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Why You Can't Afford Not to Attend a WordCamp


Why You Can’t Afford Not to Attend a WordCamp are aimed at everyone and anyone who uses WordPress. You don’t have to be an experienced developer to benefit from a WordCamp – there are sessions for users, too, as well as for designers and people more interested in the business of WordPress.

Most WordCamps have more than one track of talks aimed at different audiences or skill levels, so you might find a user track in one room at the same time as a developer track in another. This means that there’s a huge range of topics being covered by the talks and a wide range of levels they’re pitched at.

Aside from all the things you’ll learn at a WordCamp, you’ll hear about new trends in web development and ideas for taking WordPress further. You’ll meet people working with WordPress in as way you haven’t thought of but would love to try. And you’ll learn about career opportunities with WordPress that you might not even have known existed. Read original article here…

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