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Weekly Round up WordPress News old and new October 31, 2016

Weekly roundup of WordPress NewsThis is a weekly round up of WordPress news I have accumulated from across the web some old some new but always interesting.

Finding ways to get all that Google Juice and their assorted products into your WordPress site can be a task this article has some great tips and list of plugins to help with that.

25 Free WordPress Plugins for Google Integration from its search engine roots, the Goggle of today offers a wide array of tools for both businesses and individuals. From website metrics to interactive maps, calendars, advertising, reviews and more, Google’s toolbox is bursting. Consider the features and functionality.

Now, you can integrate those Google features and functionality into your website. Start by checking out the 25 top free WordPress plugins listed below. Excited? So are we! Let’s get started. Read original article here….


Understanding the WordPress template hierarchy can be an important step in building your website. This article helps you to understand that mess that is the template hierarchy.

The WordPress Template Hierarchy you dive deeper into WordPress themes, it is important that you have an understanding of how WordPress operates and how the different pages of your website are created. WordPress interacts with a database to store your content. That means whenever you create a new post or page, the content of your post or page lives in a database and it’s only displayed using templates when the visitor asks for that particular content.

A WordPress theme is a collection of templates (CSS and PHP files) that WordPress uses to display the database content. WordPress will look for files in a theme to use to render the current page in a specific order. This is called a ‘template hierarchy’, that is used to create and extend WordPress themes. Read original article here….

When WordPress website you need to develop some best practices and this article help you do that with some great suggestions.

Best Practices for Managing Your WordPress Site: The Ultimate Guide think that simply having a site out there, preferably one built on WordPress and using a great theme and some plugins to make it even better, will help them to reach a huge online audience and connect with more people or make more sales.

Unfortunately it isn’t as simple as that. Once you’ve created and launched your site, you can give yourself a quick pat on the back, but you really mustn’t rest on your laurels. This is only the start of the ongoing task of managing your site and keeping it up-to-date, relevant and secure.

In this post I’ll look at some of the things you need to do to manage your site effectively over time. I’m going to look at five key areas: Read original article here….

And now for some of everyone’s favourite topic #WordPressDrama this is the recent where Matt goes head to head with Avishai from WIX calling them out about possible misuse of the GLP code from WordPress.

Lets start with Matts posts on his site

The Wix Mobile App, a WordPress Joint who knows me knows that I like to try new things — phones, gadgets, apps. Last week I downloaded the new Wix (closed, proprietary, non-open-sourced, non-GPL) mobile app. I’m always interested to see how others tackle the challenge of building and editing websites from a mobile device.

I started playing around with the editor, and felt… déjà vu. It was familiar. Like I had used it before.

Turns out I had. Because it’s WordPress. Read original article here….

Then we have the rebuttal from Aishai of Wix

Dear Matt Mullenweg: an open letter from’s CEO Matt,

Wow, dude I did not even know we were fighting.

First, you say we have been taking from the open source community without giving back, well, of course, that isn’t true. Here is a list of 224 projects on our public GitHub page, and as you can see they are all dated before your post. We have not checked if WordPress is using them, but you are more than welcome to do so, some of them are pretty good. Read original article here….

And so many other Vioces have chimed in including this great article with a different take on the issue.

WordPress vs. Wix if there wasn’t enough drama in the world this weekend with the latest surprises in the US presidential election, we in the technology world woke up to our own unfolding drama. Matt Mullenweg, co-creator of WordPress and CEO of Automattic, published a post on his blog accusing Wix of illegitimately using WordPress open source code for their mobile application. The response from Wix CEO Avishai Abrahami was not long in coming – you can see his response on the official Wix blog.

What is more interesting to me is the story behind these headlines. I will say right up front that I do not have any inside information and that this is not a conspiracy theory. Consider this as me just thinking out loud… and I welcome you to join the conversation in the post comments.

I couldn’t help but notice the tones of the posts by Matt and Avishai. They seemed to move between passive aggressive and outright jabbing and poking at each other.  This could be just a confrontation about open source code usage and licensing – or it could be indicative of something more. Read original article here….


Well thats a wrap for this week more next week from WP Plugins A to Z.


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