, good map, interactive promo – the options are pretty awesome in my opinion. Sucks a little that you need to upgrade to get the super cool options, that will cost a little in the dragon rating, but they make it up with the more than decent widgets you get right off the bat for simply getting the add-on’s.
It’s a great little plugin to get a few more options for your Elementor, opening up the door to more options within your Elementor, and less added plugins.
Rating 4 dragon rating.
This show is brought to you by:
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Enter The Contest to Win!!:
Contests Powered by Simple Giveaways who kindly provides us with the premium version for our contests.
We are getting another contest together soon.
Visit for more info.
After you enter the contest remember to share on social media and you get more chances to win.
For all developers who would like to support the show. You can donate a premium license to be used in a future contest please go to
Closing out this Episode the Plugins We covered were:
John’s Plugins: Social Feed Gallery – 4, ?hange user group Asgaros forum – 4, Toolbox for Asgaros Forum – 4,
Amber’s Plugins: Forminator – 5, Responsive Light Box – 5, Elementor Essential Addon’s – 4
Matt’s Famous Quotes
Reminders / Commercial / Promotions:
Please remember to Welcome Amber to the show..
I am still looking to see about a meetup in August keep tabs on this at .
There is a new Interview being released nest week with Christen from
Would you like to be on an interview show? Simply connect at
Follow my Journey at check out my adventures into the wild searching for gold, hiking, camping, out on the gun range and more.
If you have suggestions on plugins you would like to have reviewed please submit them on the website at
For all developers who would like to support the show. You can donate a premium license to be used in a future contest, please go to
Be sure and subscribe to our Newsletter.
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