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Interview 64 with Derek Ashauer from Conversion Bridge WP

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Interview 64 with Derek Ashauer from Conversion Bridge WP

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Primary show discussion:

Conversion Bridge Plugin

Analytics and paid ad platforms and how Conversion Bridge can help make it so easy


Conversion Bridge plugin aims to be a one-stop solution to help site owners and agencies get their website analytics onto their site easily and track every important metric they need.

Bio for: Derek Ashauer

In my 20+ years of building things online, I have worked at an agency, started my own one-man freelancer/agency business using WordPress, and built free/paid WordPress plugins.

My journey with web development began in 2000 with the founding of AshWebStudio, a side gig that eventually became my full time business in 2007. I found WordPress as a great solution and have since used it to build hundreds of custom designed client websites.

In 2013, I expanded my horizons into products with Sunshine Photo Cart, a WordPress e-commerce plugin. This venture was inspired by the specific needs of a client for an affordable solution to sell her photos online. Sunshine Photo Cart has grown and evolved from a side project into a comprehensive e-commerce platform plugin tailored to the unique needs of photographers and continues to serve thousands of photographers world wide.

In 2021, I wanted my future to be focused on WordPress products so I started WP Sunshine as a new plugin brand and began taking specific client requests and building them into premium WordPress plugins like Confetti and Address Autocomplete and some other free ones.

My newest plugin is called Conversion Bridge where I am leveraging all my experiences and insights to solve another problem I was having: simple, no-code conversion tracking setup for Google Analytics and also 10+ alternative, privacy-focused analytics platforms which are becoming more popular with GDPR and other privacy laws around the world.

Find the plugin at Conversion Bridge

How to contact:

Email: derek@conversionbridgewp.com

Transcript of the show

00:00 on YouTube and everyone can hear us
00:02 there we are we’re live on the YouTubes
00:04 and we’re just about to get this rolling
00:06 off we go ladies and gentlemen it is
00:09 time for WordPress plugins A to Z not z
00:16 h good morning good afternoon or good
00:19 evening wherever you have be hiding out
00:20 there on the globe this is John oral
00:22 with the wp plugins A to Z podcast and I
00:26 blew the intro so let’s go with the
00:28 jingle
00:31 WordPress it’s the most popular content
00:34 management and website Solution on the
00:36 internet and with over 880,000 plugins
00:40 to choose from how do you separate the
00:42 junk from the gem join us for a weekly
00:47 unrehearsed conversation about the
00:49 latest and greatest in WordPress plugins
00:52 this is WordPress plugins from a to zed
00:57 well good morning good afternoon or good
00:58 evening wherever you hav be hiding out
00:60 there Globe today coming to you direct
01:02 from the brewery Overlook in beautiful
01:04 Southern Vancouver Island Canada I’m
01:06 John overall and today it is interview
01:09 number 64 with Derek ashau from
01:12 conversation or conversion Bridge WP and
01:16 he’s here to talk to us about his plugin
01:18 and whatever else happens to come up in
01:20 this interview show so welcome to the
01:22 show Derek thanks for having me on joh
01:25 oh you’re welcome and just so you know
01:26 we are not going live with v uh video I
01:29 didn’t tell you that the video is not
01:30 live just audio it’s an audio show
01:33 only okay sounds great all right just in
01:36 case you were wondering about that so at
01:38 any rate what we’ve got here is
01:41 conversion bridge I was doing a little
01:42 research on this on this plugin I hadn’t
01:45 actually heard of it until you uh
01:47 reached out for an interview and uh tell
01:50 me a little bit about this it looks like
01:52 it’s a very inclusive plugin that brings
01:55 in analytics from ad
01:57 platforms plugins page tracking
02:01 e-commerce tracking tell us what this is
02:05 yeah so conversion bridge is meant to be
02:07 on a WordPress developer stack meaning
02:11 one of your core plugins that you
02:12 install on every single client site the
02:15 reason being is every site that you set
02:17 up there should have some analytics on
02:19 it yeah um whether it’s Google analytics
02:21 or you know there’s lots of different
02:23 alternative platforms that are out there
02:25 as well now um we can get into that a
02:27 little bit as well is you know what are
02:29 some good alter atives um but the idea
02:33 is is that it makes it really easy to
02:35 add that core analytics tracking script
02:37 that you know that we copy and paste
02:38 from Google analytics or whatever
02:40 platform you’re using makes it easy to
02:42 add that to it but the real power is in
02:43 the conversion tracking that’s one of
02:45 the biggest challenges and um that web
02:49 developers that are creating a site for
02:50 clients or for themselves that they
02:52 don’t do because it’s how do I do that
02:56 where do I put it how do I make sure
02:57 it’s accurate is it even working how can
02:59 I check it there’s just a lot of things
03:01 to do and as someone myself who’s been
03:04 building client sites since 2007 um it
03:07 was actually honestly something that I
03:09 left off of a lot of clients as well
03:11 client sites as well right um but it’s
03:13 something that I regret doing um because
03:16 it’s it’s great for your clients to know
03:18 that what is and isn’t working on their
03:21 website is you know uh if you’re not if
03:24 you’re having a website that has
03:25 e-commerce you’re using woocommerce and
03:27 you’re trying to sell items are you
03:29 actually tracking in your analytics
03:32 platform if you’re getting conversions
03:34 or not because if you’re not you can’t
03:36 tell how successful that is especially
03:40 if you’re doing um paid ads or other
03:42 types of advertising um you know maybe
03:45 have some links on another third party
03:47 site coming back and you want to track
03:48 to see if they’re actually doing
03:49 anything for you you can track page
03:51 views which is okay but ultimately what
03:54 you really want to know is what are what
03:56 conversions are happening on your site
03:59 and those conversions could be anything
04:01 um that you really want the user to do
04:03 on your site it could be purchases if
04:05 you’re selling something on the site it
04:07 could be something um as small as
04:09 clicking on a specific button um it
04:11 could be also signing up for a
04:13 newsletter uh filling out a contact form
04:15 or you know a request for a quote form
04:17 things like that there’s those are you
04:19 know some of the main ones um but
04:21 there’s all kinds of different
04:22 conversions that maybe you want to be
04:24 tracking on a
04:26 site um so so this what conversion brid
04:30 does is it works with right now it works
04:32 with um what do we got 14 different
04:35 analytics platforms every from Google
04:37 analytics and some of the alternative
04:39 platforms like plausible or fathom um
04:42 there’s a couple other ones that I
04:43 really like called user Maven and pers
04:46 uh and then also ad platforms so that’s
04:48 Google ads um meta ads Tik Tok Pinterest
04:53 just uh in the next update that I’m
04:55 going to release is going to have
04:56 LinkedIn ads and X ads as I was actually
04:59 working on that just this morning before
05:01 we hopped on this call nice so I’m going
05:03 to make sure that those so that so you
05:05 can do conversion tracking say you’re
05:06 running ads on X or Twitter you want to
05:10 see if those are actually generating
05:12 conversions on your site not just oh did
05:14 someone click on it say you’re trying to
05:16 build your newsletter your email
05:18 newsletter list you want to see if
05:19 people are actually subscribing to that
05:22 email newsletter list yes and then what
05:24 the other half of the conversion Bridge
05:26 does is it integrates with right now 55
05:29 different plugins so that means like
05:31 form plugins like WS form or gravity
05:33 forms or ninja forms any of the top um
05:37 plugins that are the form plugins that
05:39 are out there uh e-commerce plugins um
05:42 like woocommerce or maybe some
05:44 membership plugins like paid memberships
05:46 Pro paid memberships Pro or restrict
05:49 content Pro um leaky pay wall there’s
05:52 you know there’s just a massive list of
05:54 plugins so that you literally all you
05:56 have to do click a toggle enable the
05:58 integration and you’re done and it will
06:00 work with any of the analytics or ad
06:03 platforms without any code and I have
06:06 several videos that I do where you can
06:08 have you can add your analytics and
06:10 conversion tracking in less than a
06:12 minute and know that it’s just going to
06:13 work you don’t need to think about it
06:15 you don’t need to worry about it there’s
06:16 no coding there’s no fuss it’s just
06:18 click click done I can move on with my
06:21 life and then you can add some amazing
06:23 insights to your customers or your own
06:26 sites um one of the big things that I
06:29 like to push is for like agencies or
06:31 people or Freelancers building sites for
06:33 clients is a fantastic um thing to have
06:36 in your portfolio is not just look at
06:38 this beautiful site I made right what
06:40 clients really want to know is they were
06:43 making they were getting a 1% conversion
06:45 rate before I on their old version of
06:47 their website and now they’re getting a
06:49 4% conversion rate that’s the data that
06:52 you need to to sell to perspective
06:54 clients in your portfolio to prove I’m
06:57 actually I’m I’m improving your business
06:59 I’m not just making it looking making it
07:01 look pretty actually improving your
07:03 business before these guys were only
07:05 getting you know the the old version of
07:07 the website was only getting five
07:09 requests for quotes per month now
07:11 they’re getting 500 with our new version
07:13 of the website but if you’re not
07:15 tracking that data you can’t use
07:18 that um on in your portfolio as a way to
07:21 sell that to prospective
07:23 clients absolutely and a question I’ve
07:26 got about it okay it’s doing the
07:28 tracking or or connecting with it is
07:31 your data your in data you’re looking at
07:33 coming from say Google analytics is that
07:36 where you’re finding the end data or is
07:38 there something in this plugin that’s
07:39 showcasing the data right there in the
07:41 back end of the
07:42 WordPress right so uh it does a little
07:44 bit of both um by most part it is a
07:46 bridge that’s why it’s called conversion
07:48 Bridge it’s a bridge from your website
07:50 to your analytics platforms it does have
07:52 one additional feature which uh I call
07:55 conversion Journeys so for example if
07:57 you were looking at an order in wo
07:60 Commerce you could see the journey the
08:02 Page by page view journey of what that
08:04 user did to ultimately convert and
08:07 become and make that purchase so you can
08:09 see they landed on the homepage then
08:11 they went to the about page they went to
08:12 your product category they viewed one
08:14 individual product they added to cart
08:17 went to cart checkout made a purchase
08:20 and you can see step by step what they
08:23 you know what pages they went to on your
08:25 site to ultimately do a conversion so
08:28 that that part is the internal part that
08:30 conversion
08:32 Bridge allows you to turn on so it’s an
08:34 optional uh feature that you can do um
08:38 uh but otherwise it is mostly just a
08:40 bridge into the analytics and AD
08:43 platforms okay so it makes it easy to
08:46 drop it in now when it’s
08:48 using the bridge in between does it
08:51 automatically dump in certain tracking
08:54 codes that Google analytics so you could
08:56 say figure out your audiences
09:06 oh I lost your
09:10 audio did I lose you oh there you go
09:13 came pop back oh did you get the
09:15 question so um does it add yeah so it
09:18 adds the core tracking code that every
09:20 site needs to get it into say Google
09:22 analytics or fathom or plausible you
09:24 know that main tracking code and then
09:26 also does the tracking code to when a
09:28 conversion happens so so um yeah this
09:31 person made a purchase it’ll also send
09:33 like Google analytics can accept um a
09:36 lot of extra data um such as what items
09:40 were purchased uh what the order total
09:43 and all that good data so it’s not just
09:45 yes there was a purchase it’s there was
09:46 a purchase and here’s all this great
09:48 information that you would ever want
09:50 about that purchase um that actually
09:52 happened so that you can not only see um
09:55 like if you’re looking in Google
09:56 analytics maybe you have you’re maybe
09:57 you’re running ads in AdWords and you
10:00 have five different ads running and one
10:03 of those ads is only returning like an
10:05 average order of $3 per purchase but
10:08 this other ads returning 300 so then you
10:11 know that that ad’s more effective so
10:13 conversion Bridge can send in all that
10:14 valuable data so that you can use that
10:16 to determine which ads are most
10:18 effective and that can appear in Google
10:20 analytics in Google ads in meta whatever
10:24 analytics or ad platforms you’ve
10:26 configured okay so on on another side
10:29 note on this when you’re doing currently
10:32 if you’re not using something like this
10:34 or you’re running Google ads you’ve got
10:36 to go set up your Google Tags to get all
10:38 your conversion tracking does this help
10:40 eliminate that step or is that step
10:42 still part of what’s going on yeah so a
10:46 lot of a lot of times they’ll say use
10:47 Google tag manager to set this up and to
10:50 be honest that it it gets just it
10:52 scratches the surface it tries to make
10:54 it easy and all those automated tools
10:56 that they’ll put up there like it’ll
10:57 automatically track form submissions it
10:59 will automatically track purchases I’m
11:02 like it it it’s it does not
11:04 automatically do anything no I
11:07 know and so and so this basically El it
11:10 does it eliminates if you would you
11:12 really wouldn’t I mean if you wanted to
11:13 if you had maybe a whole another
11:14 marketing team that wanted to do Google
11:16 tag manager you could but you don’t need
11:18 to configure stuff in tag manager if you
11:20 don’t want to it it takes care of it
11:22 again makes it easy so there’s no coding
11:24 no fuss um it’s just a couple clicking a
11:28 few options to enable
11:30 to enable some things um but yeah I get
11:33 I get what you’re saying that’s another
11:35 well that’s a pain in the butt is how do
11:37 you use well I I have a client that I
11:39 manage a Google ads account for and
11:41 setting it up so we could deal with the
11:43 their conversion is all about submitting
11:46 a contact form and set getting that set
11:48 up was a challenge and a half you know
11:52 yes because we had to get the Google ad
11:54 the Google tag manager and you got to go
11:56 through six different steps to get the
11:58 tag and then you got then you’ve got to
12:00 configure the form to submit the right
12:02 data so there was a whole lot that went
12:04 into it yeah and this eliminates all of
12:07 that it’s literally just yes I want to
12:09 add conversion tracking and you are done
12:11 there’s no more than just clicking a
12:13 toggle to enable it uh on on all the
12:16 form plug-in Integrations so um you know
12:18 on the site there’s lots of videos
12:20 tutorials and stuff but I mean the
12:21 tutorials are basically just saying
12:23 click this option okay that’s that’s
12:25 pretty much the extent of it and it’s
12:27 also great is that um there’s uh one of
12:30 the challenges with um with privacy
12:33 stuff these days is you know how do
12:36 you how do you how do you track that
12:38 stuff with all the privacy concerns and
12:40 one of the ways that they’re doing that
12:41 is in like Google ads for example they
12:44 they call it enhanced
12:45 conversions uh and what that means is
12:47 that when you track a conversion you can
12:50 pass along um some extra data about like
12:54 say a form submit is a great example um
12:57 what what conversion bridge will do is
12:59 it will include the email address from
13:01 the form when they submit the form and
13:04 include that as part of the uh data that
13:07 gets sent over there as part of the
13:09 enhanced conversion it gets all sent
13:11 securely it’s all hashed with Shaw 256
13:14 and all this kind of stuff so um so it’s
13:16 all done securely and and uh you know
13:19 above board and stuff like that um so
13:22 having that allows you that extra layer
13:25 of accuracy on your conversion tracking
13:28 as well so try if you’re trying to do
13:30 just conversion tracking is tough and
13:32 then if you wanted to do enhanced
13:34 conversion tracking that’s another whole
13:36 other layer of complexity and all this
13:38 kind of stuff and again conversion
13:40 Bridge just handles it with a single
13:41 toggle there’s nothing more you need to
13:43 do um for like purchases in in the form
13:47 plugins there’s a couple steps probably
13:50 take you about 15 to 20 seconds to set
13:52 it up um and there’s no extra code for
13:55 it it’s just choosing a couple options
13:57 um basically what field in your form is
13:59 the email address what field and the
14:01 form is the first name that’s it that’s
14:03 all you have to do it’s as easy as
14:04 mapping it then yes exactly oh dear God
14:08 um like yeah so like sa tons of time yes
14:12 exactly so and that’s the goal um is to
14:14 make it really really simple there not
14:16 every single form plugin support is
14:18 supported for enhanced conversions yet
14:20 because that one’s kind of a challenge
14:22 the but um gravity forms WS form and
14:25 ninja forms those three are the ones
14:27 those are the top ones right now yeah
14:29 exactly yeah that that was where I
14:30 started so yeah because I I’ve been
14:32 using gravity form since they were brand
14:34 new yeah WS form is also a great one as
14:37 well and that one supported uh supports
14:39 enhanced conversions as well yeah okay
14:42 yeah that that just wow I’m G to have to
14:44 dig into your plugin because that is
14:47 just uh saved me tons of time for some
14:50 of the sites we’re setting up these days
14:52 because more and more it’s important as
14:54 you mentioned in the beginning is that
14:56 you got to do the tracking you got to
14:58 find out what’s happening the internet’s
15:00 a crowded place now it’s no longer quiet
15:03 like it was 10 15 years ago well
15:06 relatively in terms of noise but there’s
15:09 a whole lot more businesses out there
15:11 now yeah and I think it’s important
15:14 because these days marketing is more
15:16 than just SEO you can’t just assume that
15:19 everything came from Google and that’s
15:20 what it is we you have to be on Tik Tok
15:22 you got to be on Instagram you got to be
15:24 on X you got to be everywhere and so
15:27 when you add like if you’re on there and
15:28 you’re posting back you can you know add
15:30 those UTM tracking tags to your thing
15:33 and then know where things are coming
15:34 from and but if you’re not ultimately
15:36 tracking those conversions you’re not in
15:38 your analytics platform you’re not um
15:41 you’re not you can’t tell which ones are
15:43 the most effective so it’s really
15:45 important when you have lots of
15:47 marketing channels these days to track
15:50 where people are coming from and what
15:51 they ultimately do from those sources um
15:55 you know just like in a Google ads
15:56 account you know you have five different
15:57 ads you want to see which one’s most
15:59 effective
15:59 but also you need to check and say which
16:02 Which social platform is is getting me
16:04 the best leads is it Instagram is it X
16:06 is it LinkedIn all these different
16:08 things so it’s really important to to to
16:11 set up conversion tracking oh absolutely
16:13 and more and more these days so you
16:15 mentioned uh earlier there on talking
16:18 about uh you have this integrated with
16:21 multiple alternate tracking things
16:26 um I saw a brief bit about them the
16:29 itics platforms that’s what it was yep
16:31 some of these I didn’t even know
16:34 existed um and I’m just trying to catch
16:37 up with them but tell us a little bit
16:38 about why some of these may be better
16:41 than Google
16:42 analytics yeah so when um you know
16:45 there’s the G it’s a lot of it came out
16:47 of gdpr and the old version of universal
16:50 analytics not being gdpr friendly and
16:53 even in a couple countries Google
16:55 analytics is flat out banned you just
16:57 can’t use it because of all the cookies
16:59 they set and the privacy concerns and
17:01 that it’s stored on us servers and stuff
17:04 like that so a lot of alternative
17:07 Alternatives popped up about four five
17:09 six six this years ago I believe um and
17:14 and now there’s just a lot more options
17:16 and basically they do tracking
17:18 differently they don’t use cookies to
17:20 track because cookies are something that
17:23 gdpr and you know all those cookie popup
17:25 notices and all that kind of junk that
17:27 you see on there um there they are
17:30 alternatives Google analytics so that
17:31 you don’t have to track using cookies um
17:35 they do their own they have their own
17:37 unique methods of doing it um but but
17:41 what’s great about those is that if for
17:42 example I use one called plausible or
17:45 pers you know there’s a whole bunch of
17:47 them you can find them on conversion
17:48 bridge wp.com and there’s also
17:50 comparisons I’ve written some
17:51 comparisons pros and cons of each one
17:53 and which ones have which features and
17:55 things like that um is that uh you don’t
17:60 need a cookie popup just because you’re
18:01 using that in Alix platform that’s the
18:03 main reason why a lot of people have
18:05 those cookie Banner popups is because
18:07 they’re using Google analytics to track
18:09 them and so they have to add that cookie
18:11 banner yes that little popup that’s
18:13 annoying if you use an altern one of
18:15 these Alternatives you could just remove
18:17 that cookie Banner entirely you just
18:19 simply don’t need it because they don’t
18:21 use cookies um so it’s a great thing to
18:24 you know it’s something to really
18:26 consider using if you don’t like those
18:29 which I think most people will agree
18:31 that they are terrible yes and as a
18:33 result and as a result you get more
18:35 accurate data because if only 20% of
18:39 people are opting in or agreeing to that
18:41 cookie popup you’re only tracking 20% of
18:43 people in Google analytics right so
18:46 especially those European site
18:48 owners it’s it’s became a really those
18:51 are really great alternatives to using
18:54 Google
18:56 analytics okay now uh question now I
18:59 know this is an odd one but it’s one
19:01 that popped in my head it’s like could
19:03 you run multiple analytics on the site
19:06 at the same time yep absolutely I when
19:10 I’m when I’m building and testing
19:11 conversion bridge I have over 10
19:14 different analytics platforms running at
19:15 the same time to make sure that it’s
19:17 tracking in each one at the same time
19:18 which is a great feature I mean it was
19:21 for me I kind of built it as I want to
19:23 be able to do this so I can test it
19:24 quicker and not have to you know with 55
19:27 plugins and then have to do it one by
19:28 one for separate analy platform one but
19:30 was like that would take me years to
19:32 test anything yeah so I said it that you
19:34 could do all of them at once but the
19:36 added benefit is that yeah you could put
19:38 a you know um I recommend you know do a
19:42 free trial for three or four different
19:43 analytics platforms compare the accuracy
19:46 see how much data you’re getting in each
19:48 one um and see which one yields you the
19:51 most information and the best
19:52 information and then after a couple
19:54 weeks I mean I don’t recommend longterm
19:56 having 10 different analytics platforms
19:58 on your site
19:59 um I mean they’re all really really tiny
20:03 tiny JavaScript files um so they’re not
20:05 going to you know make it you know 30
20:08 second page loads or anything like that
20:10 but it’s something you could run for a
20:11 couple weeks during your during a free
20:13 trial with each of those platforms and
20:15 then see which one you actually like
20:17 each one does have some pros and cons to
20:19 it some of them being you know how much
20:21 page views and how much data you can
20:23 track and versus cost and things like
20:25 that that is the one thing that Google
20:27 an analytics will always have for it is
20:30 it’s free um where all the Alternatives
20:33 do have a cost but some of them like
20:35 pers had you know if there’s a great you
20:37 know have a small business client that’s
20:38 like a landscaper you know they could
20:41 easily you know get away with like a $6
20:45 a month plan on pers analytics which is
20:47 a company out of Germany and I love them
20:49 they’re one of my favorite alternative
20:51 platforms
20:52 um so uh you know six bucks a month
20:55 that’s something that is a little bit
20:57 more manageable and then you could do
20:59 pers and then run Google ads just
21:02 because you have Google ads does not
21:03 mean you have to have Google analytics
21:05 you do not need Google analytics to do
21:08 Google ads and that’s I think also
21:10 another common misconception um they are
21:12 two separate things and conversion
21:14 Bridge can understand if you have Google
21:16 analytics and if you don’t and it knows
21:18 and adjusts um you know to make sure
21:20 that you’re doing the proper conversion
21:22 tracking in each
21:24 excellent okay now trying to think of
21:28 where else to take this at the moment
21:30 and
21:31 uh you touched on the Privacy stuff
21:34 there the alterate
21:37 platforms the one the Journey part uh
21:40 that you called it um following the
21:42 following the path through the site now
21:44 this is one that’s near and dear to me
21:46 especially with a couple of clients as
21:48 we’re trying to track where they land
21:50 and hopefully where they end up and how
21:55 does that one work and how does it
21:56 benefit people
21:60 uh so conversion Bridge has its own
22:02 conversion Journeys which uh like I
22:04 mentioned is you know when they first
22:05 land on the site it hits that you know
22:07 say they land on the homepage they hit
22:09 the about
22:10 services and then end up on a contact
22:13 form and fill out that lead form um when
22:16 they fill out that form you can then see
22:18 the journey for that submission depends
22:20 on what form plugin you’re using how
22:22 where that is and how you access it but
22:24 if you’re for example using gravity
22:25 forms there’s there’ll be you can see
22:26 all the entries that get saved in there
22:28 and then there’s a new option to view
22:29 the journey so and then that just shows
22:31 you Page by Page they hit the homepage
22:34 they hit the about Services contact page
22:37 submission okay and you can see that so
22:39 it’s really helpful to see how many what
22:41 are people typically doing on your site
22:43 to eventually get there what content is
22:45 actually convincing them to finally land
22:49 and and and be and convert and actually
22:51 take action on your site so you can
22:53 better understand how users interact
22:56 with things so the more data you have
22:59 what people are actually doing on your
23:01 site the better informed you are as to
23:04 what is and isn’t
23:06 working excellent
23:08 and you mentioned now that information
23:10 is held on the site you don’t have to go
23:13 elsewhere to get that Journey
23:15 information that is in your back into
23:16 your site right yeah and some of the
23:18 some of the platforms do have like
23:20 sessions like persch has one they have
23:22 like a sessions feature which is
23:24 essentially the same thing um so it but
23:29 why I built it into conversion Bridge
23:30 because there’s a lot that simply don’t
23:33 um don’t have that so excellent that’s
23:37 useful information and data for folks to
23:39 uh find out what people are up to okay
23:42 and all this of course integrates with
23:44 several right now does four different
23:46 cookie Banner plugins that are available
23:48 in WordPress I’m hoping to increase that
23:49 to a few more in a release or two um but
23:52 the cookie Banner so that it’s not
23:54 tracking conversion Journeys unless the
23:56 user agrees to ow that to happen with
24:00 the cookie Banner plugin that you have
24:01 installed in the site um you know us in
24:04 the US there you know there’s not that’s
24:06 not used nearly as much as um as those
24:09 site owners in the in the EU but it is
24:11 something that’s incredibly important
24:13 for people that are in those countries
24:15 affected by gdpr uh privacy laws and
24:17 things like that so conversion Bridge so
24:19 anyone that is in the affected by that
24:21 conversion bridge that all times does
24:24 obey that when you configure it to do so
24:27 so if you you know I want make sure that
24:29 this you know follows cookie the cookie
24:31 bot plugin then yeah check that box
24:33 conversion bridge at all times will
24:36 ensure that its own internal tracking if
24:38 it does any follows the rules that it
24:40 will not do anything until that person
24:43 has agreed to allow it well that’s good
24:45 to know but I’ve learned a lot about
24:47 privacy policies and laws and whatnot in
24:50 the last couple three weeks and uh it’s
24:54 what I’ve discovered is you folks down
24:57 in the states down there
24:59 you might not have it nationwide but you
25:02 have individual states that have some as
25:05 restricted as gdpr or
25:08 Worse yeah and here in Canada we have a
25:11 nationwide one for ours which is not as
25:15 bad as GTP gdpr but it’s pretty close in
25:18 many aspects and one of the things I was
25:21 dealing with in particular for my site
25:24 bringing it online when I discovered it
25:26 was how do I write a privacy policy to
25:28 cover this nightmare because my client
25:30 my clients are all over the globe yeah
25:33 and I did find a company that is
25:37 termageddon that has that’s what I was
25:39 gon to suggest well that’s I ended up
25:42 being I I ended up becoming an agency
25:44 for them so it’s it’s a lot of
25:48 information and it’s nice to have a
25:49 policy that automatically updates and
25:51 they have a c an integrated cookie
25:53 system that goes with the policy so it
25:55 just keeps it all together at once
25:59 exactly and and I imagine it’s only
26:01 going to get you know there’s going to
26:03 be more countries more states that are
26:05 going to enact similar things so it’s
26:08 going to be one of those things that by
26:10 default it’s just one of the things that
26:12 you add to every website you build just
26:13 it just becomes part of your
26:16 stack it’s now becoming part of and I’m
26:18 going back to some older clients and
26:20 telling them they need to bring it all
26:21 up to
26:22 date because of the way the laws have
26:25 changed so dramatically in the last
26:26 couple of years
26:29 you’re doing my puppy dog decides he
26:31 wants attention at this exact moment in
26:33 time it’s like you’re talking to
26:35 somebody I know you are
26:37 yeah yeah so I mean so yeah making sure
26:41 that um everything integrates with
26:42 privacy laws and all that and tracking
26:44 especially because because yeah you want
26:46 to make sure that your site doesn’t
26:47 break those laws and you get fined and
26:49 and all that kind of stuff so so that is
26:51 also always the the Forefront the top of
26:53 my mind when I’m when I’m building and
26:55 testing things and making sure that it
26:57 does it just follow all the all those
26:60 those laws um I do give a lot of leeway
27:03 to let the you know if you’re using
27:05 conversion bridge on a site there’s
27:07 options that let you choose I’m not I I
27:10 I try not to be too opinionated I try to
27:12 say do you want it to integrate with a
27:14 cookie plugin yes okay then which one do
27:16 you want it to do it doesn’t force you
27:18 to by default but you have to go in
27:20 there and do that so that you that
27:21 people can choose what they feel is best
27:24 for them for their level of risk they
27:26 would like to take um I know there’s a
27:27 lot of people in the who are just like I
27:29 don’t give a I don’t I’m sorry I
27:31 don’t care um you know they’re like I
27:33 don’t care uh we’re not going to worry
27:35 about that just track everybody and if
27:37 you want to do that you can but if
27:38 you’re in Germany where they have really
27:40 strict laws you want to lock that down
27:43 and so you can then configure to do that
27:45 so it’s up to you know the the site
27:47 owner or whoever’s you know managing the
27:49 site to choose those options in the end
27:51 it’s up to the site owner as to what
27:53 kind of risk they want to take because
27:55 they’re the ones that ultimately are
27:57 responsible for it correct so so yeah
28:01 now you also build other plugins you you
28:05 made mentions of a couple of them there
28:07 in the in your bio you’ve got one called
28:10 Sunshine photo cart uh a WordPress
28:13 e-commerce plugin and uh what else do
28:16 you got
28:17 there yeah so Sunshine photoart is a
28:19 massive e-commerce ecosystem plugin
28:23 specifically for photographers though so
28:25 I’ve been doing that one for about oh
28:27 almost 12 years now
28:29 um thing coming up on yeah 12 years
28:31 probably here in a few weeks actually
28:34 um so yeah so that one um that one’s
28:38 huge it’s a massive ecosystem it’s
28:41 basically woo Commerce it you know it’s
28:43 just a it’s and it’s only done by me um
28:46 so that one’s a pretty big one but I
28:48 have a couple other fun ones too um one
28:50 that uh it’s called confetti so that
28:52 kind of goes a little bit with
28:53 conversion tracking because what it does
28:55 is it pops up a little fun uh
28:56 customizable confetti effect when people
28:59 do things like make purchases submit
29:01 contact forms sign up for your email
29:03 newsletter things like that it’s just a
29:04 little it’s a it’s a fun thing it’s not
29:07 in any way necessary it’s just a it’s a
29:09 delighter that’s that’s the term I’m
29:11 looking for uh it to kind of just be
29:13 like hey you did this how cool was that
29:15 um and I did that one because I had a
29:18 client site that I added it to and was
29:20 like Hey I could build this into a
29:21 plugin so I thought why not let me just
29:23 uh do that so um that one’s at uh one
29:26 under WP sunshine
29:29 um.com and you can find that there and
29:31 then another one for address
29:33 autocomplete anything uh what that does
29:36 is it has some automatic Integrations
29:37 with various plugins like
29:39 woocommerce um and paid memberships Pro
29:43 or all kinds of different um plugins
29:45 where you know or form plugins where you
29:47 know someone wants to type in the
29:48 address it uses the Google Maps a
29:50 address autocomplete API to then you
29:53 know you start typing 13 and if your
29:55 address is 13457 you know it you can
29:58 just select that and it automatically
29:59 fills the rest of the form um it just
30:02 makes it easy to add that to to any kind
30:04 of form on any WordPress website so and
30:07 those all came from client requests
30:09 basically they were things that I had
30:11 built for a custom built for a client
30:13 and then was well you know what I could
30:14 just spend a little more time and turn
30:16 this into a plugin so um that’s what I
30:18 did with a couple those other ones yeah
30:20 that’s what I’m doing now I’ve got
30:22 several plugins I created for clients in
30:24 past years that are still on their sites
30:26 I’ve just recently
30:28 restarted my GitHub and I’ve taken many
30:31 of those plugins and brought them down
30:33 into my GitHub so I can actually expand
30:36 them from what they are so it’s like I
30:39 forgotten I’d done some of these things
30:41 like some of are one of them I’m
30:43 starting to play with is like 15 years
30:45 old and it’s like wow it still works
30:46 it’s still good okay we’ll see how we
30:48 can improve it and make it better so
30:51 yeah I’m actually finding joy in coding
30:53 once
30:54 again it it’s I mean it’s my favorite
30:57 thing I’m I’m about a year and a half
30:60 two years in my journey of transitioning
31:03 from making client sites to trying to
31:05 become product first so things like
31:07 conversion Bridge or sunshine photoart
31:09 and having all my income from just these
31:12 WordPress plug-in products yeah um so
31:15 I’ve built client sites since like I
31:16 said earlier 2007 so it’s been a long
31:18 long time but uh but it is it’s a very
31:21 different thing to start coding but I I
31:25 kind of just literally woke up one day
31:28 and realized how how
31:30 much frustration I had and lack of Joy I
31:34 had from building sites for clients I
31:36 used to love it make no mistake I
31:38 absolutely love doing it for a really
31:39 long time you know for all my all my
31:42 sites I do all the design I do all the
31:44 development project management I’m a
31:45 oneman team for my clients and my
31:48 plug-in businesses and stuff like that
31:50 um and I really did enjoy doing all
31:51 those things but it was just it seemed
31:53 like it was maybe not necessarily
31:55 literally overnight but it did seem to
31:57 be like I just started
32:01 losing joy in doing it and so I was like
32:04 you know what I’m I’m ready to make this
32:05 switch so that’s when I started whenever
32:07 I buil custom made something for a
32:09 client it was just like can I turn this
32:10 into a product some of them ultimately
32:13 not and I’ve released them as just free
32:15 plugins I have a couple free ones that
32:16 are out there because it was just such a
32:18 small Niche thing that I just like I can
32:20 just put that on the wordpress.org you
32:22 know as a free Plugin or something like
32:24 that but then some of them yeah I sell
32:26 them for a few bucks yeah and uh that’s
32:29 what I’ve got I got well I got my fir I
32:30 put my first free one up on my website
32:33 and uh for people all they got to do is
32:35 go sign up my email list to get it and
32:38 uh that one there is one that came out
32:41 of because I got tired of always having
32:44 to copy and paste certain code Snippets
32:47 that I needed all the time or I may or
32:50 may not have needed so I actually wrote
32:52 a plugin so you can go in turn on and
32:55 off the code Snippets as you need them
32:58 yeah and it’s like it it’s makes my life
33:00 a whole lot easier when I’m setting up a
33:02 site from scratch or taking over a
33:04 client’s website and I need to change
33:06 things another one I brought in um I
33:09 just I haven’t I haven’t I haven’t put
33:11 it up yet I just wrote it last week it’s
33:14 one for when you’re working on a Dev
33:16 site you want to turn off the irritating
33:18 WP mail now you can go into oh yeah yeah
33:22 you can go into the config file add that
33:24 little snippet but I’ve got a plugin now
33:26 that goes in you turn it on WP mail is
33:29 shut off and it puts a nice big red
33:31 warning on your Dev site to remind you
33:33 that WP mail is turned off you uh you
33:36 turn it back on the warning goes away so
33:39 it’s just a nice nice simple
33:41 straightforward you know but that one
33:43 will be going up as a free one too for
33:45 people that are working on dev sites or
33:47 bringing up a new site that they just
33:48 don’t want to see all the emails that a
33:51 WordPress website
33:53 generates exactly those are great use
33:56 cases right there
33:58 so yeah and uh and I do have a plugin
34:01 that I’m uh working in a concert with uh
34:03 the fellow I interviewed last time from
34:05 web 321 we’re working in concert on that
34:08 plugin and we’re hoping to have it in
34:09 beta by next September so very cool so
34:13 it’s a really it’s a really big one it’s
34:16 probably my biggest project I’ve ever
34:19 attempted the challenge is always the uh
34:21 the support on it and creating the
34:23 documentation um I I do most I do most
34:26 of the documentation and testing he’s a
34:28 he’s a way better coder than me Sean is
34:30 a way better coder than me so he writes
34:32 all the hard code I go in and break it
34:34 for him and then and then show him where
34:36 it needs to fix it or change it and then
34:38 I write the documentation as I as I test
34:41 it so yeah sounds like a good
34:43 partnership too so it’ll it’ll come out
34:45 hopefully hopefully we have a beta a
34:47 beta version of it for testing in
34:49 September that’s our goal
34:51 anyway yeah that’s I mean writing
34:53 documentation is always something I I’m
34:55 training myself to do as I’m devel
34:58 veloping it so that it doesn’t get left
34:60 behind and be like all right it’s
35:01 already and done because I did that with
35:02 Sunshine photo card I would create a
35:04 feature you know I’ve been doing that
35:05 for so long I would create a feature and
35:06 release it and then forget to even just
35:08 write that it existed in the first place
35:10 in any marketing materials or
35:12 documentation of how to use it yeah and
35:14 so then like there all these features
35:16 that have been around for like five plus
35:18 years people like oh I didn’t know it
35:19 could do that oh right I never told
35:21 anyone or made anyone aware that it was
35:24 there on the website in any way yeah um
35:26 so that’s a yeah it’s the uh you know
35:30 it’s the iceberg you know the the
35:31 developing it is the 10 part the 10%
35:34 part that everyone you that you do but
35:36 you there’s a lot behind the scenes that
35:38 you have to to think about and do that
35:40 the documentation is the documentation
35:43 is as heavy as the coding if not worse
35:45 because you got to you got to
35:47 translate all of the geek speak into
35:51 normal human speech so that the people
35:53 who are going to use your program aren’t
35:56 constantly emailing you what does this
35:58 mean you know so things like that so
36:01 that the documentation helps take care
36:03 of the answers as or the questions as
36:05 they come up so you don’t spend all your
36:07 time answering
36:08 questions exactly that’s that’s I yeah I
36:11 realize that you know how much the more
36:14 documentation I write as frustrating as
36:16 is the less support tickets I get so
36:18 it’s you know it’s time well spent for
36:21 sure in the end it absolutely
36:23 everybody’s everyone’s sake it
36:25 absolutely is well thanks a lot Derek I
36:27 really appre appreciate this it’s been a
36:28 great conversation this is the point
36:30 here where you get to tell everyone
36:32 where they can find you and of course
36:34 all the contact info will be up on the
36:36 uh post I’ll be creating the post uh
36:39 within the next 24 hours and get it
36:40 posted up into the podcast feed and the
36:43 blog post will contain all the
36:44 information along with a transcript and
36:47 uh go ahead tell everyone yeah so you
36:49 can find conversion bridge at conversion
36:52 Bridge wp.com my other plugins are under
36:55 my main brand called WP sunshine
36:59 and then I do Post quite a bit and kind
37:01 of do a bit of quite a bit of building
37:02 in public on X or Twitter and you can
37:05 find me at Derek Ash hour on there yeah
37:07 I think I’m following you there
37:09 occasionally I make a snide comment for
37:13 youate well thank you very much uh if
37:15 you could hang around after the closing
37:17 of the credits here and uh uh we’ll be
37:20 right back in a
37:21 moment reminders for the show all show
37:24 notes can be found at WP plugins
37:27 atoz.com
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38:22 John can also be reached at his website
38:25 John overall. or email him directly John
38:28 at wpro
38:30 doca thanks for joining us and have a
38:33 great
38:38 day thanks for listening to the show
38:41 this show is copyright by John overall.
38:43 comom so until next time have yourselves
38:46 a good morning good afternoon or good
38:48 evening wherever you happen to be out
38:49 there on the globe today
39:06 the

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