Win a Lifetime Pro License for VC Splitter Plugin

WP Plugins Draws and Giveaways sponsored by our great listeners and plugins developers. Enter Your Email Below to Enter!

A special thanks to Jason from and their generous donation of the Lifetime pro license for VC Splitter.

In Episode 310  I reviewed their Pro version of the plugin:

VC Splitter Pro

Freemium Plugin from $10 a month

sent in by James Cantoni

The Lowdown:

This is a plugin that will allow you to do A/B split testing on your content easily if you are using visual composer. At 3 levels of purchase you can go for the free which allows you to create the testing items between buttons, heading and images, buy it on code canyon and get the added features of text testing, tracking and a stats dashboard, or from their site where you get multi column and row testing, mobile testing.

If you are in need of A/B testing and using visual composer this looks to be a plugin for you

Rating 4 Dragons.


Enter now to Win your Lifetime Pro License just enter your email below.

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