WPPlugins AtoZ

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News ticker plugins, Shortcode Disabler, Featured Image In RSS Feed, DB Cache Reloaded — Episode 64 WordPress Plugins from A to Z

half a carPlugins covered this episode:

News ticker plugins, Shortcode Disabler, Featured Image In RSS Feed, DB Cache Reloaded.

This Podcast Can now be found at WPPluginsAtoZ.com

John’s & Marcus Rant: What to rant about?

Well I just wish there were enough hours in the day to do everything I want to do. Spent the entire weekend teaching classes. BTW if would like to hire a teacher I am available online or in person contact me for details.

Shout Outs:

One out to Glenn who called me early this morning while I was getting ready for work I didn’t recognize the number so I let it go to voice mail.

World of WordPress News and other interesting WordPress related posts:

Hackers booby-trap WordPress site with botnet-weaving Trojan Crooks lure punters in with LinkedIn lies


Just a kewl shot**** Plugins Reviewed by John ****

RP News Ticker 0.7

What They Say:
The plugin creates a shortcode to be used in a widget to display a nice horizontal newsticker which can be placed in a sidebar. Since 0.7: one can use a php tag or shortcode to insert it in the theme template, widgets or posts, all tuning moved to Settings Based upon liScroll.js by Gian Carlo Mingati. Tested in WordPress 3.0+ only, expected to be compatible from 2.6+. Demo: https://chernivtsi.ws (in Ukrainian).

What I Say:
I loved the sample on their site but I was unable to duplicate the sample and the instructions for use are very limited and I simply did not have the time to figure it out so I had to pass on this one..
Rating 2 Dragons


News-Ticker 2.1.0

What They Say:
A JQuery based News Ticker Displays a sliding or fading list of post titles, rss reeds or comments and excerpts with links to post. Starting from ver.2.0 the ticker can also be used as a featured posts image gallery
You can display:

  • Most Popular Posts over the last x days (via WordPress.com Stats Plugin)
  • Most Commented Posts
  • Recent Posts
  • Recent Comments
  • Specific Posts
  • Number of Posts to display
  • Your default RSS feed, your Comments RSS or even an RSS feed from another site, like Twitter or your favorite news site.

You can set:

  • Category Filter
  • Ticker Length in characters

What I Say:
Unfortunately I had to abandon this one because it was simply not widget ready and I do not have the time to make it that way. It requires you to enter code directly into your template. But it would be great for someone to fork off of since it is pretty complete in many other ways.
Rating 2 Dragons

And I have a new one for you:
News Tick-O-Matic 0.1

What They Say:
jQuery animated WordPress widget that displays the newest of news in a a silky smooth scrolling news ticker in the sidebar. Full documentation is available to delight and inform. Need help? Check out the excellent, free community support here on WordPress. Need a heaping’ helping’ of help? Premium support is available for at crazy low rates.

What I Say:
This one works pretty great in that all you need to do is install and then add widget and configure it there. The instructions were pretty simple and I had it running in a fem in. If you need just new then you simply create a new category and assign that category to it and you will be in great shape. I like the way it move from one story to the next and I imagine with some creative CSS you can make it great.
Rating 4 Dragons

Storing it all**** Plugins Reviewed by Marcus ****

DB Cache Reloaded Fix


The fastest cache engine for WordPress, that produces cache of database queries with easy configuration. Compatible with WordPress 3.1

Requires: 3.0 or higher
Compatible up to: 3.1.4
Last Updated: 2011-10-25
Downloads: 48,427

I think you’ve heard of WP-Cache or WP Super Cache, they are both top plugins for WordPress, which make your site faster and responsive. Forget about them – with DB Cache Reloaded your site will work much faster and will use less disk space for cached files. Your visitors will always get actual information in sidebars and server CPU loads will be as low as possible.

Rating: 4 out of 5

Featured Image In RSS Feed


This Plugin adds featured image to your rss feed.

Requires: 3.0. or higher
Compatible up to: 3.3.1
Last Updated: 2012-3-25
Downloads: 19

You can easily change the image size from the setting page of the plugin under Settings > Image In RSS Feed. By default the plugin uses thumbnail size.

Rating: 4 out of 5


Shortcode Disabler

Disable old, unused shortcodes on your WordPress site.

Requires: 3.3.1 or higher
Compatible up to: 3.3.1
Last Updated: 2012-3-25
Downloads: 11

Over time, plugins and themes tend to leave behind shortcodes. Shortcode Disabler allows you to “disable” those old shortcodes by replacing them with nothing on the front end.

Rating: 5 out of 5


In closing here is what is coming in future podcasts:

Affiliate Plugins run your own affiliate program

Decent Comments

More Lazy Plugins

message in a bottleHow to Contact Us:

John can be contacted at:

on my website @ https://www.johnoverall.com/  or you can follow me on Twitter @Ahkonsu or even like me on Facebook at  https://www.facebook.com/JohnOverallcom

email: dragon@wppluginsatoz.com

Marcus can be contacted at:

Marcus Couch can be contacted at his website at marcuscouch.com  on twitter   @marcuscouch and on facebook at facebook.com/marcuscouch

email: marcus@wppluginsatoz.com



some of the music provided tonight is from Mevio’s Music Alley. Check it out at ‘music.mevio.com https://music.mevio.com

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