
WPPlugins AtoZ

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Audio feedback plugins, Image Walls, Custom Avatars, Category Thumbnails

WordPress Plugins from A to Z Episode 104

It’s episode #104 and we’ve got plugins for 2012 stats, Audio feedback plugins, Image Walls, Custom Avatars, Category Thumbnails, and a great new way to handle guest posts. All coming your way on WordPress Plugins A-Z

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WordPress Plugins A-Z Podcast Can also be found at

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WordPress Plugins A-Z Podcast can be found on Stitcher Radio Click here to Download app or listen online Now.
WordPress Plugins A-Z Podcast can be found on the iTunes Store here.

>>>Self Promotion of my businesses here<<<
WordPress has become easier and easier to use over the past 5 years and as we know the easier it is to use the easier it becomes to break. Do you find that you suddenly need some quick WordPress support & need to figure out that one simple task? Correct that simple layout issue or has something broken and you have the white screen of death. Or maybe you have received notification of a hack on your site? Visit me for Emergeny WordPress Support at for some quick tips or contact me and I can help you with live support via screen sharing or phone.

Marcus is now available for phone consultations at If you need help with WordPress, Podcasting, SEO or general Internet Marketing help, the new platform is an easy way to schedule and pay for a consulting phone call.


John’s & Marcus Rant: What to rant about?

Join me on the WordPress Medic Podcast find it at where I will be discussing in depth how to help your ailing WordPress website help you through those tough times and interviews with experts from all over the World.You can find the WordPress medic Podcast at iTunes Store here, here, and Stitcher Radio and any place else you find me.

Quick note about Social media camp Victoria @ while it is still a great Social media camp to attend you no longer need to support me there, due to differences I have opted out of the guest blogging there. I still highly recommend them and I may still be attending myself Enjoy.

WordCamp 2013 Victoria BC was a great success and this is my presntation from that…  You can follow along with the rpesentation here or over on link to my presentation you can check out the entire presentation on the WordPress Medic Podcast at


Interesting Sites Running WordPress:

BBC America has just launched their new TV station web site using wordpress.

Track star Usain Bolt, Olympic medalist and self proclaimed “world’s fastest man” is now using the fastest growing CMS, WordPress.


Listener Feedback / Audio Clips

Tim has a question about a local content plugin.

Try store locater plus

Shoutouts to:


**WordPress Plugins Reviewed by John**

SpeakPipe – Voicemail for Websites 0.1

The Lowdown:
We we mention speakpipe allot on this show but it seems that it has gotten easier to install on your site, Just add this plugin and the add your user information and then configure up and it is ready to roll. It might save you a couple of minutes over entering the Script into your theme or footer or even a text widget..
Rating 3 Dragons

Image Wall 2.1

The Lowdown:
You create the image wall by adding a page and entering the short code and maybe modifying it with a few options, you can regenerate the images on a schedule or manually in the settings area. This plugin creates an interesting way of viewing your website. It selects pictures from the post and creates a wall of them something akin to pinterest. All in all it is pretty interesting not sure where I will use it yet. But it looks cool.

Rating 3 Dragons

2012 Summary 0.1.1

The Lowdown:
Ok all you stats freaks out there this one is for you, it does a summary of what you did in 2012 and tally that up by number of posts, which were most popular and who was the biggest commentator, the hours of day you publish in, day of week and a few other things. This is just a nice quick stats plugin for you stats junkies.
Rating 4 Dragons


**WordPress Plugins Reviewed by Marcus**

Category Thumbnails

Requires: 3.4.2 or higher
Compatible up to: 3.5.2
Last Updated: 2013-1-14
Downloads: 10

This Plugin provide functions like post-thumbnails for categories.

Rating: 4 out of 5


WP User Avatar

Use any image in your WordPress Media Libary as a custom user avatar.

Requires: 3.0 or higher
Compatible up to: 3.5
Last Updated: 2013-1-14
Downloads: 33

WordPress currently only allows you to use custom avatars that are uploaded through WP User Avatar enables you to use any photo uploaded into your Media Library as an avatar. This means any image you’ve uploaded for a page or post is available for you to use as an avatar. No extra folders or image editing functions are necessary.
To use WP User Avatar in your theme, replace anywhere you use the function get_avatar() with get_wp_user_avatar(). get_wp_user_avatar() accepts the same fields as get_avatar() with added functionality.

This plugin uses the new Media Uploader introduced in WordPress 3.5, but is also backwards-compatible to WordPress 3.0.

Rating 4 out of 5


Guest Posts

Requires: 3.0 or higher
Compatible up to: 3.5
Last Updated: 2013-1-11
Downloads: 363

Offer your blog guests or unregistered blog readers an opportunity to post on your WordPress blog without registering themselves.

Guest Posts will help you to create a strong interaction and engagement with your blog readers.

This plugin will create a form where your guests can submit their posts.

The posts will be saved directly into your WordPress database and will show up in your WordPress Dashboard as pending. You can then review and approve them as needed.

It will save authors Name and email as custom field, so you will be able to display authors name and give them a credit back with some simple tweaks into your theme.

You can also show a custom Thank You message after submitting the post.

Rating: 5 out of 5


Just some reminders:

Rate us at iTunes,,, Stitcher Radio and any place else you find us.


What’s coming in future podcasts:

Special guests with their own plugin picks

How to Contact Us:

John can be contacted at:

Marcus can be contacted at:


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